The island was eerily quiet at this time. The breeze blew away the flying sand around, leaving behind traces of the explosion.

When the line of sight became clear, there was nothing where Tianluo was standing.

The sage walked over there and looked around. He released his transformed form and his face was full of anger.

He knew that the Phoenix had escaped and used his power to break the space and escape.

Although the space crack was very dangerous, he knew that the Phoenix had an immortal body and would definitely escape.

This was the first time in his life that he was fooled by someone, and he couldn't find that guy. Who knows where he would come out after entering the space crack.

With a gloomy face, he walked away with Medusa.

"Phoenix, I will remember this account, and I will not forgive you next time we meet."

One month later

, Fuuto is a beautiful city, but this is only the surface.

Ever since something called Gaia Memory drifted into the city, the city has not been peaceful. Various terrorist and violent things have occurred one after another, and this horrific thing quickly spread in the city.

No one knows that the one who made Gaia Memory is the Sonosaki family, the ruler of Fuuto. They claim to be the family chosen by the earth, and use the people in the city as guinea pigs for Gaia Memory experiments.

Their status in Fuuto has become a giant.

However, yesterday, a piece of news made the current head of the Sonosaki family, Sonosaki Ryubei, furious.

The headquarters for the development of Gaia Memory was looted, and the memory inside, as well as various research mechanical reconnaissance robots, were all looted. There was even a golden memory inside, and all the staff inside were unconscious.

After monitoring, there was only a black shadow and the items that disappeared directly.

This is the first time that the Sonosaki family has controlled Fuuto for so many years, and there is no clue at all.

Furious, Sonosaki Ryubei immediately called all company executives to an emergency meeting.

"What do you think about this matter?" Sonosaki Ryubei said expressionlessly to the company executives below.

"This was clearly premeditated. All of our company's employees were knocked unconscious by something similar to a drug. The surveillance was also tampered with and only a black shadow could be seen. It might have been done by our enemies," said a thin young man with a dark face below.

"Hostile faction? The Hongshang Group and the guy who likes to tinker with magic shouldn't be the enemy. You mean the old guy from Amanokawa," said Sonosaki Ryubei, looking at the dark and thin man.

"That’s right, they are the ones most likely to attack us," the thin dark man replied.

"I think so too. They have been competing with us for the funds distributed by X Group. If they cause trouble for us, they will be one step ahead of us," said another fat middle-aged man.

Everyone below nodded after hearing this.

Sonosaki Ryubei above also nodded silently.

As long as it involves interests, there will be competition, and even they are no exception.

"No matter who it is, if they dare to attack us, we will never let them go. Go ahead and investigate. If you catch them, kill them without mercy."

After saying this, Sonosaki Ryubei took out a golden memory and inserted it into his belt.

""Fear" a mechanical voice sounded, and in an instant, Sonosaki Ryubei turned from a fifty-year-old man into an ugly monster over two meters tall.

The group of people below also took out their memory sticks and inserted them into their bodies.

"Scorpion, Bison, Mantis"………

A group of monsters instantly filled the conference room

, but what they didn't know was that the instigator of this incident was destroying the dirty work in an unknown room.

"Rhinoceros, no, too low-level. Bats, too ugly, no. Lava, okay, keep it."

In an unknown room, a young man dressed in black was searching around on the hill in front of him, commenting as he searched.

"Speaking of which, Tianluo, I am a noble phoenix after all, and you actually asked me to steal things."

"Steal your head, this is robbing the rich to help the poor, robbing the rich to help the poor, you know,"

"Who is poor then?"

""Of course I'm the idiot. Don't forget that I still owe Shotaro money."

That's right, this person is Tianluo who escaped from the space crack.

It was really thrilling last time, and Tianluo could only use the most dangerous method to escape from the sage.

If the sage asked Medusa to petrify Tianluo at that time, then Tianluo would really be dead. After all, it is impossible for the phoenix to escape from the petrified state with its current magic power. Fortunately, the sage was in a runaway state and didn't think so much. He directly used the strongest attack, so Tianluo was lucky to escape. Although he escaped, Tianluo was also seriously injured and unconscious. He was seen by Zuo Shotaro and Philip who came out to work and took him back.

When Tianluo woke up, he found something very embarrassing, he had no money, so he shamelessly relied on Shotaro and others, and borrowed some money from them.

But this is not a long-term thing, so he set his sights on the memory research headquarters. Don't ask why he knows there, there is no way, I am a time traveler.

He just asked the phoenix to use a few small magics to steal everything inside. The phoenix still knows these small magics such as concealment, sleep, and storage.

"You've gone too far, haven't you?" said the Phoenix.

"Hey, silly bird, when did you become so kind? Do you know what my life motto is?"

"What?" Phoenix asked in confusion.

""They are not good things anyway, so why not sell them all to me?" Tianluo said shamelessly. The Phoenix stared at Tianluo blankly. Was this guy really a human before? How could he be so shameless? How could he be so domineering? Even the Phoenix himself didn't dare to say a word in front of him.

"By the way, can you please stop calling me a fool?���Theoretically, your body has merged with mine, and now you are also the Phoenix." The Phoenix suddenly thought of something and said to Tianluo

"Oh, that's right, I'll give you a name when the time comes." Tianluo thought about it and said

"But now please call me Lord Phoenix, hahahaha……"

The Phoenix looked at Tian Luo who was laughing wildly at the ceiling in a very middle school style and was speechless. He ignored him and said to him

"What are your future plans?"

"My plan, of course, is to become stronger and go back to find the factory. I will never forget what happened that time." Tianluo said

"You really hold a grudge, but it's just as I thought." The Phoenix also agreed

"But have you ever thought about how to become stronger?" Phoenix asked Tianluo

"There wasn't one before, but there should be one now."

Tianluo took out a transparent glass box from the hill.

In the box was a golden memory.

There was an icicle carved in the middle of the golden memory, which looked very beautiful. Next to the icicle was an English letter"i".

Tianluo could feel the energy in his body resonating with the memory.

He picked up the memory and gently pressed the switch button.

""ice" an electronic synthesized sound sounded, and the memory instantly flew out of his hand and shot into Tianluo's chest, then merged into Tianluo's body and disappeared.

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