Chapter 165 The Four Idiots’ Farewell Gift

Endless energy was directed into the body of the Den-O Machine God by blue light and red. Swords, poles, spears, and axes, the four limbs of the Den-O Train, all unfolded their respective weapons and aimed at the knight robot.

"Come on!"

Four beams of different colors shot out from the weapon, converging into a colorful ray in mid-air and hitting the enemy.

Not to be outdone, the knight robot focused its energy into the gems at its belt, and a purple light suddenly shot out, facing the colorful ray.

"Ho~ Are we going to win? Then, I have to put an end to this as well."

The giant Decade on the other side saw Lan Guanghong's actions and took out a card with the busts of all the knights printed on it from his waist and stuffed it into his belt.

[Final Mask Attack Form Control——De, De, De, Decade! ]

Countless card shadows floated in front of him, locking on the blackened Decade.

Similarly, the blackened Xiao Ming also inserted the final attack card, preparing to use the knight kick to decide the outcome.

The two clapped their hands almost simultaneously, then jumped up and launched knight kicks at each other.

on the ground.

"Hey, we seem to be pushed back. Let's think of a way!"

Above the robot's head, Lan Guanghong crossed his arms and said confidently: "Don't worry, we will never lose when it comes to waves!"

"... Where does your inexplicable confidence come from? You are obviously about to be knocked over, okay?"

Blu-ray red:?

He turned his head and glanced at the Peach Warrior who was watching the battle with a fan on the ground, and thought: That's right, we are on the right.

How could this pair of waves lose?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Seeing that the two Decades above were about to decide the winner, Lan Guanghong was secretly anxious.

If the knight robot is not destroyed at the same time, the blackened Xiao Ming will be resurrected immediately, and Xiao Ming's decisive victory will be meaningless!

Damn it, we are already at full strength, what is

With a flash of inspiration, Lan Guanghong understood the reason why he would lose against Bo.

Grandma, we are knights, not the giants in our memory. What kind of trouble can we do if we have nothing to do?

He must have been influenced by the Four Idiots on the Tram, well, that’s definitely the case!

"Everyone, please give me control!"

"Good" X4

Although they didn't understand what he was thinking, all four of them gave up their control without hesitation.


The blue light switches to red as the mechanical knight returns to the cockpit, closes his eyes, and lets his mind merge with his body.

The angle of view suddenly changes. The blue light and red now are the gods of electro-optical machines.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

With a silent thought in his mind, Lan Guanghong suddenly canceled the release of the beam, and then immediately turned sideways to avoid the knight robot's ray.

The next moment, he flew into the sky before the other party could react, pouring all the energy into his legs, causing them to emit golden light.

"Electronic Machine God - RX Kick!"

Like a falling meteorite, he launched a classic special move towards the knight robot.

At this time, the knight robot had turned its muzzle towards the blue and red light, but the purple beam collapsed when it hit the falling golden meteorite, and the effect was minimal.

A few seconds later, Blu-ray red kicked through the body of the knight robot. At the same time, the kicking stalemate between the two Decades ended, and the magenta original kicked the black pirated version.

"Okay! Success!"

The Electro-Optical Machine God, who had kicked the enemy half-kneeling on the ground, straightened up, put one hand on his waist and made an R shape with the other, and the knight robot exploded behind him.

The giant Decade stood next to him, clapped his hands, and a ball of sparks also burst into the air.

This crisis that could affect the entire universe has finally been averted.

"Hahaha, thanks to me for this battle, I was so handsome just now, hahaha!"

"Idiot, you almost hurt us with your aggressive advance at the beginning, but it was my calm offensive that was the most..."

After changing back to their original form, the four idiots on the tram quickly got into a fight again, and finally pulled Blu-ray Red into it and asked him to tell who performed the best.

Lan Guanghong reprimanded unceremoniously: "You still have the nerve to tell me who came up with the idea to confront the enemy. It almost caused me to overturn!"

The four strange demon gods were stunned for a moment. After thinking for a moment, they all focused their gazes on him.

Blu-ray red:?

Uh, it seems, I took the lead?

The handsome face turned red, his blue and red eyes drifted away, and he suddenly opened his big hands and laughed to greet the two people not far away.

"Hahaha, Officer Bo, Detective, thank you very much!"

"Oh, Kotaro-senpai! Please take a photo with me!"


Blue light red:......

"Brother Shi, can you please delete this photo?"

"No." Kadoya Shi glanced at the blue light red in the camera who rolled his eyes and opened his mouth wide, seeming to be sticking out his tongue, and smiled with satisfaction.

It is in sharp contrast to the blue light, red and dark face.

As if he didn't see his expression, Kadashi looked up at the horizon and suddenly said: "The time has come."

The sky turned purple at some point, and then the whole world was gradually enveloped in a purple halo, which was the time-space distortion energy covering the world.

As history recovers, these purple halos quickly turn into light spots and disappear.

The same goes for the knights. Most of them do not belong to this world, and they will naturally return to their original world quickly after the battle.

