Forget it, an excellent developer is better than a subordinate with outstanding combat capabilities, so just mess with it if you want.

Now Matsukura has figured it out. Not only is Lan Guanghong a ruthless person who can confront Gurungi, but he also has hidden scientific research skills. His importance has undoubtedly far surpassed that of Suruga.

Although it is a bit inhumane to say this, the two are now on the same page. If he had to choose one between the two, Matsukura would definitely choose "Nagano". As for Suruga...

Let him sacrifice for the sake of justice!

After the welcome ceremony for the new members, Ichijo took the initiative to approach Lan Guanghong.

"Welcome back, Nagano!"

"Hahaha, you're too polite. Come to my house for a drink tonight?"

Speaking of this, Ichijo's expression suddenly became a little reluctant: "Let's wait for another day, I have something to do in the past two days."

Seeing that Ichijo's expression was wrong, Lan Guanghong's face suddenly darkened.

"Is it the Gurungi incident?"

"...It's not confirmed yet, but it's probably true."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Kaoru Ichijo wanted to speak but stopped.

"Because I resigned from the police force, do you treat me as an ordinary citizen who needs protection?"

Blu-ray red got close to Kaoru Ichijo, and the oppressive momentum made the other party break out in cold sweat.

The answer is self-evident, Kaoru Ichijo really thinks so.

Even though he has a powerful body that can overwhelm Gurungi, in Kaoru Ichijo's heart, Blue Light Red, who took off his police uniform, is classified as an ordinary person, and he doesn't want to involve him in this kind of incident again.

In the past, he did the same to the Fifth Generation, until the Fifth Generation turned into a void in front of him. Knowing that the other party had been deeply involved in the whirlpool of the Gurungi incident, Ichijo agreed to let the Fifth Generation help solve this series of events.

But Blue Light and Red are different. He does not have the power to transform into Kuuga. If he is involved again, and one day he encounters a powerful Gurungi that cannot be dealt with, Ichijou feels that he will definitely regret not being able to stop this friend in the first place.

Lan Guanghong almost understood the other party's thoughts, and his aura gradually subsided.

"Now I'm a police officer again. Come on, take me to the scene of the crime and tell me what happened on the way."


Kaoru Ichijo agreed happily and drove him away quickly. He didn't think there was anything wrong with a police supply inspection director driving.

At this time, Ozawa Sumiko, who was still waiting for the new member report in the R\u0026D team, was still holding her notebook with great expectations and waiting for someone to arrive~

"Sudden death incident?"

"Yes, five people died suddenly and for unknown reasons in two days. The victims were all students of Aoba High School."

"Where is the state of death?"

"He was bleeding from all his orifices, and the cause of death is being tested."

"Sudden death and bleeding, poisoning?" Lan Guanghong touched his chin and thought, and quickly found a suspicious target.

——Bee species Gurungi: Mei.Bakis.Ba

The original drama is about a vicious weirdo who flies in the air and pierces the head of his prey with a poisonous needle to kill it. The human being attacked will die suddenly, but there will be no bleeding from the orifices.

Based on the calculation of the order of the game, Lan Guanghong felt that this guy was the eighth player in the game this time, but his abilities and rules had changed.

"We're here."

While he was thinking, Ichijou had already parked his car in the school parking lot.

Lan Guanghong got out of the car and looked around. Under several tall teaching buildings, there were many students playing on the playground that was almost as big as a football field.

"It's so big, this high school."

"Yes, this harmonious scene reminds me of my student days."

Blue light red:......

I probably went to high school, but I have no memory of that.

"Ahem, Gurungi is specifically targeting the students here, those who meet the charm level...fuck!"


Ichijo turned his head in confusion, only to see a scene that made him unbelievable.


In the milky white flash, Blue Light Red transformed into a golden warrior with a pair of dragon horns, and then without hesitation, he reached out and unleashed his super power on everyone on the playground.

For an instant, everyone present stood motionless as if time had stood still.

It was Lan Guanghong who fully activated his changing ability in the transformed state, using the clothes worn by the people present to restrain themselves, and at the same time using hypnosis to make them fall into hallucinations to prevent them from struggling wildly in fear of the sudden changes.

Ichijo next to me shouted in surprise: "Nagano, you!"

"Don't disturb me, all these people have been tricked!"

When Lan Guanghong was talking just now, he used his detection eyes to see if he could find any clues, but unexpectedly found that everyone on the playground had a very thin needle inserted into their heads. Without even thinking about it, he knew that this was definitely a Gurungi murder. means!

I don’t know when or under what circumstances this injection will be triggered. In desperation, Blu-ray Red chose to use Agito's power to remove all these needles.

"come out!"

He brought his hand back to his face, and dozens of fine needles flew out of people's brains and were collected into his palm.

Then, he held the needles and stretched out his hand to the side: "One!"

Ichijo Kaoru understood immediately, took out the evidence bag from his pocket and carefully recovered the needles.

"Huh~" Lan Guanghong breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to his original form. Everyone present was instantly freed from superpowers and continued playing as if nothing happened.

Seeing this incredible scene, Ichijo licked his dry lips and continued to ask: "Nagano, what happened just now?"


