At the same time, Dr. Masumi Karizaki, who was sitting in the laboratory and watching the battle remotely, rested his chin on his hands and looked confused.

...I haven't explained it yet, why did you transform?

Why are you so skilled!

Chapter 2 Your name


The young man's transformation did not interrupt the monster's attachment to him. It pounced on him again with its fangs and claws bared, extending its sharp claws to grab the knight's head.

Bell's compound eyes with excellent performance accurately captured the monster's movements. He raised his hand, then first, and pinched the monster's wrist.

Then, he raised his foot and kicked hard.


Unparalleled force imprinted on the monster's chest, kicking it away and crashing into the ruins destroyed by it with a sonic boom.

And the hand it launched the attack with just now is still in the knight's palm.

"Huh, poor, weak, weak!"

Shaking off the severed limb, the knight stamped his seal, then pushed the belt with both hands and launched his special move.


The knight squatted half-crouched, purple energy flowing out from his belt and converging on his right foot.

In the ruins, the one-armed deformed monster struggled to get up and let out a low roar of pain.

The knight was unmoved by this, leaping high with both legs, and when he reached the highest point, he hit the monster with a single-leg flying kick.

[Vailing Impact! ]

The blow landed, and the knight looked back confidently.

"Despair is your end."

Behind him, purple lightning burst out from the monster, screaming and falling to the ground, and finally there was a violent explosion.

The blast of air lifted up the knight's cape, making him look like a savior hero.

"It's amazing!"

A soldier who followed the car watched the knight's overwhelming combat power and couldn't help but murmured.

Before this battle, they had fought these demons many times and knew how terrifying they were.

Weapons that can easily tear ordinary people into pieces are like scratching an itch on these demons, unable to even stop them from moving forward.

Because of this, he would sigh at the powerful fighting power of the knights.

But the next moment, he felt cold all over.

Because the knight turned his head towards them!

"Next, it's you."

The knight walked slowly towards the soldiers who had forced him to fight.

He was not planning to go on a killing spree, but simply wanted to get some information out of their mouths, and then slip away and stay away from this organization called Noah.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

As soon as he took two steps, several sparks erupted from his belt, and a feeling of weakness and weakness quickly spread throughout his body.

The body was half-kneeling on the ground uncontrollably, and the transformation was automatically released.

He could only watch helplessly as the soldier took out a thick black stick and stabbed him hard.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

The beautiful words that blurted out were emitted by the electric baton. The young man rolled his eyes and passed out.

Secret testing base - Noah.

Commander Dongshan looked at the battle video and expressed his sincere admiration.

"No. 71, is there a human who can take the initiative to seize Keef's power? Interesting."

"I wonder which Bell is better compared to No. 72, who has been transplanted with Keefe cells?"

Masumi Karizaki stood nearby, silently looking at the screen divided into two lenses.

Bell on one side moved quickly, taking the attack and finishing the demon with just one kick and then a sure kill.

On the other side, Bell looked like he was crazy, pressing down on the demon and beating him violently, which more intuitively demonstrated the power of Keefe cells.

"Keef's power, Kamen Rider Bell."

With confusion in his eyes, he murmured to himself: "I may have opened Pandora's box."

Commander Higashiyama had completely different ideas from Karisaki. He was smiling, and a hint of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes, which quickly disappeared.

"The way to make a deal with the devil has been found!"

In the cell.

The young man was thrown back here again and wrapped in chains again.

The young man who was still in a coma was unaware of all this. He was dreaming.

In the dream, he was lying on the operating table of a laboratory glowing with green light, surrounded by several strange-looking guys, communicating with indistinct voices.

Before he could see the appearance of the weird people clearly, the ceiling shattered, and under the sunlight, a man in white robes fell from the sky.

The man in white robe came to the operating table, turned his back to him and raised his hand, a violent hurricane rose from the ground, flying all the surrounding equipment and a few weirdos out, leaving the laboratory in a mess.

