Thinking carefully, when he was still the King of Creation, Yingyue personally selected him as the new Black Sun.

When designating a guide, he pointed out the only female among the three priests, and she was a perfect match with him in all aspects.

Yesterday, he even sent the Satan Saber to help him solve the alien King of Time. This not only shows the strong strength of Yingyue himself, but also indirectly shows that the other party is likely to have been paying attention to him, so that he can send the artifact in time when he is about to be defeated.

Hiss~ It's terrifying to think about it!

If it is really the opponent who will have a life-and-death duel in the end, Yingyue doesn't have to do so much for Lan Guanghong, and he can even continue to be the King of Creation from the beginning, so that nothing will happen.


"He wants me to be the King of Creation!"

"Why? Is there a pitfall in the position of the King of Creation? Let him rather die in my hands than be this king again?"

"Or... does he have some kind of connection with me and want to sacrifice himself to help me take the position?"

"Hiss~!" Thinking about it, a terrible guess suddenly popped up in Lan Guanghong's head.

"King Yue, could he be my father?!"

Chapter 240: The Majestic Little Oma

If everything Ying Yue did is regarded as the deep love of an old father, then it makes perfect sense!

But this guess is really too far-fetched. Lan Guanghong decided to put this question aside for the time being and consider the problem at hand first.

That is-the Time Management Bureau.

Now, the dials of the Sour King and Balks have been completely destroyed, but it is clear that the people in the Time Management Bureau will definitely not let Lan Guanghong go. Instead, they will try to obtain his Black Sun Power more actively.

Because the longer it drags on, the greater the possibility of the birth of the new King of Creation.

The former director of the Time Management Bureau, the one whose name is homophonic with Sougo, made such a mistake. That person mistakenly thought that he could control Sougo, who has the power of Oma, and wanted to use him as a pawn to reorganize the history of the Heisei era. What was the result?

The old demon king was irritated, and he threw an Oma Zi-O dial to his younger self, so the director became the former director.

Similarly, although Lan Guanghong is not clear about the strength of the King of Creation, he can imagine the amazing power of the King of Creation in his dream. It is really the power of "creation" as the word means!

With the previous experience, the cubs of the Time Management Bureau definitely don't want to face such a big boss directly, so they can only think of the current Lan Guanghong.

Fortunately, Lan Guanghong is not completely helpless against them. To put it bluntly, the Time Management Bureau is a group of people who make trouble in various time and space, and speaking of time and space, the demon king who controls time and space lives next door to him!

"Okay, let's discuss it with Sougo in the evening."

There is a reason why it was chosen at night instead of now.

Since the Showa era, there are very few knights with inhuman physiques, and Sougo is no exception. So even if he was beaten less in the battle, his injuries were much more serious than Lan Guanghong. After returning home to be bandaged by his uncle, he fell asleep soon and has not woken up yet.

Anyway, the battle is over now, and there is no rush, so let Sougo have a good rest.

Lan Guanghong thought so, but he never expected that the other party would come to him first.

"Guanghong, can you come out and talk?"

In the corridor, looking at Sougo who was full of energy and had a bright smile on his face, a question mark slowly appeared on Lan Guanghong's head.

Hiss~, is Sougo also a cyborg?


Nine to five, back mountain.

The two sat side by side, and Sougo went straight to the point without any nonsense: "Guanghong, what do you think of the Space-Time Administration?"

"Just a group of clowns who secretly make trouble, but it's not easy to catch them."

"Yeah, they are too scattered and difficult to deal with." After a pause, Sougo said, "Then if there is a way to catch them all, are you willing to do it?"

"Eh? Is there?"

"Yes, but the process will be a little troublesome." Sougo stretched out his thumb and index finger, making a gesture of the fingertip universe.

Lan Guanghong: ...

"Why don't you go there in person?"

"I want to, but they are too familiar with me. Once they smell me, they will immediately run to other worlds. It is difficult for me to catch them."

As he said that, Sougo took out a strange-shaped watch face from his pocket, held it in front of Lan Guanghong and advised: "The Time Management Bureau is also your enemy, right? Don't hesitate, launch a counterattack against them!"

"...Has anyone ever said that your persuasion skills are bad? Demon King."

"No." Sougo in front of him seemed not to hear Lan Guanghong's address to him, but just looked at him with a "sincere" look: "So, Launch a counterattack against them!"

Lan Guanghong blinked, and suddenly pointed to the dial with "37%" on it and asked: "What is this?"

"This is the tracking dial made by my uncle. It can take you to the world where the Time Management Bureau exists nearby, and get information from the other party. When the information collection reaches 100%, we can lock the location of the headquarters of the Time Management Bureau!"

The dial was handed forward again, almost poking Lan Guanghong's chest: "Go, launch a counterattack against them!"

Looking at Sougo's sincere eyes, Lan Guanghong sighed helplessly.

"Alas, it's impolite to refuse after persuading you three times...Okay, as a friend, I'll help you with this favor."

"Really? Great!" Sougo grabbed Lan Guanghong's hand and stuffed the tracking dial over, and gave him a big hug.

Blu-ray red: "...Can you put away the demon-encountering belt? I'm so scared."

"Oh well."

"By the way, you're not very good at dealing with opponents on the mysterious side right now, so I'll lend you this for now."

[Agito! ]

"Uh, I shouldn't be able to use"

The golden dial turned into flowing light and penetrated into the blue light and red body. The Imperial Stone accepted this power without rejection.

