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"What? Is it true, Tianluo?"

Qing Ren asked in shock.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something. Was the wound on the man's head caused by the silver bullet he had used before?

"Then, their target is Rinko. No, Rinko is in danger.……"

Haruto said anxiously when he thought of this, then he summoned his familiar, then shrank and left with the familiar.

"Well, what should I do next?"

Tian Luo looked at the cell where he was the only one left and said in distress.

"Sure enough, I still want to join in the fun……"

After thinking for a while, Tianluo decided to go and take a look. After all, his life seemed a bit boring now. It was not easy to find such an interesting thing. How could he not get involved?

Thinking of this, a light flashed from Tianluo's body, and then the light slowly disappeared. Tianluo also disappeared.……


"Oh? Is it over?"

When Tian Luo arrived, he saw Qingren kick the bison phantom with a crazy and awesome killing move. There was an explosion, and then the bison exploded into pieces.

"Haruto, she's dying.……"

At this moment, Alex, who was watching over Rinko, suddenly shouted to Haruto


Qi Ren was shocked and hurried over.

At this time, the cracks on Rinko Daimon's body had begun to spread all over her body. It looked terrible, and it felt like a vase was about to break.

"Magician, I can't do it anymore……"

Rinko's face was dull and she looked very weak.

"Don't give up, I am your last hope……"

Haruto comforted Rinko and took out a ring from his body.

Rinko stared at Haruto's actions blankly, and then remembered Haruto's words in the cell.

"I am your last hope."

It was the same sentence, but now Rinko heard it differently.

"What a strange guy"

Rinko muttered softly, and raised her hand. Haruto put the ring on Rinko's hand, and then put it on the driver at his waist.

Suddenly, a fiery red magic circle appeared on Rinko's hand, and Haruto jumped in.

"I'm going. Wait for me.……"

Tianluo saw that only Qingren was left outside and shouted loudly, then rushed over.

In the shocked eyes of Qingren and Ali, Tianluo grabbed Qingren's head and plunged directly into the magic circle.……


Ali stared at this scene blankly, not knowing what to say


"Bastard, what are you doing here? And let me go……"

In the inner world of Rinko, Haruto rushed towards Tianluo, who was still holding Haruto's head, and the two of them were descending at a very fast speed.

"Ahem, come in and join in the fun.……"

Tian** coughed twice, then let go of his hand.

The two of them descended very quickly, landing on the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Is this Rinko's inner world?

Tian Luo looked around curiously.

This was his first time entering someone else's inner world, and it felt no different from the real world.

"Well, be careful.……"

Haruto nodded, then looked around warily.

In front of them, a little girl was running towards a policeman. The little girl was Rinko when she was a child, and the policeman should be Rinko's father. But just as the two were about to hug each other, the space seemed to be still, and then a long crack suddenly appeared between the two.

""Here it comes!"

Qingren suddenly shouted, and then a huge monster rushed out.

The monster was very huge, with a pair of wings, and looked extremely strange. As soon as it came out, it slammed into the surroundings, and wherever it passed, cracks appeared in the space like a mirror. Soon, the world was full of scars.

"Come out, dragon……"

Haruto put on the ring, and then a huge magic circle appeared above, and a giant western dragon emerged from the magic circle. As soon as the dragon came out, it rushed towards the monster, and the two sides instantly fought, and then the two separated, and the dragon guy actually rushed towards Haruto again.


Haruto was knocked away by this sudden attack.

"Hahaha, your power is too weak, even the dragon won't listen to you……"

Seeing this scene, Tian Luo burst into laughter.

"Asshole, what are you laughing at?……"

Qingren struggled to stand up from the ground, and then shouted at Tianluo.

In fact, he was also helpless in his heart. Dragons are the most arrogant creatures in mythology and are difficult to tame. With Qingren's current strength, he can't get the dragon's recognition at all.

··Request flowers······

"Dragon, obey my command……"

Haruto yelled angrily, then summoned his motorcycle and jumped onto the back of the dragon when it rushed towards him again.

Then Haruto controlled the dragon and rushed towards the monster.

"So, what should I do next?"

Tianluo said helplessly as he looked at the two sides fighting fiercely above.

"Anyway, you are here now. It would be unreasonable if you don't do something. Come out, Qinglong……"

Before that, Tianluo waved his hand fiercely, and a crack appeared in the sky instantly, and then a huge blue dragon appeared in front of Tianluo

"Hey, that's good.……".....................

Tianluo chuckled, and then directly jumped onto the back of Tianluo Qinglong. Qinglong then flew up and rushed towards Qingren and the others. Qingren, who was still fighting happily in the sky, suddenly saw a huge figure flying towards them. He was immediately startled and quickly controlled the magic dragon to fly to the side.


Qingren escaped, but the monster was not so lucky and was directly knocked away by the figure.

"What is this?"

Haruto looked at this scene in shock.

This is not right. Could it be that there are two magical aggregates in Rinko's body? However, when he saw the figure on the monster, Haruto finally put his mind at ease.

"Tianluo, you will scare people to death, and what is this thing of yours?"

Qingren looked at Tianluo helplessly, and then looked at Qinglong1nves

"Hehe, this is my little pet. How about it? Is it handsome?……"

Tianluo patted Qinglong's head and said

"Forget it, forget about it for now. Tianluo, Rinko doesn't have much time left, we must solve this problem quickly.……"

Although he was very curious about 1nves, time was running out and he didn't have much time left. Haruto turned his attention to the magic power aggregate that had rushed over again.

"Yeah, let's solve it first.……"

Tianluo nodded, and then fought the monster with Haruto.

For this low-level monster, it was a piece of cake for Tianluo and his team, and they were completely killed in a few strokes.

Then, Tianluo and Haruto left Rinko's inner world together... Beg..._

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