"Hmph, I'm not afraid of any of these miscellaneous soldiers!"

Parade attacked confidently.

Three minutes later...

"Damn, my attack didn't work?"Parade retreated to his original position and looked around at the enemies who surrounded him solemnly: "They are not ordinary collapse sources."

It turned out that the mastermind was indeed watching here through the surveillance. After seeing Parade's dilemma, he turned on the microphone and taunted: "Hmph, they are nebula collapse sources mixed with nebula gas. You can't defeat them. Kamen Rider Para-DX, you will perish in despair!"

"Perish? Don't make me laugh!" Parade waved his weapon again and rushed into the enemy group, and his voice spread far away: "After all, it's still a collapse source. Watch me solve it for you!"

He said it beautifully, but it was visible to the naked eye that he was fighting more and more reluctantly, and the number of times he was attacked was increasing.

The mastermind was very proud, and even ignored the fact that on another screen, the blue light red had absorbed all the nebula gas and game viruses in the building into himself!

"Tsk, I analyzed shrimp dumplings in the Shocker Spacetime before, but I didn't expect it to come in handy now!"

His hands sparkled, and he activated the superpower of the two poisons compressed into a sphere in his opponent's heart: transformation!

The concentrated gas kept rolling and deforming under the ravages of the transformation ability, and finally turned into a double-slot cartridge.

"Very good, a perfect masterpiece!"

He kicked the door to pieces, and the blue light red rushed out suddenly, shouting to Parad who was overwhelmed by the enemy: "Knight, use this!"

He threw out the red and green intertwined game cartridge, and a hand suddenly stretched out from the enemy group and accurately caught the cartridge.

Then, he pressed the start switch.

[Super Mario Bros! ]

As the title says, I accidentally indulged in P5R today, and as a result, I was completely out of state when I was typing. I felt that it was not good enough when I wrote halfway, so I deleted it all...

Now I have to ask for another day off, and I am too embarrassed to ask the gentlemen to forgive me. I can only ask everyone to believe that I can complete this book after updating it to one million words, and I will never give up halfway.

I'm very sorry. I won't be so addicted in the future.

Thank you for your support, readers. I wish you a healthy body like a pancake and wealth like the light of SanDisk in the new year (\u003e○\u003c).

Chapter 250: High Morality Xiang Yijun

Super Mario Bros., the posture after transformation is very similar to the two-player action player of Ex-Aid, but when Parad uses it, his whole body is green, and his head is also replaced with a baseball cap like Nicole, with a big L painted in the center of the green cap.

The game level is LV20, not as good as Parad's original LV99, but this cartridge is a new generation game with a full bottle feature. It has a special attack effect on the current group of monsters, and the combat efficiency is much stronger than "perfect knockout".

"A wonderful feeling, it really makes me excited."

After quickly clearing the nebula collapse source around him, Parad couldn't help but sigh. Then, he directly pulled the belt lever to launch a special move.

[Decisive move! Super Luigi Impact! ]

The energy of the cassette gathered at his feet. Palad jumped high, stomped and jumped on the top of the source of collapse until he jumped out of the encirclement, then turned around and stretched out his hands. A strange device like a vacuum cleaner appeared in his hands.

The next second, a strong suction force was generated, and all the source of collapse were sucked into the device with strange cries. At the same time, the cans behind him continuously sprayed out the unconscious humans who had recovered.

"Fuck, slow down!"

Lan Guanghong hurried over to catch these people and put them steady, avoiding the tragedy of them being piled up into a sea of ​​people.

"It's a mistake. It seems that we need to adjust it again." He wiped the non-existent sweat and raised his index finger to make a silent gesture to Palad who was puzzled.

"Shh~, let's go out and talk first. Can you help get these people out first?"

Palad readily agreed: "Okay."

So the two of them changed their jobs to porters on the spot and carried the unconscious people on the ground out one by one.

Once, when Lan Guanghong was carrying two people outside and preparing to return, he was suddenly stunned.

At the door, a young man was carrying an unconscious uncle towards here. From his extremely strenuous movements, it was obvious that the uncle exceeded his normal load-bearing capacity.

Even so, he still took firm steps to help save people, and when he saw Lan Guanghong, he looked up and smiled shyly at him.

Lan Guanghong immediately gave him a big smile in return and raised his hand to praise.

He remembered this face, one of the people who was driven into the test site, and survived because of his rescue.

Although his legs were trembling with fear just now, Lan Guanghong was very relieved that he could muster up the courage to help save people.

...Someone took the lead, and slowly, more people joined the rescue operation. With the help of these lovely people, everyone was finally settled when it was almost dark.

Watching the ambulance leave with a wail, Lan Guanghong's smile suddenly disappeared, and he turned his head and went back into the mountains.


"What are you doing back there? I've confirmed that there's no one there."

"No one is there, but the facilities are still there." Lan Guanghong pinched his wrist and smiled artistically: "Let me blow this place up before I leave!"



Accompanied by a shocking tremor, the top of the mountain suddenly collapsed, and a volcano-like hole was formed.

Parade, standing in the distance, looked at this strange scene and asked with a twitch in his mouth: "Where did you get the bomb?"

"Don't pay attention to those details. If you take it seriously, you will lose." Lan Guanghong waved his hand: "Okay! Mission accomplished, friend, ramen thief?"

"I refuse. Eating is not a must for me."

Parade crossed his arms and looked arrogant.

Half an hour later...

The process of making ramen is super simple. Just boil the noodles and put them in a bowl, add various side dishes, and finally scoop a spoonful of soup to complete the job.

A skilled chef only needs more than ten seconds to make a bowl of delicious ramen. This is why Lan Guanghong likes to eat this when shopping. It is fast to make and you can enjoy the satisfaction of filling your mouth with food.

