In the fire, W, who was fighting with the alien Accel, saw the arrival of the strong reinforcement and hurriedly shouted: "Be careful, Terui, this guy is not a mixed body, and he can't be defeated at all!"


Unexpectedly, after hearing W's shout, the alien Accel immediately gave up the opponent and turned his attention to Terui Ryu who had just arrived.

"Yes, it's you! Ahahaha!"

As if it was a mirror, it held the knife and greeted it with the same posture as Terui Ryu, shouting loudly: "I like it!"

Terui Ryu:?

He had heard this voice in the search for the captured cadre human body data!

"You are Gojo Ichiha!"


The two knives intersected and burst into a burst of fireworks.

At a very close distance, Terui Ryu shouted: "What's the matter with this power? Answer me!"

"Hehehe, if you want to know, try to defeat me."

"As you wish!"

Pushing away the weirdo in front of him who was extremely similar to himself, Terui Ryu raised his knife and chopped again.

But the opponent made the same move at the same time, and the two swords collided again.

Terui Ryu: ? ? ?

Regardless of the power or fighting skills, the enemy is exactly the same as himself. This is definitely not something that can be achieved by simply having the same strength!

At this time, W also saw that something was wrong.

"No wonder I felt familiar when fighting it. It turned out to be Terui. Hey, buddy, have you found any clues?"

"No... Just like Blue Light Red, there is no relevant record at all."

"Hey, hey, hey, you are not going to say that they don't belong to this world at all? How is that possible?"

"But excluding all possibilities, what we get is the truth."

"...Hey, how about we go help Terui first?"

"Don't interfere, this is my fight!" Before Philip agreed, Terui Ryu refused their help first.



"Huh? What?"

"Do you feel that the ground is shaking more and more?"


"Well, indeed... what is that!!!"

A huge figure as tall as a mountain gradually emerged in the blizzard that seemed to be drowning the world.

Chapter 215 Identity Exposed/Tough Guy Mouth Cannon

"Tsk, Hideo, this guy is so boring~."

The alien knight transformed by Gojo Ichiha subconsciously thought that it was Chiba Hideo, who was also a cadre. After all, in her cognition, only that monster had such a big body.

I wanted to shout at the other party not to interfere in her battle, but when she thought of Mandeng's order, she still resisted the urge to cut Terui Ryu into pieces, and stood aside and stabbed the weird-shaped blade into the ground.

"How is it? It's scary, isn't it? It took me a long time to get used to this guy. Hehe, let him come..."


A red laser streaked across the body of the alien Accel, and it froze on the spot: "Eh?"

The next moment, extreme pain broke out from its legs. It instinctively lowered its head to check the injury, but when it looked, its two legs were immediately broken off and it fell to the ground involuntarily.


It was not until then that she let out a miserable cry.

"Don't look at it, Vigilante, come and finish him off. Only you can defeat this guy."

The huge robot, which showed its true appearance, made a blue-red sound.

Terui Ryu and the entire Narumi Office: ...

"Eh~eh?!" Yashuzi covered her mouth in surprise: "Xiao Lan is a robot? I've never heard of such a thing!"

Lan Guanghong: ...

"Director Yashuzi, is there a possibility that I am speaking through the robot's loudspeaker?"

Yashuzi was stunned, and suddenly scratched her head and smiled foolishly: "Hey~"

Terui Ryu couldn't stand it anymore, there was another alien of his calling over there.

He took two steps forward and asked: "Lan, this weirdo is the Gojo Ichiba from Rifuto, will I kill her if I defeat her?"

"Eh? There is a human body?"

Lan Guanghong turned his head to look at Faria, who stared at him innocently.

Very good, no one knows the answer.

After thinking about it, he decided to end the battle in a safer way. After all, he couldn't let Terui Ryu, a policeman, kill people~

W was the same. Even if the enemy was extremely evil, they would not lynch him. They would hand him over to the police to let the criminals atone for their sins. This was the bottom line of the two knights of Fuuto.

In order to respect their bottom line, Blue Light Red chose to kill the alien knight once first.

In fact, he originally wanted to use the Eternal Memory to try whether Gojo Ichiha could undo his transformation. After all, the alien Accel was strictly speaking a knight who used memory, but after defeating 'Scream', the taste of this proud memory seemed to have become a little tricky, and it refused to deal with Gojo again.

There was no other way, so he had to change a method.

"Damn it, you still want to run!"

After landing, Blue Light Red turned into Tigger and pounced on the alien knight who wanted to escape after resurrection.

