Lan Guanghong didn't answer, but pointed at the person huddled on the ground: "This is the person who used the sin seal to release the devil. Since you are here, take him back and deal with him."

"Uh, thank you." The squad leader nodded confusedly: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Me." Lan Guanghong slowly extended an index finger to the sky.

"I am the one who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything."

Squad leader:?

"See you next time, Phoenix kid."

After saying that, Lan Guanghong didn't wait for the other party to speak again, fluttered her wings and flew into the sky, quickly disappearing from their sight.

"The matter about this mysterious man must be reported to the commander!" The squad leader thought for a while, waved his hand and shouted: "Cuff that man and close the team!"

The team members behind him quickly handcuffed the prisoner and retreated with the team leader.

Wait until they arrive at the place where the transport is parked.

Squad leader:...

? ? ?

"Where's my car? Where's a motorcycle as big as me!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, how dare someone steal Phoenix's car?

He also specially picked the captain to steal it. I really don’t know whether to scold the thief for being a loser or to praise him for his foresight!

"Sea road~, repair card~, chicken fuck Kunuo Guwudan..."

On the road, Lan Guanghong rode a newly acquired motorcycle and sang ancient Showa ditty.

When I came, I had to run on two legs, but when I left, I had a high-performance motorcycle to transport me. It felt really great!

Sure enough, a motorcycle rider is a complete knight!

The breeze blew against his face, adding a bit of happiness to him as he was flying at high speed.

In her body, Faria was laughing with joy.

"Hahaha, you are so cunning! You pretended to be so handsome, but then you turned around and stole someone else's motorcycle. You are so despicable, hahaha...!"

"Hmph, can that be called stealing when it comes to knights?" Lan Guanghong returned confidently: "I help them fight a desperado and receive a motorcycle as a thank you gift. Isn't that too much?"

"Besides, that kid dared to point a gun at me. I hate it when people point guns at me! It would be an advantage for him to just use a motorcycle."

"Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right."

"What do you mean by that attitude? I'm right in the first place!" Lan Guanghong curled her lips, and remembered what the criminal who released the desperadoes said just now.

Just expressing one's strong dissatisfaction with something can lead to the condemnation of the desperate people.

So careless?

"Well, it seems we can take advantage of this."

Chapter 17 (Revision) Defeat Xiaolan

In a blink of an eye, it was another sunny day.

Xiaolan, a hard-working new decorator, said goodbye to her beauty at home early in the morning, rushed to the location mentioned by the contractor at the appointed time, and packed into the same van with a large group of colleagues.

The smell in the car is not good, and the crowded space is particularly uncomfortable. But after a few days of adaptation, Xiaolan has become accustomed to these things.

It has to be said that humans are really adaptable creatures.

But there is only one thing that Xiao Lan hates deeply.

"Xiaolan, the plaster you painted on the wall fell off again yesterday. The customer called me early this morning to curse, but I took care of it for you."

"Yesterday's wages were deducted, so I'll teach you another lesson. Remember to be more serious in the future!" As he said that, the contractor in the passenger seat sighed as if he had suffered a huge loss, and turned to him and said: "Xiaolan, uncle, I don't want this either. It's really because you're not living up to expectations."

"I see that you are young, so there is no harm in suffering a little more. In the future, when you master your craft, uncle, I will give you a salary increase, okay?"

"Okay, from now on, follow the foreman and strive to make our business bigger and stronger and create greater glory!"

Xiaolan ignored the mocking or pitiful looks of the people around her and nodded heavily like a young man who was inexperienced in the world, expressing her deep belief in the foreman's words.

"Well, that's right."

The foreman nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly, Xiaolan's eyes lit up, she pointed to the roadside outside and said, "Hey, boss, do you think the street lights outside are missing something?"

"Huh? No, aren't all street lights like this?"

"No, I think there is still a pendant missing."

foreman:? ? ?

Xiao Lan is naturally blue and red. Ever since he asked the desperate cadres about selecting demon hosts a week ago, he had the idea of ​​​​fishing.

To this end, he disguised himself as a decoration worker and has been running non-stop from house to house for the past few days. After the work is completed, he will loudly express his dissatisfaction, hoping to make a cadre notice him as a potential "demon".

It's a pity that so far, the fugitives have not been seduced, but this randomly selected foreman is about to reach the limit of Blu-ray red's tolerance.

Grandma, after working for seven days, her wages were deducted for four days. Part of the wages for the other three days was also deducted, which was called food expenses.

In fact, it doesn't matter. After all, the blue light and red are not really for money, and the work of dusting is not strenuous at all with his current physique, and the consumption is not even as much as the sun can replenish it every day.

But what he couldn't stand was that this hateful foreman treated him as a fool and thought that just by drawing a pie, he would follow him willingly.

His soul as a worker grandfather couldn’t help but explode!