"Boss, another bowl, super double the shrimp meat!"



After three or two mouthfuls of another bowl of ramen, Lan Guanghong rubbed his stomach and stacked the bowl on the tall empty bowl mountain next to him.

Parad looked up at the height of the bowl mountain, and then looked at the three empty bowls on his side, and a strong doubt emerged in his heart.

——This guy, I am afraid that he is not a human at all, just like me?

"Huh~, I am full."

Lan Guanghong took out the profit from the robbers, and without even looking at it, he directly divided half of it and slapped it on the table.

"No need to change, let's go, let's go to another place to talk."

Parad got up and followed, but before they left the store, they were stopped by the boss behind them.

"Wait! Two guests, the money is not enough."

Lan Guanghong:?

"Huh? Boss, did you count it wrong? This is not enough?!"

"This sir, it is really not enough. If it is a few hundred yen, it will be fine, but this~" The boss spread his hands helplessly: "This is too much."

Lan Guanghong:? ? ?

Parad next to him suddenly explained: "The land in this area has been polluted by the gas from the Sky Wall, and the output is very scarce, and the price of food has risen dozens of times."

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I thought you knew."


In the end, a meal of ramen consumed all the income from the robber brother. Lan Guanghong was very sad about this, and sooner or later he would overthrow the Beidu government that did nothing.

"Whatever you say, I just want to find that guy and go back to my own world."

Sitting on the swing in the park, Parad looked a little lonely: "It's been two years since I came to this world. Where is that guy named Build?"

"Right in front of me."

"What!" Parad jumped up in shock: "Could it be that you are the guy who took away Yongmeng's power!"

Lan Guanghong waved his hand: "No, but I just know him."

"Where is he!"

"Calm down, I can take you to see him." At this point, Lan Guanghong suddenly changed the subject: "But now we have more important things to do."

"...What is it?"

"Just now when we were chatting, you said that you were brought here by Build's portal, and there was also a nebula collapse source body over there." Lan Guanghong coaxed: "Think about it again Thinking about what happened today, don't you think there is a conspiracy here? "

Parade was stunned at first, and after thinking for a while, he was surprised and said: "You mean, someone tried to invade Yongmeng's world and use those nebula collapse source bodies?"

"It may not be an invasion, but it is definitely not a good thing." Lan Guanghong patted the other party's shoulder and said earnestly: "Parade, you don't want Yongmeng's world to be messed up, right?"

Parade nodded slowly, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Okay, let's work together to solve this matter first, but you must take me to find Build later!"

Lan Guanghong immediately patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I will not only help you find him, but also help you get Yongmeng's power back!"

Parade was immediately moved by the noble character shown by Lan Guanghong, and couldn't help but reach out and hug him, patting his back and saying: "Thank you, Xiangyijun!"

Chapter 251 After all, he is a fool

After reaching a cooperation, Parade and Lan Guanghong bid farewell temporarily and went to Nanba Heavy Industries to find the traces of the mastermind behind the scenes.

This clue was provided by Lan Guanghong, because it was obviously not accidental that Katsuragi Takumi appeared in the Eimue world two years ago. He was related to the person who created the Nebula Collapse Source.

Considering the time, Katsuragi Takumi was still working at the Nanba Research Institute at that time, and it was hard to imagine that the large base in the mountains was built by one person, so he suspected that this person might also belong to Nanba Heavy Industries, or someone who cooperated deeply with it.

"Well, since Katsuragi Takumi and that person are accomplices, then would his USB flash drive also contain information about this incident?" Lying on the rocks by the sea, Lan Guanghong suddenly had such a guess.

"... Forget it, let's go find that idiot first, or Pipi Snake will be anxious if we delay any longer."

Manjo Ryugo, a special life that is a combination of the genetic factors of the alien life form Evolto and a human baby, but he himself does not know it, and only thinks that he is a human with great talent in combat.

Unfortunately, as an extremely important part of the resurrection plan, E-General will never let him escape from his control. It can be said that from the moment he received a call from his girlfriend and stepped into Katsuragi Takumi's house, his fate no longer belonged to him.

But now...

"It's a pity, Pipi Snake, I'm a cheating player."

Looking at Wanzhang who was working on the construction site from a distance, Lan Guanghong tilted his mouth and took out a simple remote control.

After a while, a mechanical soldier in government uniform walked towards Wanzhang crookedly. Judging from the number on its face, it was the one who gave him a butt in the base yesterday.

Most of its body was destroyed by Parad, but Blue Light Red repaired it to be able to move, and put on a layer of government uniform.

There are many flaws, but it is enough to scare Wanzhang.

After all, he is a fool~

Wanzhang, who was concentrating on cleaning the dust, heard the mechanical sound behind him, and his heart was cold at first, but soon calmed down.

It’s okay, Xiangcheng said that there will be no one in Beidu...

"If you find Wanzhang Longwo, execute him on the spot!"


His extraordinary reaction speed made him turn around immediately, and with the help of the twisting waist, he threw the scraper with his hand, just hitting the robot's face.

The mechanical soldier was knocked to the ground on the spot, and his head rolled down, and it stopped working completely after two sparks.

Wan Zhang didn't question why the soldiers from Beidu would arrest the wanted criminal from Dongdu, nor did he question why only one soldier came to arrest him, and he was the kind that was going to be scrapped. He just ran over the wall and ran away.

——After all, he was a fool.

"It's so easy to fool." Lan Guanghong shook his head, then rode the motorcycle that had been prepared long ago, turned the engine and caught up with Wan Zhang.

"Hey, get in the car!"

In a panic, Wan Zhang turned his head and recognized Lan Guanghong as the person who helped him fight off the attacker the day before yesterday. He immediately jumped into the car in surprise.

"I'm saved... Eh? Why is no one chasing me?"

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