"That's it. I'll find a way to deal with Mogami Kuixing here, and I'll leave that to you, Yongmeng!"

"Well, don't worry, Palad, I will definitely protect our world."

The call ended, and Palad's face flushed slightly.

Blue Light Red:?

Young man, you better blush because you are excited to finally contact Yongmeng.

"Okay, I'll go find Mogami now, please destroy Enigma after I leave!" Palad turned around with excitement and was about to leave, but was grabbed by the hood by Blue Light Red.

"Stop, let's not talk about whether Mogami has a backup plan, have you ever thought that the knight over there has no effective means to deal with the Nebula Collapse Source?"

Palad was stunned when he heard this.

Indeed, two years ago... for Yongmeng it was a week ago, at that time they could easily deal with the Nebula Collapse Source, and the Build that suddenly appeared could also easily deal with them.

But now, the Nebula Collapse Source has undergone several improvements, and his perfect knockout is difficult to work on this kind of monster, and it must be made by Super Mario Bros.

At present, if those doctors encounter this improved Nebula Collapse Source, they will probably face such a dilemma. Even if he goes back in time, how many weirdos can he and Yongmeng deal with together?

"Have you figured it out? It won't work if you rush in like this." Lan Guanghong smiled confidently: "But I have a plan."

Parade's eyes lit up: "Oh? You have a plan too?"

Chapter 260 The game manager is doubting his life

The Wall of the Sky, a place where the East and North meet.

Mogami Kuixing, wearing a half blue mechanical mask on his face, stood here, looking at the front without saying a word.

On the surface, there was nothing in front, but he knew that the machine that could fulfill his wish, Enigma, was standing there.

"What a beautiful science, why deny it? Katsuragi Takumi was like this in the past, and now there are people like you."

Mogami slowly turned his head and looked at Lan Guanghong who was walking towards him.

"Huh? Who knows what you're talking about?" Lan Guanghong took out the belt righteously: "I'm just a person who was commissioned to deal with you, a Faust cadre, henshin!"


How did I become a Faust cadre? Didn't that Xueqian guy say that this guy came for my plan?

Bastard, he was used by him!

Mogami quickly reacted. He and the other party were fooled by Xueqian. The bastard told him that a Kamen Rider had targeted his machine, and then turned around and told the knight that he was a Faust cadre in the identity of Ishido.

In addition to being angry, he was a little lucky that he didn't let Xueqian know his entire plan. When the plan is completed and the two worlds are completely destroyed, let's see if Xueqian can still laugh!

——Of course Mr. E can laugh. He is not an earthling, and the destruction of the earth has nothing to do with him.

It's just that there is no place for Mogami in Mr. E's plan, and no matter what Mogami is planning, it is an obstacle to his plan. For such unstable factors, getting rid of them is the best choice.

The above statement also applies to Blue Light Red, so Xue Qian set a trap to lure them into the trap, hoping that they would die together.

"But, it won't be so easy."

Sitting on the wall of the sky, Xue Qian propped up his head and watched the battle between the two people below.

One side is Build, who uses a single Gatling gun full bottle to transform into a special form, and the other side is a special warrior with blue gears on half of his body.

[Kaiser! ]

"Huh? You are also called Kaiser?" Blue Light Red shook his hand, raised the uncolored version of the Eagle Gatling gun and pulled the trigger.

Tu Tu Tu...

A series of bullets sprayed towards the enemy as if they didn't need energy. Kaiser raised his left arm and released a giant energy gear to block all these bullets.

"Tsk, using a shield is nothing."

Stop shooting with disdain, Lan Guanghong sneered: "Real men should use their pectoralis major muscles to take the blow!"

"Okay, take it for me!"

Caesar threw the gear at him without any hesitation. Lan Guanghong was startled and subconsciously leaned back. The circular saw-like gear almost passed by his body.

Lan Guanghong:...

"Tsk~" Caesar crossed his arms across his chest. The word "tsk" seemed to say nothing, but in fact it said everything.

"Shameless old thief dared to sneak attack, take my shot!" Lan Guanghong raised his gun and shot again, and Caesar did not hide, but took out his nebula gun and shot him passionately.

After shooting for a while, the distance between the two was very close, and they put away their guns at the same time and started close combat.

"Roar, it's finally getting interesting."

The blood dive above has been collecting various data and intelligence of the two, so that it will be convenient to pick up leaks after the battle.

First, Caesar. From the process of his battle with Build, it can be seen that the performance of this special warrior is far superior to that of Night Tyrant and Bloody Dive, and he can beat his cheap brother-in-law without any chance of fighting back.

As for Blue Light Red, Bloody Dive is very clear about the basic performance of Build's belt, and now he just wants Mogami to quickly beat him to pieces, so that he can observe the power of the mysterious knight named Agito again.

"Come on, Mogami, I have high hopes for you."

Bloody Dive's eyes are fixed on Caesar.

However, it is well known that Medusa's gaze will kill anyone who looks at it. Although E is not Medusa, he is also a snake. To round it off, even if it is not to the point of killing anyone who looks at it, it is still okay to have some trouble.

So, Caesar got into trouble.


He was fighting well, but suddenly several arcs of electricity burst out from his body, and his body movements paused for a moment.

"Damn, how come time is up so quickly!" Mogami was shocked, and was hit by a punch from Blue Light Red on his chest, and he immediately took advantage of the momentum to retreat.

As he retreated, the arcs of electricity on his body burst out more frequently, as if he would explode at the next moment.

"Can't delay any longer!"

