"I'm always hungry."

"Are you someone who can satisfy me?"

Recalling the appearance of the beautiful woman he saw not long ago, Shotaro was sure that she must be the witch!

At this time, a pair of hands took away the cold coffee from the side and replaced it with steaming hot coffee.

"Well, thank you...head! Why are you here!"

Shotaro, who reacted, asked angrily.

"Mr. Shotaro." Lan Guanghong glanced at the opposite side: "The client is still here."

"...Cough!" Shotaro coughed dryly, and put on a reliable and tough look again and asked: "So, your commission is to catch that woman and get the money back?"

Speaking of this, Chuta suddenly hesitated.

Shotaro saw through his thoughts at a glance.

"I see, compared to money, you want to meet the witch again, can I understand that this is the commission?"

Chuda's face turned red, and he rubbed his hands shyly.

Akiko was shocked: "Eh? In other words, you fell in love with the witch who attacked you at first sight!"

Chuda: "...Hmm~."

In order to satisfy Chuta's wish and let him become a happy member of Fuuto, Shotaro accepted this commission.

After sending the client away, Shotaro's face darkened, and he turned to Lan Guanghong who was sitting on the sofa and yelled: "You too! Go back to your own detective agency!"

Lan Guanghong was not panicked at all. He drank a sip of coffee and smacked his lips and said: "Ah, so strange~."

"He was robbed and didn't want to call the police but came to find a detective, and the money lost was equivalent to the commission fee. In this case, in addition to the client being fascinated by the witch, there is also the possibility that there is something in the backpack that cannot be revealed, and the client must take it back, but why can you be sure that the other party just wants to see the witch again?"

Hearing this, Shotaro was shocked and his eyes widened.

Could it be that this guy is not just joking, but really knows how to reason?

"Well, I understand!" Lan Guanghong's eyes lit up, he put down his coffee, stood up and confidently pointed at Shotaro: "There is only one truth!"

"Mr. Shotaro! In fact, you have seen the witch, so you subconsciously think that Chuta is fascinated by the beauty of the witch!"

"Eh~!" Asuka half covered her mouth in surprise: "Shotaro has also seen the witch!"

Shotaro's old face blushed: "So what! I didn't know she was the kind of person who would steal other people's things."

Seeing him like this, Lan Guanghong narrowed his eyes.

"Roar~, it seems that the person who was seduced by the witch is not only Chuta."


"Go back!!!"

Chapter 192 T-junction/Detective's Gift

The Mori Detective Agency is a small three-story building next to the Minghai Agency.

The first floor is a garage, and there is a staircase leading to the upper floor by the wall. There is also a simple agency sign hanging on the outer wall. The second floor is the kitchen and living room, which can also be used to receive clients, although Lan Guanghong doesn't have any clients yet.

The third floor is the bedroom and bathroom. It's not big, but if there are only two rooms, it's still quite spacious and spacious. This is also the place where Lan Guanghong spent the most time when decorating.

By the way, just in case, he decorated it according to the specifications of double living.

As for why he had the money to buy a building for decoration...

Don't ask, just ask Terui Ryu's warning!

As usual, after holding the Sky Stone and observing it for a while, Lan Guanghong threw himself on the bed and thought about the case he got from Shotaro today.

"Witch, from Chuta's description, it is very likely that she is an impurity."

It's far away, but she can make the backpack fly over with a wave of her hand, and the speed of movement is not like that of a human.

And, in the end, the witch disappeared, and Chuta found that the way he came was a dead end T-junction.

"It sounds like a means of moving in an alternate space. Well, let's go to Yunagi Town to investigate tomorrow."

Making up his mind, Lan Guanghong pulled up the quilt to seal himself.

The next day.

In a formal way, Lan Guanghong put a label of “outside interview” on the office signboard, and went out early to investigate the place mentioned by Chuta.

When he came to the T-junction of Yuunagi Town, he looked around and couldn’t help but complain: “Who designed this! Did a pig push his brain?”

On one side of the road are lush trees, and on the other side are towering buildings. The two sides make this road look dark and gloomy even in broad daylight, which makes people feel creepy. They always feel that a slit-mouthed woman will jump out of the shadows in the next moment.

And this so-called T-junction is indeed as Chuta said. The forked road is tightly blocked by the back wall of the building. It is basically a dead end.

Lan Guanghong went up to investigate and found no entrance to the different space.

“It seems that there are no clues here for the time being. Let’s check the information of the witch first.”

He shook his head and turned to walk outside.

However, at the entrance that was empty when I came here, there was now a bald member of the Yakuza wearing a black suit and sunglasses, standing there arrogantly with a fierce look on his face.

Lan Guanghong frowned: "What are you doing?"

"I should be the one asking you this question!" The bald man swung the steel pipe in his hand and asked: "Little ghost, who are you? What are you doing behind our Tachikawa Building?"

Lan Guanghong: ...

He spread his hands: "Anyway, no matter what I say today, you will take action, right?"

