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"Wow, today's students are really enthusiastic.……"

Tianluo squeezed out from the crowd of girls with difficulty, and then ran outside with Qingren and the others.

"What makes me wonder is, why are they all surrounding you? I seem to be the most handsome one."

Qingren muttered as he ran, looking a little indignant.

It was said that all the women before surrounded Tianluo and directly threw him, a handsome guy, aside. This dealt a serious blow to Qingren's self-confidence. He seriously doubted whether those girls were blind.

"Hey, nowadays, pretty boys are not popular anymore. Girls like warm men. Do you know warm men? Don't envy me. I am a man with warm attributes.……"

Tian Luo said to the two of them, and then showed an extremely contagious smile, like a ray of light in the dark night, making people want to get closer

"Damn, you are cheating, I can feel the fluctuation of magic power,"

Haruto said with an unhappy look on his face.

"Come on if you dare."

Tianluo looked at Qingren with disdain.

""Okay, okay, stop making trouble. The problem is that we still don't know her purpose. What should we do next?"

Shunping interrupted the two people's bickering and said helplessly.

"Separate and meet at the exit half an hour later"

"OK, let's do it."

Tianluo and Qingren ran in two directions at the same time and disappeared in a short while.

"What? You left me again?

Shunping stood there in a daze, watching the two people disappear.

"It's over. I'm the only one left. What if I meet Medusa? Have you ever considered the feelings of an ordinary person like me?

Shunping stomped his feet with a depressed look on his face, and then walked towards another road helplessly. He twisted his body while walking, and the students around him cast strange looks at him.……


On the other side

, Tian Luo met an acquaintance

"Hello, Tianluo, long time no see….…"

The person who appeared in front of Tian Luo was Gulemlin, who had only appeared once before.

He was still dressed in the same clothes, still smiling, and his eyes occasionally showed a gleam of brilliance.

"Yes, long time no see, I thought you were dead."

Tianluo said nonchalantly

"Hehe, Tianluo-kun is still so fond of joking. How can I die without achieving my goal?"

Gulemlin's expression remained unchanged, still smiling at Tianluo. His mean eyes and those big white front teeth made Tianluo want to punch him.

"You play your game, I play mine, what do you mean by picking on me?"

Tian Luo asked Gulemlin.

"Hehe, I just want to ask Tianluo-kun not to use plugins. After all, this is Xiao Meisha's own business. It would be meaningless if you interfere.……"

Gulemlin found a place to sit down and said in a playful tone, as if he was very interested in this matter.

"That's interesting.……"

Tian Luo chuckled

"But I really hate people like you who like to calculate. It's really tiring to talk to you."

"Really? Actually, I hate this, but if you don't have the strength, you can only rely on calculations. I don't hate you, because I feel that you and I are the same kind, and the magician with the ring."

Gulemlin said with a smile, and then looked in another direction, which was the direction where Haruto went.

"Are they the same? Never mind, think whatever you want, I'll leave first. There are still many beauties in the school, so I must take this opportunity to see more.……"

Tianluo waved at Gulemlin, then walked away with a smirk on his face.

When Tianluo walked away for a while, Gulemlin also disappeared.……


Tianluo wandered around the school. Of course, her eyes stayed on the girls in the classroom. The girls in miniskirts, slim waists, and youthful looks made Tianluo dazzled. As for the purpose of her coming here... Is there any? Not at all. Just like that

, she walked and looked. When she had seen enough, the school bell rang.

At this time, Tianluo realized that he seemed to have forgotten the time. It seemed that he had agreed with Haruto and the others to stay for half an hour, but now it seemed that the time had expired. With a helpless sigh, Tianluo followed the crowd towards the exit. By the way, there was no teacher who delayed the class here. Well, this is a good habit...

When Tianluo arrived, Haruto and the others had already arrived, but they still didn't notice anything.

At this time, Mayu walked in from the door again because of something. Seeing her come back, Haruto decided to confront her directly. It was too troublesome to hide.

"Miss Mayu, how long are you going to pretend?"

Haruto stopped Mayu and asked

"What do you mean?

Mayu looked at Haruto with a puzzled look, not knowing what he was talking about.


Are you still pretending? What is your purpose?


"Ah, monster……"

Just when Mayu was about to say something, there was a sudden exclamation from outside, followed by a commotion.

"What's going on?"

Haruto was shocked, then he looked at Mayu, and finally decided to run outside.

Seeing Haruto running away, Shunpei and Tenra followed him. Seeing this, Mayu also ran outside with the three of them.

When they came outside, they immediately saw Medusa approaching a girl wearing red glasses.

"Medusa, how could it be?"

Haruto was shocked when he saw Medusa, and then looked at Mayu behind him.

However, now was not the time to worry about this, because Medusa had already approached the girl. If she was a step later,……

"Bastard, let go of that girl!"

Haruto shouted at Medusa

"Yes, let me come……"

Tianluo added a sentence at the end

"You guy (Deli), please stop ruining the atmosphere like this, okay?"

Qi Ren looked at Tian Luo speechlessly

, and Medusa on the other side turned her head when she heard Qing Ren's words.

"Oh. It's a magician with a ring and a phoenix.……"

Medusa slowly stood up, walked towards the two people, and then looked at Tianluo

"Are you planning to intervene too?"

"No, no, no, I'm just here to hang out, don't worry about it."

Tianluo shook his head quickly, then stepped aside and helped the girl to a place not far away.

"Brother Tianluo, aren't you going to help? Brother Qingren can't handle it alone.……"

Shunping said worriedly

"Don't worry, I'm here to make sure he won't die."

Tian Luo patted his chest and promised, then turned to look at the beautiful woman with glasses beside him.


This beautiful lady, what is her name? How old is she? Where does she live? What are her measurements? Does she have a boyfriend?

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