"Oh yeah, that sandwich."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but picture Shi Dongsun's appearance when he was so hot that he breathed out fire, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


Zhan Rabbit was stunned.

Eh? I laughed out loud!


Zhantu suddenly turned his head: "Xiang Yi?"

He thought the blue light and red had returned to normal, but it turned out to be completely different.

I saw "Xiang Yi" staring at Shi Dongsou Yi, grinning with an unhealthy smile, and muttering some words of unknown meaning.

"Flowers, trees, sky, breeze..."

Zhan Rabbit and Shi Dong:?

After reciting it once, Lan Guanghong continued to pretend to be crazy and repeated it in his mouth.

Zhan Rabbit frowned, thought carefully, and suddenly realized.

"Is it some kind of secret message?!"

He scratched his head excitedly. After scratching, his hair suddenly raised a corner, looking extremely funny.

But Zhan Tu's mind was no longer on his hairstyle. He turned to the workbench and kept tapping on the computer with both hands, vowing to find out the secret of "Xiang Yi" from this code.

Shi Dongsongyi's eyes also lit up. He walked to Zhantu and watched him concentrate on his research. He silently muttered in his heart: "Leave it to you, genius physicist."

An hour passed and the research continued.

Two hours later, Shi Dong remained silent, and Zhan Rabbit looked like he was crazy.

Three hours later.

"Flowers, trees, sky..."

"Damn! It's just a bunch of random words, meaningless!" Zhantu knelt down in pain and covered his ears: "What am I doing! Ah, it's so painful, Xiangyi-kun, please stop reading it!"

"Xiang Yi" seemed to realize something, he actually stopped talking and focused his eyes on Zhan Rabbit.

"Eh? Could it be that you're awake!" Zhan Tu quickly got up, grabbed his shoulders and asked, "Xiang Yi, have you recovered?"

Looking at Zhan Tu's hopeful eyes, Lan Guanghong smiled slightly and chanted: "Flowers~"

"Ahhhh~! I can't stand it anymore!"

Zhan Tu covered his ears and ran away. Shi Dongsun hesitated for half a second and quickly followed behind and fled to the upper level.

What they didn't know was that the moment the disguised refrigerator door closed, Lan Guanghong immediately shut up and his expression suddenly changed.

Within a few seconds, he couldn't bear it anymore and leaned over and retched twice.

"Ugh~ It feels so uncomfortable!"

He slapped his chest and cursed with a ferocious expression: "Damn it, who came up with such disgusting words, they really deserve to go to hell!"

"...However, from the perspective of disgusting people, it is really effective, although even I am disgusted."

Silently labeling this memory of unknown origin in his mind as "dangerous", the next moment, his blue and red eyes burst out with a desire for electric welding, and he transformed into a mechanical knight in an instant.

"Then, let's start testing!"

Analytical eye, full firepower!

——The predecessor of War Rabbit is the genius physicist Takumi Katsuragi. A year ago, Takumi Katsuragi had a premonition that something bad might happen to him after his break with Faust, so he stored all his research results in a USB flash drive. This will be used in the future. The content inside also provided great help to Zhan Rabbit and the others.

But now, they have not achieved this result, and Blu-ray Red's current goal is not that.

His target was the Evol drive, which was broken into two hidden parts and hidden behind a full bottle of purification device.

This is the key to Evolto, an extraterrestrial life form, regaining his true form. Unfortunately, despite all the E-switches' efforts, Katsuragi never imagined that Katsuragi would ambush him in the end and bury the drive he had dreamed of getting back under his nose.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place, that's probably what it means.

"Kamen Rider Evol."

The blue-light-red monster smiled and weighed the freshly released Evol drive in his hand.

"I accept your power."

Chapter 247 War Rabbit’s Nightmare

Late that night, under the sky wall of Dongdu.

"Hey, why are you calling me out so late?" Xue Qian put one hand on his hips and tapped the chimney device above his head with the other hand and joked: "You don't want me to help you fix this, right?"

"Stark!" Night Tyrant, who was missing his horn, came up and grabbed the collar-like pipe of the blood submersible, and roared in a low voice: "What the hell are you doing? What the hell is that guy!"

"I don't know. Besides, weren't you the one who kidnapped him first?"

Ye Ba:?

Uh, that seems to be the case.

wrong! It's obviously the fault of the armed robot that received the order, so just scrap it when we get back!


The arrogant Yeba snorted coldly and let go of Xue Qian. As if what happened just now had not happened, he asked again: "That Wan Zhang Long and I went to Beidu with his little girlfriend. What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, that guy will be back soon."

Xue Qian turned his back, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, everything will go as planned. I'll leave it to you to be the slammer tomorrow, Ciao~"



"The plan has been delayed. The nebula gas in the base has not been cleaned up yet. There is no way...what do you mean?"

Although he couldn't see his expression through the mask, Ye Ba still felt a strong sense of ridicule from Xue Qian's careless movements.

That gesture seemed to be a silent curse: Are you a **?

"You must have forgotten, haven't you?" Xue Qian shook his head helplessly: "Our smoke gun and sword are combined into Laifu, which can directly inject nebula gas into the human body."

Ye Ba:!