After doing this, the person turned around and faced him directly. Under the pure white feather mask that half covered his face, the small cherry mouth gently opened and let out a gentle female voice.

"Young man, @#\u0026?*"


"@#\u0026?*... wake up!"

A scolding sound awakened the young man from his dream.

He sat up in confusion and found that he was back in the cell again, with no one around him.


"You dream, it's me who's talking!"

The young man frowned and realized that things were not simple.

After hesitating for a moment, he carefully picked up the edge of the bed and looked under the bed.

Still no one.

The young man's eyes widened in horror, and he quietly shrank back to the bed, then lifted up the bed sheet and used it as a quilt to wrap himself tightly in it.



"You bastard! I kindly lent you my power to defeat the enemy, but now you think I'm a ghost?!"

"Then what are you?"

"I am the devil, the devil born from your body!"

Young man:?

Compared to ghosts, demons seem to be more terrifying!

However, this demon seems to have no malice, which makes him calm down a little.

"The demon in my body? Then can you come out?"

"Not now, I was born not long ago and my strength is not strong, and the battle during the day consumed a lot."


The young man lifted the sheets and sat blankly, thinking for a while and asked: "Well, what's your name?"

"Name, let me think... Well, let's call it Falia."

"It's so casual."

"Wulusai, what's your name?"

"My name." The young man scratched his head: "I should have a name, but I can't remember it."

"Amnesia? It's so pitiful... Let me check it out!"

The next second, the young man felt itchy in his head.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't mess with other people's brains casually!"

"Anxin, sister, I will be very gentle, but your memory is really broken enough."

The young man had no way to deal with this guy who secretly got into his brain, so he could only let the other party mess around.

Not long after, the strange feeling disappeared.

Faria's voice was a little strange: "I found a few people's images from your memory. Do you want me to tell you their names and see if you can remember anything?"

The young man was a little excited: "Yes, yes, yes, you say."

"Baba Fumika, Uchida Rio, Tsurushima Noa, Kudo Mio... How about it, do you have any impression?"

"Well, it seems that there is a picture."

After thinking hard for a long time, the young man had a flash of inspiration and punched his palm with one hand.

"I remember, they are all my wives!"

There was a strange silence...

In his mind, Faria shouted angrily: "Bah, you are thinking about Taozi!"

"Haha, that's right."

The young man laughed dryly a few times, lying on his back on the bed, temporarily putting aside the memory.

He remembered the blue sky and the red sun emitting warm light that he saw when he fought during the day today.

"Well, it's inconvenient without a name."

"From now on, just call me Lan Guanghong."

Chapter 3 Another Knight

In the next few days, Lan Guanghong has been eating, sleeping, and fighting demons.

Of course, he did not succumb to Noah, but was quietly accumulating strength and waiting for an opportunity to escape.

During this period, he gradually discovered his own uniqueness.

——The feeling when he first shone in the sun was not an illusion caused by being locked up for too long, it was really useful.

It was just that the first battle was too short and he ignored it. Every time he fought in the sun, he could clearly feel that his physical fitness was improving.

In the past few days, he almost didn't feel weak after fighting, and he could show his belt at any time to fight again.

However, he did not show his abnormality. Instead, he would deliberately prolong the fighting time during the battle, and always looked exhausted and fainted after the battle.

Well~, I am an ordinary person who was transformed, I didn't eat well and sleep well, and I was forced to fight. It is reasonable that I will become weaker and weaker.

Noah's people did not doubt it. Only Karisaki Masumi found some clues when he did a physical examination for him, but he looked at the pale and thin Lan Guanghong and said nothing in the end.

Noah felt guilty about using humans as demon test subjects, and he began to waver.

In the cage, Lan Guanghong drew circles on the wall casually, and made a decision in his heart.

The next battle will be the time to leave this cage!

What if there are more demons that come to harm the people?

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