That's why she appeared at the murder scene and was witnessed by others.

But now that the real murderer has been arrested by Terui Ryu, Shotaro is completely relieved.

"Huh? Terui is so good this time, he found the murderer before me!"

"No, no, no, my commission is to find the witch, so it's definitely not that I'm slow, absolutely not!"


At night, Minghai Detective Agency.

The client Chuta knocked on the door and entered. The layout of the house was the same as the first time he came, and even Shotaro's sitting posture did not change.

"Mr. Chuta, the case you commissioned has been solved. But unfortunately, Tokiya has been arrested as a robber, so your wish to convey your feelings seems to be impossible to achieve."

"Ah! But, that!"

"But your bag was found." Shotaro handed over Chuta's bag: "Please confirm the contents, but she said that the money has been used up."

"It doesn't matter, as long as this bag full of memories can be returned..."

Chuda kept searching with the bag, his face becoming more and more stiff.

Shotarou drank his coffee and asked without raising his eyes: "What's wrong? Did you lose anything besides money?"

"No, no, no."

"I think so~."

Lan Guanghong, who appeared in the office at some point, leaned against the door frame and took out a weirdo memory from his pocket with a playful smile: "For example, this."


"Don't talk nonsense, I don't even know what you have!"


Lan Guanghong directly pressed the memory, and the corresponding interface immediately appeared on Chuta's wrist.



Hirasaki Chuta jumped up and pounced on Lan Guanghong, trying to snatch the memory from his hand, but Shotarou instantly grabbed him.

"Stop it, Mr. Chuta."

"I tried my best to fulfill your wish in my own way, just because I didn't want you to hate Fuuto." Shotaro showed a sad look on his face, and tears flashed in his eyes: "But what you really fell in love with was the ugliest part of this city."

"At least, pay for your sins and start over again..."


The police car took the prisoners away, and Shotaro stood at the door and watched them go away, and suddenly said: "There is one thing that I care about."

Behind him, Lan Guanghong, who was holding a bowl of noodles and slurping, asked: "What's the matter? "Why, his bag will be in your hands? Shi Ya tells me that she hid everything she had grabbed in the city called 'Lifeng". "The pronunciation of the word is the same)?" "Forget it, do you want to taste this? Is it evil? "" Of course, robbery is also an extraordinary crime. "" ... too. "" But, on the other side of you, I will not forget. "You are really naive, half-boiled egg."

Shotaro said angrily: "What?"

Just then, Shiya suddenly turned around and stood on tiptoe.

Akiko's face turned red, and Philip stared blankly.

"Half-boiled egg, I like it." Gently pushing away the stunned Shotaro, Shiya's eyes sparkled with a crystal luster: "I am always hungry."

"Your words will definitely fill me."

Wow wow wow~

The police car drove away quickly, and Shotaro was still standing at the door in a daze.

"Our story is not over yet, one day, she and I will meet again, Shotaro thought so in his heart..."

"Hey!" Shotaro turned around and shouted angrily: "Philip, where did you learn this from!"

"I just happened to see it recently." Philip closed the book and said to his partner: "Shotaro, I must remind you that you are popular with women~."

"I know, you don't need to tell me!"

Shotaro scratched his head irritably and went back to the house.

…They didn’t notice that on the third floor of the building next to them, a blue detective leaned against the window and took in the whole scene.

“Although Shotaro’s popularity with women is very strange, it’s better than nothing.”

Lan Guanghong shrank helplessly and looked at the Heaven’s Stone on the bedside: “Wake up, other people’s dog food is stuffed into my mouth… huh?”

Ding Dong~

When he heard the bell ring again, he realized that it was the doorbell downstairs.

Is there a guest?

——Fuck! There is a guest!

Lan Guanghong’s eyes lit up and he went down the stairs directly.

“Here I come~!”

He was in a hurry to go downstairs and didn’t notice that the Heaven’s Stone on the bedside suddenly emitted a faint blue light.

Opening the door, Lan Guanghong was stunned.

Standing at the door was a primary school student who was just taller than his waist, wearing a school uniform and carrying a cute schoolbag.

The little girl with twin ponytails looked up and asked timidly: "Um, is this a detective agency?"

Lan Guanghong: ...

"Yes, please come in!"

Although she is a primary school student, she is the first guest since the door opened, so she must be treated well.

Lan Guanghong took out candy and milk from the refrigerator, put them in front of the little girl sitting on the sofa, and asked with a smile: "Little sister, what's wrong with you? Is your pet lost?"