"Well, the time has come." Lan Guanghong sighed with emotion. This was the first time he fought with so many knights, but it was a pity that they had to part ways before they could properly communicate with each other.

Suddenly something occurred to him, and he asked Kado Yashi next to him: "Brother Xiao Ming, will they still remember what happened today when they go back?"

"No, their memories will be overwritten by the correct history." After a pause, he continued: "Of course, they won't remember you either."

"However, I will remember you, and so will Minami Kotaro."

"Well, that's pretty good too."

He smiled and said goodbye to Minami Kotaro, who also waved to him, and finally, Kadoya Shi.

"Well, goodbye, Kamen Rider Decade."

"Ah, goodbye, BlackRX." Putting on his sunglasses, Kado Yaji put his fingers together in front of his forehead to make a farewell gesture to him, and then disappeared into the wall of time and space.

After everyone disappeared, Lan Guanghong looked up to the sky and sighed: "Huh, I'm the only one left...ah?!"

He looked down at his body in confusion and found that there was no sign of disappearing at all.

"Well, that's right! I was brought here by the four idiots on the tram. The time and space distortion here has no effect on me, and of course it will not return automatically, so..."

Lan Guanghong looked at the deserted plain and roared to the sky with grief and anger: "The four idiots on the tram!!!"


Momotaros, who had just sent Don Momotaro back to his world, rubbed his nose: "What's going on? I feel like I forgot something."

"...Forget it, let's go find Ryotaro."

No. 1 Kenzaki

In the quiet woods, the sun shines through the gaps in the shade of the trees.

The light wind wrinkled and turned into a whirlpool-like cyclone, slowly spreading from small to large. When the cyclone expanded to the same height as the trees, a dark tank with bright yellow paint suddenly drove out.


The chariot that appeared made a beautiful flick, hit a few nearby trees and came to an abrupt stop.

Leaning out from the upturned car door, Lan Guanghong raised his arms and shouted: "Hahahaha, finally, finally succeeded!"

This shout was full of excitement, excitement, and countless bitterness.

After discovering that she had been left behind, Lan Guanghong had been thinking hard about how to get back, but finally gained hope from her car.

The ability of the Den-O Train to travel through time and space is a special ability that even the Mechanical Knight cannot analyze, but it accidentally obtained part of the data when it was combined.

With this, Lan Guanghong also developed the ability to travel through time and space, and finally escaped from that world.

But after all, the data is only part of it. The function of time travel is fine, it’s just the result...

After looking at it for a while, blue light, red face and black lines jumped down from the tree.

This place is not too remote, and the outline of the city can be seen from a high place, but he has never seen this city in Faiz's world, which means that either he came to the wrong country, or...

"The coordinates were obviously set, why did they deviate! Damn it, it's all the fault of the four idiots!"

Lan Guanghong complained and walked out of the woods along the trampled path.

There is no way, the reinstalled Ledoron is still not the Den-O train. It can't just leave like it. It needs to wait for a period of time to cool down.

It's not long, about a day or two, which is acceptable.

After walking for about half an hour, he could already faintly hear the sounds of people running and laughing, and from time to time there were a few crisp "bangs".

As soon as I heard the sound, I knew it was someone playing baseball.

It would be easier if someone could help.

Lan Guanghong changed direction and walked briskly in the direction of the sound.

But at this moment, the laughter suddenly turned into screams of terror, and the sound of running steps became chaotic.

Lan Guanghong's complexion changed, and he immediately stepped on the ground without hesitation and kicked hard, rushing forward like an arrow from a string.

Not long after, he jumped out of the woods and saw a strange man with his back turned to him, extending his claws towards the innocent boy who collapsed on the ground.

How could Lan Guanghong watch the tragedy happen, and immediately shouted: "NMD, casually hurting innocent teenagers, it is unforgivable!"

"henshin!"..."Taku!"..."RX Kick!"

He transformed into a knight kick and kicked the weirdo in the chest, who was about to turn around.


The weirdo screamed immediately and was kicked away by double kicks shining with golden light. He crashed through the guardrail and fell to an unknown place.

"Huh, poor, weak, weak!"

Turning around to help the young man who collapsed on the ground, he asked with concern: "How are you? Are you injured?"

The young man looked at the blue light and red appearance, his pupils trembled sharply, and after a moment he rolled his eyes, and his body softened instantly.

Blue light red:......

Well, it’s understandable that Heisei boys can’t accept Showa-style tough guy heroes.

"Eh? Why didn't that weirdo explode?"

Putting the boy back to where he was, he curiously turned around and walked towards the guardrail that was broken by the weirdo.

After walking through the hole for a while, he saw a weird man lying on the ground struggling to move forward. He looked very inspiring.

"Well, you can survive one kick from me? I really underestimate you!" Lan Guanghong walked to the weirdo in a few steps and raised his right hand that was ignited with golden light without mercy.

"But it's a pity that there is no safe zone near here~"

"Rider Punch!"

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