Blu-ray red:?

He looked down silently for a while, then suddenly stretched out his arms and crossed his wrists and shouted: "henshin!"

Along with the fluctuations like water around him, a knight in golden armor appeared.

"Hey! I really transformed!"

After releasing the transformation, Lan Guanghong asked in disbelief: "How did you do this? The Emperor Stone should not be compatible with other powers!"

Zhuang Wu didn't answer, he just raised the corner of his mouth and smiled mysteriously.

Blue light and red can be understood instantly.

"So you don't understand either, right?"

The smile on Zhuang Wu's face suddenly froze.

"It's interesting. Being able to put Agito's power into the Imperial Stone without any hindrance requires an extremely thorough understanding of the Imperial Stone..."

Suddenly, Zhuangwu let out a cry of unknown meaning: "Ah~!!!"

Blu-ray red:? ? ?

"Ahem, I still have some important things to do, let's go!"

He raised his hand and opened a golden space-time door. He paused before entering, then suddenly turned around and added: "By the way, try not to let the other party discover your existence, otherwise the Time Management Bureau will spread the news, and then the time management bureau will spread the news." It’s very difficult to track.”

Blue light red:......

It seems to be Fengmo Zhuangwu's experience. No wonder he can't catch anyone.

Speaking of which, except for King Sour, who was suspected of having contact with the Bureau of Time Management, no other people from the Bureau of Time Management showed up this time. Lan Guanghong once wondered why they didn't send a few more people over, but now she understands.

Probably because they were afraid of collective consequences and would attract Da Jinbiao.

"And~" He released Agito's belt again and looked at it thoughtfully.

On the other side, Zhuangwu, who passed through the golden space-time gate, automatically transformed into a middle-aged appearance, and was also covered in a gorgeous robe.

"It's amazing, he is already so sharp at this time."

"Come on...well."

After pinching his throat and transforming into a hoarse and deep voice, Zhuang Wu shouted: "Come here!"

Several robot retainers heard the sound and came over. They pressed their chests and lowered their heads and asked, "Master Demon King, what are your orders?"

The majestic Zhuang Wu ordered: "Get the pair of golden horns from the treasure house and give them to the guests."

"Yes, Lord Demon King."

Chapter 241 Foul smell

Pandora's Box was discovered on Mars ten years ago, triggering the tragedy of the Sky Wall. The country was divided into three parts: the Eastern Capital, the Western Capital, and the Northern Capital, and has since fallen into chaos.

"Step by step, just keep moving forward, and I still won't hesitate tonight..."

Hearing this weird singing, the people who were bound next to him all looked at the unlucky guy who was also kidnapped and said, "What the hell is this?"

The mechanical soldiers guarding them also aimed their guns. The singing young man blinked, as if he had just realized that he had been kidnapped, a look of panic appeared on his face, and he closed his mouth tightly.

...The young man is naturally blue and red. This is the seventh hour since he came to this world through the tracking watch given by Feng Mo Zhuangwu.

In fact, when he first arrived, he could tell through the towering wall that divided the island country into three that this was the world of Kamen Rider Bulid. Then, while he was investigating what stage the plot was currently at, he was suddenly interrupted from nowhere. The mechanical soldiers that appeared were captured.

He did not resist, firstly because if he transformed here to eliminate these miscellaneous soldiers, it would be easy to be exposed in this era of advanced information, which would attract the attention of the Time Management Bureau who did not know where he was hiding.

What? Not transforming into a physical monster?

It can be beaten, but isn’t that even weirder!

Secondly, the one who can send out the mechanical soldiers must be the government, or even the early villain organization Faust. Lan Guanghong was worried about where to look for clues, but this sudden kidnapping actually helped him.

It turned out that he was right.

Look at this dark setting and the white smoke floating all over the room. Isn't this a classic scene from Faust?

He even saw a familiar face among the kidnapped people. After thinking carefully for a long time, he retrieved the memory about this girl.

It’s Kasumi, the girlfriend of a certain muscular idiot.

As for his last name, he really couldn't remember it.

If it develops normally, she will be transformed into Dragon Smash, and then die in the battle with Kiryu Sento, also known as Kamen Rider Build.

But now that he's here, things start to get interesting.

Thinking this, Lan Guanghong raised the corners of her mouth and showed a healthy smile. The few unlucky ones who looked at him from time to time couldn't help but shudder when they saw this creepy smile.

Hiss~ What’s going on with this guy? She suddenly sang just now, and now she is laughing so scary.

Shouldn't it be that Blind Gill kidnapped people randomly and ended up kidnapping a lunatic?

Even Faust's behind-the-scenes boss, Himuro Gentoku, who is still very dark but always honest in nature, saw this scene through the surveillance camera and felt chills running down his body.

"This person feels a bit evil, so let's start with him!"

Putting down the tablet, Himuro Hantoku took out a smoke gun and a bat full bottle: "Steam blood~"

[Bat! Mist Match! Fire! ]

In a cloud of black smoke and fireworks, he turned into a bat monster... oh no, the special warrior Night Rogue.

On the other side, two of the mechanical soldiers responsible for guarding received the order and turned around and walked into the crowd.

Lan Guanghong's eyes lit up after waiting for a long time, and he was immediately ready to ask them to let go of the girl and come to him if they had the ability.

However, the two soldiers bypassed Kasumi and reached out to grab him.

Blu-ray red:?

Eh? This, this is not right!

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