"No, actually..." She took off her schoolbag, took out a comic book from it, turned a few pages, pointed to a character on it and said: "Him! Brother!"

Lan Guanghong:?

After wasting a lot of time, Lan Guanghong finally learned from her the incident she wanted to commission.

The girl's name is Tong, and she is the child of an ordinary resident of Toba Town. The brother she is talking about is not her family, but a young man who lives alone next door to her house.

It is unknown what the young man does. He stays at home all year round and rarely goes out, but he has a good relationship with the neighbors nearby. Tong also likes this big brother who brings her something new every time they meet.

But not long ago, this brother suddenly disappeared inexplicably. The police went to investigate but found nothing. In the end, they hastily closed the case on the grounds that he ran away from home.

Xiaotong didn't care at first, until the day before yesterday, she accidentally saw a comic book and felt that a certain character in the comic was very familiar. No matter how she looked at it, it looked like her brother!

So she had a bold idea.

Could it be that her brother was caught in the comic?

She told her parents about this idea, and the result was predictable. How could the adults believe such an absurd thing? They all thought it was just a coincidence and asked her not to think about it.

But Xiaotong was unwilling to let her brother disappear in such an unclear way, so she skipped class early in the morning and ran to this famous detective agency.

——Yes, she actually wanted to find Shotaro, but because she didn't know many words and the signboard of Lan Guanghong was more conspicuous, she ran here!

But Lan Guanghong didn't care about this, anyway~ she was here.

"I'll take this commission!" Lan Guanghong adjusted his red bow tie and said solemnly, "I will definitely find your brother, at the cost of Shotaro's grandfather's reputation!"


Young children are prone to sleepiness, and after tossing and turning last night and having a long conversation early in the morning, Xiaotong soon couldn't hold on and fell asleep on the sofa.

Lan Guanghong found a blanket to cover her, called the police, and then sat aside to read the comics quietly.

"My Devil Academy, an ordinary name." He opened the comics and looked at every detail attentively.

Each comic in the journal is not long. The one in his hand is only more than 40 pages, and he finished it quickly.

Then, Lan Guanghong fell into deep thought...

If there are shortcomings, he can point out a lot of them in a minute, such as poor painting, poor content connection, unclear main and secondary, etc.

But the advantages are also obvious, that is - real!

It was so real that it didn't seem like a comic book, but rather like the real reactions of some humans who entered the comic book world and faced various crises.

He read it again, and focused on the character that Xiaotong called his brother.

There were not many pages where he appeared, and it simply depicted an ordinary person running away in fear from the hands of various demons with special powers.

However, although it was the same style, Lan Guanghong always felt an inexplicable sense of separation when he looked at it.

"Strange, is Xiaotong right?"

Turning the comic to the cover, Lan Guanghong glanced at the author's name and smiled slightly.

"Horikoshi Kohei, very good, I'll remember you!"

After thinking about it, he decided to find the entire comic book first to see if there were any other suspicious points.

He got up and changed into a less conspicuous set of clothes. Just as he was about to go out, he happened to meet the police, so Lan Guanghong took the sleeping Xiaotong into the police car.

——The little girl skipped class and obviously didn't tell anyone, so he called the police directly to prevent her parents from thinking that their daughter had been kidnapped after learning about her disappearance from the kindergarten.

"The contract is established. Please remember to bring the five yuan commission fee next time you come."

After putting such a note into Xiaotong's schoolbag, Lan Guanghong staggered to the street to find a comic book store, and soon found the complete set of comics called Devil Academy that has been serialized to this day.

After flipping through the first few books, his face became worse and worse, and he looked like he wanted to go blind.

It turned out that this comic book was originally about the story of various devils fighting for strength and fierceness in the human world, which even involved issues such as school violence and domestic violence. However, such things are normal and worthy of encouragement in the eyes of devils, so people who do these things live better and better, and even those who are treated violently become the licking dogs of the abusers.

Lan Guanghong: ? ? ?

Hiss~My scalp is numb, you show this to children? !

Enduring the dazzling pain, he continued to read on. At a certain point, the plot suddenly changed.

The devils started a carnival in the human world. They captured all kinds of humans and watched them struggle to survive in the endless purgatory. And every dead person's corpse becomes a new devil.

It is at this stage that the reactions of the human characters in the painting become extremely real.

Blue Light Red: ...

"The devil is in the world."

Chapter 199 M's Sin/Detective Fusion!

Ming Hai Detective Agency.

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