The controlled Soka was unaware of this, and said the famous saying while struggling.

"Truth, maybe she is the woman who can become my mother, the woman who can save me!"

"Ah, I said it!"

Satisfied, Blu-ray Hong ended the video and let go of Soka.

After regaining his freedom, Soka looked at him gloomily, thinking to himself: This guy must not be allowed to stay here!

Since force is not advisable, then...

After thinking about it, Cao Jia raised his hand fiercely and gave himself a hard blow.

The excessive force caused his face to swell quickly, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

But as if he didn't feel the pain at all, he showed a healthy smile, then picked up the mirror hanging on the wall and threw it on the ground.


After doing this, Cao Jia looked at Lan Guanghong proudly.

As long as there are signs that he is hitting people, even if the truth wants to keep him, the people here will not accept it.

What's more, there's a good chance that he's still Enoch... eh? Why does he smile so evilly?

Soka was surprised to find that the other party actually showed the same healthy smile as him.

"Come, let me show you a big baby."

Pressing the play button with one hand, a clear voice came from the phone: "She may be the woman who can become my mother!"

Soka:! ! !

"Have you ever seen a mobile phone that can record video?" Lan Guanghong looked at Cao Jia proudly, raised the phone and said, "Do you want me to teach you what to say?"

Soka: "...No need!"

"What happened!"

Hearing the sound of the mirror breaking, Zhenli, who was not far away, quickly ran back for fear of a physical conflict.

Seeing that the first person who came was the truth, Caojia became even more depressed.

"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention when I was walking and bumped my face against a pillar." He rubbed his face and forced a smile.

Zhi looked suspicious: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. It can't be that he was stupid and dumped himself." Lan Guanghong hugged Cao Jia and handed him a band-aid as if the two brothers were good friends: "Here, put this band-aid on it." ”

Soka took it wordlessly.

Lan Guanghong frowned: "Why don't you say thank you to Brother Guanghong?"


"Thank you, Brother Guanghong!"

His teeth were itching with hatred in his heart, but Soka still cooperated with a grateful smile.

He is worthy of being a movie king!

Zhen Zhi looked at the two harmonious people, with a big question mark popping up on his head.

I always feel so suspicious!

After chatting for a while, Lan Guanghong stood next to the heavily armored Ledoron and waved goodbye to Truth and Soka behind him.

Yes, he had no intention of staying here at all, even if the truth took out the Faiz belt, he couldn't convince him.

"Passive defense is not my style. I prefer to take the initiative."

Giving a thumbs up to Truth, he continued: "The disaster will be over soon. There is no need to save supplies, just let them eat freely."

"Besides..." He raised his hand and knocked on the trunk: "Come out!"

The box unfolded, and Keitaro was discovered and got out of it with a smile.

"Keitaro! Why can't I find you anywhere!" Mari frowned, suddenly thought of something, and asked him: "Are you going there?"

"Yes!" Keitaro nodded: "I have always been worried about Yuhua, and now I want to go to her immediately."

Turning his pleading eyes to Lan Guanghong, he asked: "Brother Guanghong, can you take me there?"

Lan Guanghong shouted coldly: "Who is your brother? If you don't take me with you, go alone!"

"Eh?" Keitaro was stunned.

On the passage leading to the city, there are Orpheus Enoch entrenched everywhere. If you go there alone, you may be in danger.

His expression changed, but Keitaro finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay! I'll go by myself!"

"Hmph, that's pretty much it." Lan Guanghong's face softened a little, and he reached back to dig out. Finally, he took out a purple-gold oval object and stuffed it into Keitaro's hand: "Take it to save your life."

"…What's this?"

"Set Q to fight!"


Chapter 173 Escape in the Rain

The story of Keitaro and Yuka is very simple. It is nothing more than the story of two boys and girls who have been dating online for a long time. They accidentally discovered that the people around them were actually their online dating partners, and then they came together smoothly.

Because of the outbreak of the Blue Rose Incident, the two were forced to stay in different camps and couldn't help but eat the forbidden fruit before they separated.

As a result, Aoife Enoch, who was obviously of a different race and could no longer conceive offspring in a human way, was possessed by humans.

Absolutely amazing!

After listening to Yuhua's narration, Lan Guanghong could only use the word "miracle" to describe the new life Yuhua was giving birth to.

Therefore, even if it was just to protect this miracle child, Lan Guanghong felt that he must end this turmoil as soon as possible and completely.

As for the solution, he already has some ideas.

When he was cleaning up those Aoife Enoch who agreed with Murakami's philosophy, he had examined the composition of this kind of life and tried to find a way for them to coexist with humans, but the result failed.

Because Aoife Enoch's body cannot withstand the detection of the biochemical knight.