There was little time left for the battle, but the knight in front of him was still very lively, and it was obviously not something that could be solved in a short time.

Mogami gritted his teeth, suddenly opened his arms, and ignored Blue Light Red's punch to force him to restrain him.

"Experience it yourself, my greatest masterpiece!"

The huge gear burst out again, knocking Blue Light Red out.

"Enigma, start!"

The invisible huge mechanical hand appeared with Mogami's command, and the eye-like machine in the palm of his hand emitted light, opening the space-time channel.

Almost at the same time, his transformation was also forcibly released, turning back to his original appearance.

At this time, a red and blue figure suddenly jumped out from the bushes on the roadside!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Zui Shang Kuixing!"

"What!" Zui Shang Kuixing was shocked. Before he could turn around completely, he was hugged by Paradex who suddenly appeared. He couldn't help but fall into the space-time channel with Paradex.


The black hole disappeared. Without its owner, Enigma fell into silence again.

Xue Qian who was watching the game:?

This, it's gone!

The sudden change caught him off guard, but soon, he almost hummed the little song he learned on Mars happily.

The two obstacles did not perish together, but they were both teleported to another world, and the variable that originally followed Katsuragi Takumi also went with them.

Great joy! As long as this space-time machine is destroyed now, no one can come back to interfere with him!

"It's really my lucky star. Go with peace of mind, Xiangyi. As your brother-in-law, I will build a monument for you, fuhaha..."


"Very good, the plan is going smoothly." Lan Guanghong, who landed smoothly, looked up and said, "The situation here doesn't seem to be good."

"You can see it, it's very bad!" Palad, who was holding the top star, kicked away the nebula collapse source body that rushed towards him, and then looked around, and soon found a few familiar knights in a large sea of ​​collapse source bodies.

And Baosheng Yongmeng, who could not transform and could only be forced to watch the show on the side.

"Yongmeng!" Palad pushed the top star to Lan Guanghong's side, and ran towards the little angel with a happy face.

Blue Light Red: ...

"Palad! Great, you're finally back!"

"Well, I've been waiting for a long time!" Palad put the full bottle of Knight's Power into Yongmeng's hand: "Power, I got it back for you."

"Great! Thank you!"

It's not appropriate to say too much on the battlefield. After Yongmeng poured the ingredients in the bottle on himself, the two prepared to transform and meet the enemy.

"Palad, this is a new cartridge made by Lidou. It is very effective against these special collapsing bodies." Yongmeng took out a cartridge with Build's bust printed on it: "But the cartridge has side effects, you have to be careful..."

"Then use this." Palad handed over the Super Mario Bros. cartridge.


"Hahaha, this is the talent of God, ah cha cha cha~" Dan Lidou, who used the zombie cartridge, laughed excitedly while slashing monsters.

"In such a short time, who else can research to deal with these collapsing bodies? Who else!"

[Super Mario Bros! ]

Dan Lidou God:?

In the group of monsters, two knights, one red and one green, jumped back and forth, and every time they stepped on a source of collapse, they would beat it back to its original form.

The god was furious on the spot: "Who! How dare you develop game cartridges without permission!"

"Oh, it seems that this hastily made cartridge has some defects." Lan Guanghong dragged the most superior Kuixing to the center of the crowd, and casually took out a few brand new cartridges from the back and threw them out.

"Everyone, use this!"

Jing Feicai, Hana Daiga, Kujo Guiliya, and even Poppy who were present received brand new cartridges.

The next moment, all kinds of dazzling colorful lights burst out from them.

[Dragon Quest! ]

[Super Robot Wars! ]

[Violent Motorcycle! ]

[Hatsune Miku Diva Project! ]

Danli Doushen: ? ? ?

Chapter 261 Mysterious Consortium

"It's so noisy." Lan Guanghong used his little finger to drill his ear and complained, thinking that he should adjust the sound effects to be simpler.

But it was too late to regret now. The scene of the knights changing their forms together was like a meeting of ten little devils, and they were holding Heisei Hehe swords.

"With this noise, even a dead pig would be awakened." Lan Guanghong lifted the back of Mogami's collar and asked playfully: "Don't you think so? Mogami Kuixing?"


The exposed Mogami didn't pretend to be unconscious anymore. He opened his eyes and said indifferently: "So all this was your conspiracy. Xueqian, that guy, is really ridiculous!"

In fact, Mogami woke up when he just came out of the time tunnel, but he was powerless at that time and could only pretend to be unconscious and wait for the opportunity.

But Lan Guanghong suddenly said something like "the plan went well", and then he took out a special cassette that could deal with the Nebula Collapse Source Body, which was premeditated at a glance.

At that time, he understood that the man in front of him had known about his and Xue Qian's conspiracy for a long time, and even used them to come to this world.

When he learned the truth of the matter, Mogami almost became depressed on the spot.

Originally, he thought that he was used by Xue Qian, but he didn't expect that Xue Qian was also used by others. Only he was foolishly kept in the dark like a fool, knowing nothing.

"What conspiracy? The old man really doesn't know how to talk. This is called a clever plan!" Lan Guanghong smiled slightly: "But I didn't expect you to be so calm now. I hope you can be so tough when you lie on the operating table later."


"Why do I have to go to the operating table?"

"Because I want to ask you a few questions, but you are so tough that you will definitely not answer easily, so I will try to beat you up first." Lan Guanghong grinned with a kind smile: "Don't worry, the knights present are mainly doctors, and I promise that you will die peacefully in the end."

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