"Ha? What does your attitude mean, kid!" The bald man strode over, raised the steel pipe and swollen it down fiercely: "I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

Seeing this, Lan Guanghong sighed inwardly, then raised his hand...

Two minutes and forty seconds later.

"No, don't!" The bald man with a swollen nose and face sat helplessly on the ground, trying to get away from the smiling devil in front of him with both hands, and shouted in fear: "Don't come over!"

Lan Guanghong felt that the lesson was almost over, and fiddled with the steel pipe and said disdainfully: "Humph, you saved your life."

After saying that, he twisted the two ends of the steel pipe with both hands, threw it in front of the bald Jidao and left in style.

The bald Jidao looked at the steel pipe twisted into a twist on the ground, his lips trembling for a long time without making a sound. After a while, a pool of hot water suddenly gushed out, soaking his trousers.

... Not long after, he came back to the sunny street, Lan Guanghong spread his arms and stretched his waist.

"Hey~, what a pleasant wind."

The breeze blew, he casually ate a bowl of ramen at a roadside stall, and then began to look for someone.

Of course, he was not looking for the witch, but for Shotaro.

According to Shotaro himself, this city is like his backyard, and he is very familiar with every corner.

And his partners have information about all levels of the city, so rumors about this city usually reach his ears first.


"Ha~, there is no clue at all!" Shotaro lay on the table of the ramen stall and sighed: "Such a woman who is not concealed, can't find any information, is she really from Fuuto?"

He now regrets that he said too much when communicating with his partner.

In the morning, Philip had proposed to investigate with him, but for some reason, Shotaro refused Philip's assistance and wanted to investigate the truth about the witch alone.

However, it was already evening now, and he asked all his intelligence partners, but there was no information about the witch at all.

"Really... ugh!" Just when he was frustrated, his cell phone suddenly rang. Shotaro quickly checked the message and his eyes lit up.

"Great! It seems that we have finally found it!"

The message was sent by the intelligence house, an intelligence dealer who is very knowledgeable about street ghost stories and is Shotaro's old partner.

Under the street light, Shotaro followed this afro-haired partner and listened to the information about the witch from him.

"The witch at the T-junction?"

"Well, this is a ghost story that has suddenly become famous recently. It is said that if you encounter a witch, women will be stripped naked and men will be robbed of their money. Even if you chase them, you will never catch up."

"When I came to my senses, I was already standing at the T-junction of Yuunagi Town... right?"

As they talked, several people had already arrived at the place where Lan Guanghong had just investigated during the day.

"This is the scene of the witch robbery... ugh!"

Rubbing his eyes, the intelligence dealer was shocked to find that a girl leaning against a street lamp appeared at the T-junction that was originally empty.

"It's out, it's out!"

Disturbed by the scream, the girl turned her head and smiled slightly, then turned and fled.

"Hey!" Shotaro hurriedly chased after her.

But the next moment, a strong wind blew past Shotaro who was running fast.

In a moment of distraction, Shotaro saw the backs of two people, one in front and one behind, disappearing at the other end of the wall as if flying.

"It's flying!" He hurriedly turned his head to get the motorcycle parked at the intersection.

On the other side, the witch who found someone hanging behind her was also startled, and immediately accelerated again.

But the person behind her was still chasing her.

"Don't think about escaping!"

Relying on the superhuman physique, Lan Guanghong continued to jump high to chase the girl who seemed to be flying, and the distance between the two gradually closed.

He became more and more certain in his heart that this witch was definitely not an ordinary person, but whether she was a doped body remained to be confirmed.

Closer, closer!

"I got you!"

In mid-air, Lan Guanghong stretched out his hand suddenly.

In a hurry, the witch used some unknown means to force herself to rise a little higher, so that Lan Guanghong's grab almost missed.

But she didn't catch anyone.


Her legs stepped on the ground and raised a cloud of dust. Lan Guanghong looked at the high-heeled boots in his hand and remained silent.

The witch disappeared, but at the moment she disappeared, he did sense the fluctuations of the alien space.

"What is that over there?"

At this time, Shotaro, who was chasing on a motorcycle, came late from behind.

"Hey, it's you... What is this?"

"Gift." Lan Guanghong put his hands in his pockets and walked away arrogantly with a Xiaoming-shaking pace.

Shotaro looked at the still warm boots in his arms, and a row of small question marks appeared on his head.

Chapter 193 The Scent of the Witch/The Detective is a Suspect?


Shotaro returned to the office, made a cup of handmade coffee, and then sat on the sofa and sorted out the existing clues blankly.

Known: The witch is a robber, regardless of gender, as long as they meet the condition of being alone, they may be targeted.

And then, that's it.

As for why he didn't get robbed when he met her yesterday, Shotaro thought that it was probably because his tough guy aura frightened the other party and made her dare not do it.

——It has nothing to do with not having money on him, no!

"Damn, isn't this the same as having no clues!"

Rubbing his hair in annoyance, he picked up the coffee and took a sip, and his whole face instantly became tight.

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