"Good opportunity, police officer, come and finish him off!"

Terui Ryu: ...

When did my battle become like this? This new detective is poisonous!

[Accel Extreme Drive! ]

He kicked the fake one to pieces, and in the smoke and dust, Gojo Ichiba slowly fell to the ground, and at the same time, the dial of the alien Accel fell out.

Before anyone could do it, Lan Guanghong picked it up and crushed it.

"Don't touch it, this is something more dangerous than Gaia's memory."

"Okay, we won't touch it." Philip agreed without hesitation, but curiosity still drove him to ask one more question: "Can you tell us, what exactly is this? Why does it give people the same power as Terui? ?”

After a moment of silence, Lan Guanghong replied: "This thing is called the Alien Knight Dial."

"It contains the entire history of a Kamen Rider, so it can give others the power of a knight."

"That's wrong!" Shotaro immediately thought of the key point: "If it really contains the entire history of a knight, then it doesn't make sense why Terui Ryuu is still Accel."

"You don't need to be so clear about the Kamen Rider." Lan Guanghong smiled mysteriously: "Perhaps, you will see a knight named 'Zi-O' in the future, and you can ask him then."

"Zi-O, the King of Time? It sounds very powerful." Philip touched his chin: "So, you are not from this world, Mr. Blue Light Red."

Blu-ray red blinked.

"Oh, I've been seen through."


It’s really something so outrageous!

Narumi Detective Agency.

Terui Ryu didn't dare to take the prisoners back to the police station, so he directly borrowed the underground base of the firm as a temporary interrogation room to interrogate two cadres, while Lan Guanghong drank coffee with the two detectives upstairs.

"Eh? Have we met before?"

"Yes, you helped me a lot back then, Kamen Rider Joker."

Shotaro scratched his head in distress: "Ah, damn it, I can't remember it at all!"

"I do have some clues." Philip recalled holding the book: "Not long ago, there was an abnormal record in Xtreme's memory for some reason. I have never been able to find the cause of that abnormality. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it was recorded The fluctuation of time and space."

"It's very possible that at the end of that change, Shotaro found you and became W again."

Shotaro: "Huh? This..."

"Of course, after all, we are two Kamen Riders with one heart." Compared to Shotaro's arrogance, Philip nodded naturally, as if it was only natural that his partner could find him.

This time, Shotaro blushed: "Hey, Philip!"


Watching the interesting interaction between the two, Lan Guanghong smiled slightly, drank the coffee in the cup, and then placed it gently on the table.

"Okay, that's it for today. I'm going home to cook."

"……Wait a moment!"

Shotaro suddenly stopped Lan Guanghong, who had already reached the door, and said suspiciously: "You don't want to leave, right?"

Blu-ray red:?

"Sure enough, you think the person who brought the Alien Knight Dial is here for you, so do you plan to leave here and let the other person chase after you?"

Lan Guanghong was silent for a while, then suddenly sighed and said with a smile: "As expected of a detective, Shotaro."

"So, do you want to come to my house for a hot pot meal before leaving? My cooking skills are very good..."


Shotaro suddenly stood up and shouted: "What does it mean if you leave now? Do you plan to walk away?"

"Listen up! The so-called detectives must have a beginning and an end to their work. If you leave now, can you ensure that the person behind the scenes will not continue to cause harm to the world? What if you leave like this and cause a greater disaster?"

Blu-ray red:!

"So, stay here, find out the truth, defeat the person behind the scenes and count his sins. This is what a detective should do! Do you understand?"

"Hi~I understand!"

Lan Guanghong nodded heavily, then smiled and said: "I didn't expect that you would teach me a lesson here, Shotaro~"

He gave a thumbs up and praised fiercely: "Tough guy!"

I'm very sorry, but I haven't been able to adjust to the situation. I was busy typing today and realized that I might collapse if I continue like this. I thought it would be better to take some time off to sort out the outline and then think about it.

As usual, there are three missing chapters this month including today, which will be added later.

By the way, let me give you a preview, after Wind City comes the Demon King’s Turn, which is also the last chapter of the first phase of this book.

Thank you all readers for your support. I wish you all the best in the new year~.

Chapter 216 Dramatic changes in Fengdu/Another Joker

In Fengdu.

Wan Deng stood on the windmill tower that could not be rotated, overlooking the city he created. His face was no longer as calm as before, but instead he frowned and looked bitter and resentful.

There is no other reason. Apart from the strong man in overalls who is not qualified to be a cadre, he is the only one left in Lifengdu now.

His current mood is regret, very regret.

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