"Gan, the desperate people haven't come to me yet!" Lan Guanghong, who was hanging outside and dusting, thought to himself and raised his hand to wipe away the non-existent sweat.

"If you don't come today, I will hang this stupid pig up on the street lamp and go fishing somewhere else!"

Making up his mind, he viciously smeared cement on the exterior wall.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, all the work in this place had been completed. Lan Guanghong, who had been working for a while, came to a remote place as usual and cursed loudly: "Gan, what's so great about living in a villa by hugging your thigh? Why should you look down on her?" I’m a bastard who makes money with my skills!”

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully young people into poverty!"

"Although what you said seems to be very impressive, what does that have to do with Hedong and Hexi?"

"Uh-huh!" Lan Guanghong jumped up as if frightened, looking at the man in strange clothes in front of him in horror and asked: "You, who are you?"

"I am the leader of the Outlaws, Frio!"

Frio grabbed his chest, with a violent smile on his face: "You are not satisfied with this feeling of being stepped on."

"As long as you use this, you will gain powerful power and trample under your feet those who look down on you!"

Frio took out a sin seal and shook it gently in front of Lan Guanghong.

"How's it going? Come?!"

"Powerful power?" Blue light and red eyes ignited with fanatical light.

Frio's smile became more and more crazier. In his understanding, the look in his eyes was a desire for power.

Only Lan Guanghong himself knew that this was the relief of not having to face that stupid pig again after finally getting the desperate cadres.

Finally, it finally appeared!

"Hahahaha... Then, there is only one answer!"

Lan Guanghong reached out from behind and took out the crutches that had been prepared, and broke them with his knees with a "click" sound.

"I will be loyal to the refugees!"

Frio:? ? ?

Where did this man get his crutches from?

Forget it, it's not important.

Judging from his appearance, he must have been dissatisfied with this world for a long time. He might be able to give birth to a good outlaw.

"Very good, take it." Frio handed the sin seal to Lan Guanghong.

Lan Guanghong took it and took a look, hey, what a coincidence.

——Locust sin mark!

It just so happens that his other posture is also based on a locust.

This time, even the rhetoric that had been prepared was omitted.

Frio-kun, what a good man!

[batta! ]

Lan Guanghong couldn't wait to press the sin seal and cover it on himself.

After a deep sound, a red locust mark appeared on his body, and then quickly disappeared.

The power of the Sin Seal quickly penetrated Lan Guanghong's body, but was suppressed in time by the Emperor Stone in his body. Then, the power hidden in the body exploded.

In the dazzling red light, Blue Light Red directly turned into the appearance of Century King Black Sun... no, it was Kamen Rider Black.

"Oh! The power is boiling and the soul is burning!"

"I am already invincible!"

The blue light and red look up to the sky and scream, which is very consistent with the appearance of confidence after gaining power.

However, his appearance shocked Frio, who was just preparing to watch the show.

"You're the second level right from the start? What a perfect fit!" Frio exclaimed in disbelief: "Genius, you are simply a born outlaw!"

It’s no wonder that Frio would admit his mistake. The second-level desperado is a new species of demon that is born when the first-level origami desperado fully merges with its host, and the performance of the blue-light-red transformation perfectly matches the birth scene of the second-level demon.

In this world where there are no other supernatural systems except demons, the only way to explain what happened to Lan Guanghong is to jump one level and directly achieve the second level.

"It's really amazing. No, you come with me now and I'll take you to see Lady Akilela!"

Frio excitedly grabbed Lan Guanghong and prepared to take him to meet the queen of the outlaws and Keefe's fiancée-Aguilera.

"Not now, I still have something to do!" Blu-ray red broke away from Frio, raised his finger and said, "Give me three minutes."

Frio didn't ask any questions and just nodded in agreement.

"Okay, hurry up!"

Chapter 18 (Revision) Loyal Believers

Three minutes later, Lan Guanghong clapped his hands and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

Frio didn't understand: "Why do you want to hang this man on the tree?"

"Because there are no street lights nearby." Lan Guanghong explained.


So that’s it, I already understand it completely…he’s so big!

"Forget it, let's go!" Frio didn't want to continue the conversation and reached out to hold Lan Guanghong's shoulder.

The next moment, the black mist emerged and enveloped the two of them. When the black mist dissipated, there was no trace of them here.

Only the unconscious foreman was left spinning unconsciously on the crooked neck tree.

...A few minutes later, a blond girl arrived on a motorcycle.

"This is it."

Faria came directly under the hanging foreman and kicked away the thin layer of soil on the ground, revealing what was hidden underneath.

——It's Sabbath's blue-red phone, and Timmons drive.

It turned out that Lan Guanghong was worried that the fugitives would find this and suspect his identity, so he hid his mobile phone and belt, and left a text message to Faria in advance to ask her to pick it up.

"What a random guy." Falia frowned and muttered, then walked away with these two things.

As for the text message saying to put this foreman down by the way...

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