Due to the transitional evolution, this kind of life appears to be very strong, but in fact it is extremely fragile and will turn into ashes if it goes deep enough.

After tossing Ao Fei like this for a few times, Lan Guanghong reluctantly gave up this method. Not only is the progress slow, but I also always feel guilty about doing human experiments.

But it was not without gain, he had found some secrets of this life.

In short, since the birth of Orphino was an evolution of a life form, it was unrealistic to roughly degenerate it back to the human state, but it was possible to make this evolution slow and stable, or even without changes in appearance.

It was necessary to find a stronger Orphino that could withstand his inspection.

Ordinary Orphino would not work. Whether it was a derivative or a native species, the stronger the outside, the more fragile the inside.

Then, there was only one answer!

Orphino's, Wang!

"Damn, it's so crooked, I wonder if Wang's Badan is still on that naughty kid Suzuki Teruo."

Riding a combat locust, drifting through the corner, he directly knocked over an Orphino who was ambushing at the corner and ran over his face, and Lan Guanghong swaggered towards the direction of SB Club.

There was no clue about finding Wang for the time being, so he went to Murakami to reminisce.

After not seeing him for so long, Lan Guanghong missed this boss quite a bit.



The heavy rain fell, and the dry dirt road quickly became muddy and difficult to drive on.

On the dirt road, a van was speeding on the road with its wipers swaying wildly. Even though the front windshield was blurred, the driver did not dare to relax his foot on the accelerator.

"Everyone, hold on!"


The strong vibration caused everyone in the car to bounce into the air uncontrollably. Fortunately, after being reminded, they all stabilized quickly and no accidents happened.

But when passing the obstacle, the car seemed to have some problems. It made a few grunting sounds and slowly stopped.

"Damn it, at this time!"

"No time to hesitate, teacher, let's abandon the car!"

If Mari was here, she would definitely recognize at a glance that the person who spoke was her classmate at Meteor Academy - Rina Abe. They had the best relationship when they were in school.

If you look closely, the people in the car are all familiar faces, including the teacher who taught them before, as well as Tokumoto, Takamiya, Inukai, and...

"Endo, hurry up!" Kimura Saya anxiously waved to Endo who was at the end.

Abandoning the van, several people supported each other and ran on the muddy road. The muddy water that sank their feet quickly filled their shoes, and their heavy footsteps made their movements more difficult.

"This won't work!" After struggling for a while, Inukai suddenly stopped and reached out to grab the box in Rina's hand.

Rina, who was unprepared, was left with nothing. She immediately turned her head and said in shock: "Inukai, what are you doing?"

"If this goes on, none of us can escape. Let's fight!"

As he spoke, he had already put on a black and white belt.


"No!" Deben next to him stretched out his hand to block the slot on the belt: "Do you want to be as crazy as Shinto?"

"Then what do you say? Are you going to wait for death?!"

"Or, you can give the belt to me." The voice that came suddenly from behind made everyone feel cold.

Not far away, a man holding an orange umbrella stood behind them at some point.

With a handsome face with dyed curly hair on his forehead and a well-fitting suit on his body, he looked like a popular idol at first glance. But even standing in the rain, his evil and happy smile was clearly reflected in everyone's eyes, which was chilling.

"Damn, it's this guy again!" Inukai gritted his teeth, slapped Deben's hand away, and inserted the voice phone into the belt.

[Complete! ]

Silver-blue photon blood vessels covered his whole body, and with a flash of light, he transformed into the last of the three initial knights.

Masked Rider——Delta!

"Oh oh oh... the power is coming!"

After the transformation, Inukai roared invincible, and then raised his fist to hit the idol-like man.

"Tsk tsk, you really don't learn your lesson... To live or to die, that's the question."

He said some meaningless literary words, the umbrella in his hand flew into the air, and bloody tears flowed from his eyes.

The next second, he raised his hand to catch Delta's fist, and at the same time his body suddenly changed into Orphino, who seemed to be wearing scale armor, a long skirt and long hair.

"What!" Inukai looked at his caught fist in disbelief.

How is it possible? Isn't Delta the strongest knight's belt? Why was it blocked so easily!

"Humph, you are weaker than the previous guy, and..."

Peacock Orphino raised his leg and kicked Delta away: "Dare to be distracted in the battle? What a hopeless guy!"

The black and white knight flew back, and the belt broke free in the air and fell into the mud.


Inukai fell to the ground in a mess, but he immediately got up with a fierce look on his face: "Damn it, you dare to look down on me!"

When the teacher saw that this guy looked wrong, he hurriedly shouted: "He is affected by Delta, hold him down!"

Several male students rushed over and held him down.

At this moment, Kimura Saya showed a trace of determination on her face. She wiped the rain off her face and picked up the belt.

"I'll do it!"

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