"How, how could I forget!" Yeba turned his head slightly: "It's just that the danger level of Build has increased now, and I think ordinary slammers may not be enough."

"Then don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

After saying that, Xueqian turned around and waved his hand again: "Ciao~"

This time no one called him again, and he successfully turned back to Ishido Soichi. After returning to the cafe, he was surprised to hear the screams of Battle Rabbit and Misora ​​in the basement.


What happened again, can't I sleep!

Lack of sleep is a taboo for a middle-aged uncle like him!

Opening the refrigerator door, the screams in the basement suddenly became much louder. He hurried downstairs and saw Battle Rabbit circling around Build, while Misora ​​was sitting on the bed with a sleepy face in a daze.

What, isn't it just... Wait a minute!

He suddenly widened his eyes.

Battle Rabbit is circling around Build, who is the person who became Build?

Hiss~ Could it be!

"Oh, boss!" Battle Rabbit found Ishido Soichi standing in the middle of the stairs, and stretched out his hand to greet him: "Come and see! Shoichi can also become a build!"

It's really the mysterious Tsugami Shoichi!

"Oh? There is such a thing, let me see." Ishido Soichi pretended to be surprised and stepped forward to pat Lan Guanghong's shoulder, and immediately calculated his current danger level, and the smile on the corner of his mouth twitched twice.

It's still 0!

What kind of species is this! Why doesn't he talk about science at all?

"Oh, so amazing." Ishido Soichi sighed for a while, pretending to ask casually: "By the way, how did he transform?"

"It's just a normal transformation." Lan Guanghong suddenly said: "I saw Battle Rabbit using this belt during the day. Just now I saw that they were all asleep, and the belt was on the table. I tried it because I was itching to try it."

Ishido Soichi:?

"Have you regained consciousness?"

Lan Guanghong tilted his head in confusion: "Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? I lost consciousness?"

Ishido and Zhantu looked at each other in astonishment. At this time, Lan Guanghong also untransformed and put the belt back, and asked curiously: "It's really strange. So much time has passed in the blink of an eye. Am I sleepwalking?"

"Sleepwalking?" Zhantu frowned and thought about it, and suddenly said: "Flowers, trees, sky, sky..."

He couldn't continue, because Lan Guanghong cast a look at him like a crazy person.

"Uh, then do you still remember...hiss!"

Zhantu suddenly felt a chill coming over him, the location, is behind him!

The three of them looked over there tremblingly, only to see that Misora ​​had stood up at some point.

She held a rabbit doll in one hand and a kitchen knife that she had pulled out from nowhere in the other, and said murderously: "I've already told you, I'm so tired and sleepy, don't bother me."

"Stab you to death!"

Everyone shuddered suddenly and ran upstairs like a stone. Zhan Tu got into his sleeping bag like a rabbit. Lan Guanghong had no place to go, so he just lay down on the ground and threw a screw to hit the light switch, and the laboratory became dark instantly.

Zhan Tu slept very unsteadily this time.

He had a strange nightmare. In the dream, he was forced to join a weird diving club. The club was full of muscular seniors. They would go naked at any time and loved to drink alcoholic beverages. Even the oolong tea they drank daily could be ignited.

And the places where they had daily activities were flowers, trees, sky, breeze...


Zhan Tu, who was suddenly awakened, opened his eyes wide and gasped. After a long time to recover, he looked up at the clock and saw that it was already morning.

"Huh, I was scared to death." He rubbed his eyes and went upstairs, muttering softly: "It's ridiculous, how could there be oolong tea that can be ignited?"

"Hehe, ahahaha, breakfast is here." Lan Guanghong served the plates to everyone with a sunny face: "Today's breakfast is sandwiches with oolong tea, please enjoy it."

Baitu, Ishido:!

It was not until he opened the lid and saw the contents of the plate that Ishido breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was an ordinary fried egg and sausage sandwich.

As for Zhantu, he looked at the cup of oolong tea for a long time, and finally couldn't help it, so he took out a lighter from the bar and flicked it.


The tea surface instantly ignited a blazing flame.

Everyone present:!

"Hey, Xiangyi! What's going on?" Ishido stood up righteously: "How can this tea burn!"

"Ah, sorry, I took the wrong cup, this cup is the leftover coffee you made yesterday."

Ishido:? ? ?

After changing the tea for Zhan Tu to normal, everyone finished breakfast in silence.

——No one questioned why the coffee would burn, which made E, who originally had no emotions, feel a little sad.

Fortunately, this emotion was only fleeting. Calculating the time, it was almost time for the Smasher to take action.

Sure enough, Zhan Tu received the information about the appearance of the Smasher soon, and he immediately went out and rode his motorcycle to the scene of the incident.

"Have a good journey." Ishido smiled and waved goodbye to Zhan Tu, and then his smile disappeared.

Well, it's time to deal with Manzhang's affairs. After all, he is his biological son.


"Ah!" Ishido looked at Lan Guanghong who floated silently in front of him as if he had seen a ghost, patted his chest and said: "Really, don't scare me, what's the matter?"

"I want to hear about Zhan Tu." Lan Guanghong blinked his handsome big eyes: "Can you tell me?"

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