...In the end, Lan Guanghong did not agree to join Ozawa's research team.

The reason is not him, but Ozawa Orange.

- She is drunk.

The G-series armor development plan has been launched since the emergence of Grunge. For a while, she has been working day and night every day.

However, the lack of information made it difficult for her to complete the final design of this suit of armor. She even fainted from exhaustion while working today. If she hadn't been discovered by a passerby, she might have died suddenly in the hall today.

Naturally, a good old man like Ichijo would not sit idly by and watch his colleague die suddenly, so after seeking the fifth generation's consent, he exposed Kuuga's identity to Ozawa. After preliminary collecting Kuuga's data, the group prepared to have dinner together.

Fifth generation was a little worried about Bao Mei, so he proposed to come here to have a meal, and he could also see if Bao Mei had changed today.

Unexpectedly, Ozawa met his savior here.

...Then I accidentally released too much pressure and drank myself to death.

"Be prepared, Nagano."

Before leaving, Kaoru Ichijo said behind Ozawa's back: "She won't let you go until you agree to obey her."

Blu-ray red:?

Why does this sound weird?

"Let's talk about it then. If you have time, it's not impossible to go and help."

"Thank you, I'll tell her."

"Well, bye, Ichijo, Godai."

Fifth generation:......

It turns out you can see me!

After seeing off the only table of diners, Lan Guanghong went to the back to add some cat food and water to Leopard Girl's food box, and then went upstairs to find Faria and the others.

Tsugami Yukina has already fallen asleep, her face is calm and a little brighter than when she first arrived.

Faria withdrew the hand that sensed her physical condition and said: "There is a kind of power in her body, which feels stronger than the current fifth generation."

"It's the Agito of this world. Good news. It has nothing to do with the Agito we know. It's simply a special life catalyzed by spiritual stones."

"Oh~ I understand. But there is one more thing."

Faria pointed to the center of her eyebrows: "I found that something was implanted in her brain, like the seeds of a flower."

"Flower seeds?"

Lan Guanghong raised his eyebrows, recalling what the Grunki named Dordo said before he wanted to push Xuecai into the spirit stone.

"It turned out to be her tool."

who is she?

Flowers, women, Gurungi.

"La. Baruba Butterfly."

Blu-ray red and Faria said the name at the same time.

Lan Guanghong smiled slightly: "Rose Girl, I don't know what she looks like in this world."

Faria frowned: "Why do you want to know this?"

"Huh? I don't know how I can kill her?"

Faria: ...

Guessed wrong?

"Compared to this~" Lan Guanghong pointed at Tsugami Yukina lying on the bed: "Why don't we think that the bed is occupied, where should we sleep tonight?"

Chapter 307 Research Daddy Nagano-kun

Bakery: brioche bread.

The young man with a sunny smile waved goodbye to the guests: "Welcome to visit next time."

"Well, bye." The customer left with a smile while holding the bag.

Turning the corner, he stuffed the bread that was still warm from the oven into Yukina's arms.

"Have a taste of your lovely brother's craftsmanship."

"Shoichi..." Tsugami Yukina tore open the package, took off a small piece and put it in his mouth to chew slowly.

"So sweet~."

She smiled contentedly.

Lan Guanghong put his hands in his pockets and confirmed to her again: "Is this enough? If you want to return to ordinary life, I can help you."

Xuecai shook her head slightly: "No, from the moment I was labeled as a murderer, ordinary life has been far away from me."

"Okay, you can stay at my house temporarily, but in return you have to help take care of the store, how about that?"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Nagano. Also, can I ask?" Xuecai asked cautiously: "Who are you?"

"Me~" Lan Guanghong smiled crookedly: "I am, Kamen Rider!"


Kamen Rider, what is that?

"He is a hero who sticks to his beliefs and fights extraordinary enemies in order to protect everything he holds dear."

He looked at Xuecai meaningfully: "Miss Xuecai, do you want to become a knight?"


After some deception, Tsugami Yukina successfully fell in with the thief... Well, the King of Century's ship. Although he has not yet agreed to debut as Kamen Rider Agito, but under the influence of the Yakiniku family, I believe it is only a matter of time. .

After temporarily dealing with Tsugami Yukina's matter, a new problem appeared in front of him.

——Sumiko Ozawa.

He still underestimated this woman's determination. After seeing his skills yesterday, this guy had just sobered up early in the morning and rushed into the barbecue restaurant to drag away Lan Guanghong.

Fortunately, he slept alone on the sofa last night, and his clothes were intact, otherwise Ozawa Sumiko would have been blown out by the tornado today.

"So, do you want to join her scientific research team?"

On the way, Lan Guanghong was still thinking about this issue.

The advantages and disadvantages of joining are obvious. The advantage is that after joining, he will become the boss of the police station. Even if his re-entry level is very low, his special status in scientific research can make all policemen give him a seven-point rating.

To give a simple example, ordinary policemen are almost certain to die when they encounter Gurongi, but at this time a scientist suddenly appears and tells him that he can make something that guarantees a 50% chance of escape.

