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"Hello, Zeya City.

This week has been really chaotic.

The legendary Baron Alliance has collapsed because of a rebellion.

The newly joined armoredrider calls himself Black Shadow and Guledon and issued a declaration of war to Baron.

At this moment, Kaiwu and Longxuan lent a hand to Baron, who was supposed to be the enemy.

Ah, the great chaos.

With such a chaotic relationship, the current Zeya City can really be said to be...

the Warring States Period.

" Xiangliang's exclamation came from the computer.

Tianluo looked at this guy with amusement. As the will of the underworld of Heim, he actually ran out to be a host. It's thanks to this guy that he could think of it. And next to Tianluo came the cheers of the Kaiwu team. The previous things were solved in a perfect way.

Hongtai let go of his knot and turned into Kaiwu again. The Kaiwu team has added another general, and the ranking has already ranked first with the Baron team.

For everyone on the Kaiwu team, this is a day worth celebrating.

However, Hongtai did not come here because he had to find a job, and Tianluo was not a member of the team, so he could only sit there and play on the computer out of boredom.

"Tianluo, what are you doing all day long?"

Wu came to Tianluo and said.

Wu was very curious about Tianluo. Although he had known him for a long time, he still knew very little about Tianluo.

Mysterious, powerful, and rich.

Although Tianluo did not go out to work, the things he had were the most expensive and best. For example, the tablet computer in his hand was the latest model of Apple that Wu had always wanted but had no money to buy.

Could he be the son of a wealthy group?

"I hate work so much, I'd better just be a handsome man quietly.……"

Tian Luo shook his head and said


Wu rolled his eyes at him. He had no choice but to deal with Tianluo. Sometimes this guy spoke seriously and made sense, but sometimes he acted like a child.

"Tianluo-san, how about we have a competition?"

At this time, Ah Shi also came over and said to Tianluo

"Okay, okay, let’s have a fight to see who’s better."

Several people from the Kaiwu team cheered immediately. They had only seen Tianluo take action once, and they all wanted to see it again.

"That's not good……"

Wu hesitated a little. They had always competed with others, but never with themselves.

"Well, this is also fine. I just feel bored.

Tianluo put down the computer and nodded.

He didn't really care about the competition. The main thing was that Ah Shi seemed to be very unhappy with him.

This time, he probably proposed the competition to show off to Tianluo.

Tianluo was just having fun with his idea. It was normal for children to be jealous.

Wu nodded helplessly under the insistence of the two.

Outside the garage, this is a remote place. Almost no one comes here except the few people from the Kaiwu team, so they let the two compete with confidence. The two transformed at the same time, and suddenly two fully armed knights appeared in front of everyone.

"No matter how you look at it, Tianluo's armor is perfect."

Wu said admiringly while looking at Tianluo's armor.

Indeed, the Zan Yue-shaped armor is the most perfect appearance here, and the watermelon-shaped armor coloring adds a touch of mystery to the armor.

"I'm going to attack."

Ah Shi quickly distanced himself from Tian Luo. It was obviously an unwise choice to engage in a fight with the enemy. Bang, bang, bang. Ah

Shi fired three shots directly at Tian Luo, but Tian Luo raised his left hand and all three shots were blocked by the shield.

Several more shots came, but Tian Luo didn't move at all. He just waved his arms casually and all the bullets were blocked.


Ash's forehead began to sweat.

"This... why does it feel like an adult teasing a child?"

Wu said helplessly.

"The level gap seems a bit big."

A girl next to her nodded and said

"Is this still a competition?"

Everyone was speechless. This is not a competition at all.

"It seems a bit bullying,"

Tianluo said helplessly as he looked at Ah Shi jumping up and down, and then he pulled out the lock on the driver.

"What does Tianluo want to do?"

Wu and the others looked at Tianluo strangely. In the surprised eyes of the crowd, Tianluo took out a black lock and put it into the driver.

A black object fell down, and when everyone looked over again, Tianluo had changed.

The original gorgeous armor had disappeared, and it turned into a rough black armor. Although it still looked a bit like before, others could recognize at a glance that this armor was seven points similar to the black shadow.

"It's so ugly.……"

Tianluo looked at the extremely ugly armor with some dissatisfaction and complained, but there was nothing he could do. If he used it well, Ah Shi was too weak.

This armor was too strenuous for Tianluo to use. He could only exert about 10% of his strength.

"Is he planning to use this to compete with Ah Shi?"

Everyone was shocked. Even a ghost could see that this armor was very different from Ah Shi's. How could he win with this?

".Are you humiliating me?"

Ah Shi looked at Tian Luo angrily. He felt that Tian Luo was looking down on him.

Then he fired several shots at Tian Luo.

""It's fucking bad."

Tianluo said unhappily after moving his body, and then dodged the attack directly. Then he rushed to Ah Shi and stabbed him with the spear in his hand.

Ah Shi quickly dodged and rolled to avoid Tianluo's attack, and then fired a few more shots.

Tianluo swung the spear, and several bullets were directly chopped away. He charged again, and the spear in his hand hit Ah Shi directly. Bang.

There was a sound of impact, and a figure was rushed out.

"It's Ash……"

Wu was shocked and shouted, and everyone rushed forward to see what was happening to Ah Shi.

Fortunately, he was not seriously injured.

"I lost. I didn't expect that even with the driver, I still couldn't beat you."

Ah Shi said unwillingly.

"Boy (Qian De), it’s not that easy to catch up with me"

Tianluo said to Ah Shi, what a joke, if anyone can compare with him, Tianluo believes that this world will be over in no time

"Really, why did you hit him so hard?

Wu helped Ah Shi up and glared at Tian Luo.

"Is it heavy? No way."

Tianluo looked at Ah Shi who was fine and asked doubtfully.

"What, you have an opinion?……"

"Okay, I was wrong."

Tianluo said that it is better not to reason with women.

"But it's really cool."

Wu's expression improved and he praised Tian Luo.

"Is that so? I can't help it. Who told me to be so handsome?

So the atmosphere became joyful again. They played and reveled together. After playing, Wu told Tianluo that she wanted to go to her house and buy something. So after thinking it over, they decided to go to a famous pastry shop.

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