Kaoru Ichijo:!

"Are you Agito?!"

"Well~ It's not the same as the Agito analyzed by Miss Sakurako, but you can understand it this way."

Without explaining too much about the difference between the two Agitos, he turned and walked towards the teaching building.

"Come on, let's go to the teaching building and have a look. Maybe there are more victims there who have needles stuck in their heads."

Kaoru Ichijo was startled, thinking that this possibility was very high, and quickly followed him.

As a result, some people in the building were indeed infected, but only a few, and the number was less than a fraction of the number in the playground outside.

This time, without even needing to transform, Blue Light Red easily pulled these people out of the death trap.

"I'm afraid these people have been stabbed before, so there are few people and they are relatively scattered. So there are so many people outside who have been stabbed..."

Blu-ray, red and Ichijou looked at each other.

"Grunki, he was outside just now!"

Chapter 309 Huli!

Just by a small margin, Blue Light, Red and Ichijo just missed Grunge, who left the school a few minutes before their arrival.

Fortunately, this trip was not fruitless. An important clue came from the mouths of teachers and students.

"Kasuga Hisao, who was originally an ordinary student, suddenly gained the ability to curse one day. He cursed several students who bullied him on the basketball court that day."

"...After that, he got even worse and would curse people to death if he didn't go his way. Now he has become someone that no one in this school dares to offend."

"Curse?" Lan Guanghong sneered: "It's the killing rules of Gurungi. It's really bad to use the revenge psychology of the bullied to play the game."

Ichijo smiled bitterly and did not answer. After all, campus bullying was technically under the jurisdiction of the police, but for various reasons, they could not control it inside the academy.

If I could have found out about Kasuga Hisao earlier, maybe...

"Don't get too carried away. Without Hisao Kasuga, there would still be Nobita Nobita. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of Gurungi, they are just tools to complete the game and can be replaced at any time." Lan Guanghong, who had already sat in the passenger seat of the car, waved: "Get in quickly. Che, the right solution is to find Gurungi and kill him as soon as possible.”

" he comes."

The Kasuga family.

"it hurts!"

Kasuga Hisao, an ordinary middle school student, screamed in pain, but it shocked the three female students next to him who were only wearing underwear.

"R-I'm sorry, Hisao-sama!"

"Really, Sanae, you are so good." Hisao glanced at the three beautiful female classmates who were threatened by him: "Megumi, Seiko, if you use more force... Oh, it's time to eat."

At the dinner table, three female classmates were forced to put on maid costumes and feed the "master" with forced smiles.

"Please use it, Hisao-sama."

"Hmm~" Hisao chewed the rice, a **** smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Even his parents who raised him couldn't believe his appearance.

They held each other's hands under the table, with a hint of fear hidden on their depressed faces.

"This is not Hisao...Hiao, where did you go?"

Just as a group of people fell into fear, two police officers also came to the door of the house.

"Haruhi, this is it."

Lan Guanghong knocked on the door gently and unceremoniously, and the muffled thunderous sound suddenly echoed through the entire Kasuga house.

The female student who was feeding Hisao in the room was already frightened. She couldn't help but trembled at the sound, and the spoon in her hand directly penetrated Hisao's throat.


Hisao retched for a while, pulled out the spoon and shouted angrily: "Asshole, do you want to die?!"

"Then kill me!" The female student couldn't bear it anymore and shouted to him with tears in her eyes: "Kill now, if this continues, I might as well die!"

Someone took the lead, and the other two students couldn't help it.

"Me too! Kill me, I can't stand this kind of thing anymore!"

The three people who were emotionally broken hugged each other and cried. Seeing this scene, Hisao gritted his teeth and didn't know what to do for a while.

But someone made the choice for him.


The door suddenly flew into the house, smashing a large piece of the shoe cabinet next to it.

"I seem to hear someone coercing an innocent girl." Lan Guanghong stepped into the room and stared at Hisao with his eyes covered in shock with his cold eyes: "Is that you? Kasuga Hisao."

Although it was a question, the tone was one of conviction.

"You~" Kasuga's father plucked up the courage to ask, "Who are you? I broke into a house without permission, I want to call the police!"


Lan Guanghong showed his police ID card with one hand: "Any more questions?"

Kasuga family:......

"Ichijo, arrest him!" He directly picked up Hisao Kasuga and threw it to the insignificant Ichijo. Then he knelt down and comforted the three female students softly: "It's okay, it's over."

"As long as I...we are here, his curse will not take effect. You believe me~"

Ichijo Kaoru:......

The simple words concealed the super power of hypnosis. The three girls slowly calmed down and got into the police car with Lan Guanghong to go back for investigation and questioning.

Of course, the investigation is fake, but the protection is real. If they are allowed to leave like this, there is a high chance that they will be targeted by Gurungi.

An incident occurred on the way to the car. There were not enough parking spaces, and the three girls were unwilling to stay with Hisao Kasuga. Just when Ichijo was thinking about calling his assistant, Lan Guanghong grabbed Hisao by the neck and threw him away. Into the trunk.

"That's it, you probably don't mind driving...overloading."

"Actually, I do mind it a bit."

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