Then let alone Minister Matsukura, even the Superintendent General will have to bow and give way when they meet him in the corridor!

And the disadvantage is that, just like the fake identity of a deputy police officer before, he will be less free because of various affairs.

The key is that it is not easy to secretly deal with that Suruga... eh?

"Wait, if I join the equipment development team, I can deal with him openly under the pretext of testing equipment!"

"Okay! It's decided!"

After making the choice, Lan Guanghong's footsteps suddenly became extremely brisk, and he walked directly towards the Metropolitan Police Department.


Familiar meeting room, familiar people, but the position is slightly different.

"Captain Matsukura, I haven't seen you for two days. You look a lot worse."

"...Hehe." Minister Matsukura forced a smile and ignored Lan Guanghong's introduction: "This is Patrol Chief Nagano Daiko, a member of the development team to which Inspector Ozawa belongs. Let's look forward to his future performance."

"No need to wait until later, we can do it now."

Lan Guanghong interrupted and took out a blue can-like object from his pocket: "This is a special grenade I invented. The function~well, it can't be used here. Please follow me to the rooftop."

Under his leadership, everyone including the minister walked up to the rooftop with doubts, including Ichijo Kaoru and Suruga Toru.

For some reason, Suruga felt a little uneasy. Thinking that Ichijo was familiar with Nagano who had returned, he approached and asked: "Ichijo, what the hell is your friend doing?"

Ichijo Kaoru:...

He turned a deaf ear and continued to go upstairs as if there was no such person in front of him.

What a joke. He and Suruga have a deep hatred. If it weren't for the policeman's identity and his inner morality, he would have beaten Suruga even if he knew he couldn't win.

Ichijo will never forget that incident. Countless colleagues died, and even his sister was indirectly implicated. Only Suruga walked out of there unscathed.

"Tsk, you don't know either." Suruga sneered.

He wanted to see what tricks Nagano was going to play.

"... Very good, the light is good, just right for showing my masterpiece."

Thumbs up to the sun, Lan Guanghong smiled and took out the can: "Well, everyone, please watch!"

He pulled open the pull ring and threw it on the ground. The can exploded instantly and a huge ball of blue gas was blown out. Many people were caught off guard and were caught in it.

"No! What is this~ thing~?"

The talking policeman:?

The police wrapped in the blue gas moved as slowly as a sloth, and even their speech became slow motion.

"This is it!"

I tried to reach out his hand. It was smooth at first, but when he went a little deeper, he felt like he was squeezed into a swamp and couldn't move.

"I call it heavy accelerated gas. The effect is as you can see. It can slow down everything inside the gas. But don't worry, it won't affect thinking and breathing. It will dissipate on its own after three minutes."

As he said, three minutes later, the blue gas suddenly decomposed rapidly and turned into particles that were invisible to the naked eye and rose into the sky.

"Huh~!" The policeman who just spoke patted his chest in surprise: "What a magical thing, how should this be used?"

"Good question!" Lan Guanghong cast a 'promising' look at the policeman and continued to explain: "Think about it, what Gurongi is most proud of is undoubtedly their physical fitness far beyond that of humans. Ordinary bullets can hardly hurt them, but if we can't beat them, we can still delay!"

He took out another heavy acceleration can: "When Gurongi comes, everyone will hit it like I did just now. When the opponent can't move, we can find support if we need to, and retreat if we need to retreat tactically. It has no way to deal with it!"

Everyone present:!

Yes! No matter how terrible the enemy is, it will not pose any threat if it moves as slowly as a sloth!

A police officer who was confused asked: "What if three minutes is not enough?"

"Then we can smash another one. Don't worry, this thing is very cheap. You can make three for the price of a barbecue meal."

"Oh, by the way, there is another use. Please... Inspector Suruga come to cooperate."


Looking at the cold expression of Chief Matsukura, he knew that he had to cooperate this time.

"Humph, I'm honored."

Suruga grinned and said cheerfully: "How should I cooperate?"

"That's it!" Lan Guanghong's smiling face disappeared, and he suddenly grabbed the other person's collar and threw him off the roof.

Chapter 308 It's Agito!

It's human instinct to be afraid of death. Suruga couldn't help but scream in fear when he was suddenly thrown from the roof.

"Uh ah ah..."


Keeping his limbs kicking, Suruga plunged into the heavy acceleration air mass. The deceleration effect made him freeze with a stunned expression in fear, which looked particularly funny.

"That's it. Everyone knows that we have encountered Gurongi who like to throw people off the roof before. Now, if we encounter this kind of thing again, we can do the same thing and escape. We can even take the initiative to jump down and use this to escape when encountering Gurongi at a high place."

"Oh~!" Minister Matsukura took the lead in applauding: "What a great invention, how long will it take for large-scale implementation?"

"Very quickly, the production process of this thing is very simple, even if the Suruga Inspector Twenty-four disappears without sleep, he can make about sixty."

Matsukura: ...

So how much do you hate Suruga?

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