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, weird, this is what Zeya City looks like now. Most of the people in the city have evacuated. The only ones who are still here are Hongtai and his gang.

Hongtai went to stop Quwen Jiedou, but failed. In the end, everyone followed Zack's plan. Fenglian made a time bomb to stop Quwen Jiedou.

But a long time has passed, and there is still no news about Zack. Everyone understands that Zack may have failed.

What should I do next?

Everyone is distressed. Now except Tianluo and Hongtai, no one can fight. They can only wait and see.

"What are you going to do next?"

Outside the shelter, Tianluo asked Kota


Hong Tai looked at the Heim fruit on the ground hesitantly, but in the end he made up his mind and picked one.

"Five or sixty""Kota, what are you doing?"

Just then Ge Yejing ran out and saw Kota's actions at a glance

"Sister, I……"

Kota glanced at Ge Yejing, then looked at the Heim Underworld Fruit in his hand.

"Actually, I seem to understand something. I have no appetite since then, but now this thing looks delicious."


Ge Yejing looked at Hong Tai with concern.

Under the gaze of the two, Hong Tai ate the fruit directly.

"It's really delicious. I'm sorry, sister, I can't eat your cooking anymore.……"

Throwing away the things in his hand, Hong Tai started crying.

For ordinary people, becoming a monster is the most painful thing for them. Not everyone is like Tianluo and Quwen Jiedou.

"Sister Jing, let's leave for a while and let him calm down.……"

Tian Luo looked at this scene and said to Ge Yejing

"Yes, sister, you and Tianluo go back first, I still have some things to do.……"

Hearing Tianluo's words, Hongtai also nodded.

"That's it. Okay.……"

Ge Yejing hesitated for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

The two of them walked back slowly, leaving Hongtai alone to think.……


Tianluo and Ge Yejing were walking on the road. Ge Yejing was obviously worried.

"Tianluo, do you think Hongta will be okay?……"

Ge Yejing asked worriedly.

Although she had guessed something, she couldn't help but ask Tianluo for confirmation.

"What does Sister Jing want from Hong Tai?

Tian Luo asked Ge Yejing.

"I, I hope Hongtai can live happily and not worry about anything, so that I, as his sister, can rest assured."

Ge Yejing said, for her, perhaps this is the best

"So that's it……"

Tian Luo nodded, then looked up at the sky and saw a helicopter slowly flying towards him.

"Sister Jing, you should go.……"

Tian Luo said to Ge Yejing


Ge Yejing looked at Tianluo in confusion. Tianluo stopped and looked at the sky.

At this time, they had already reached the door of the shelter.

"Someone is here to pick you up. Please leave first.……"

Tian Luo looked at the helicopter in the sky.

Ge Yejing followed Tian Luo's gaze and saw that a helicopter had flown over them not far away.

"Is this the Self-Defense Force?"

Looking at the helicopter that was fooled, Ge Yejing asked in confusion.


Tianluo nodded, and then separated from Ge Yejing.

"Tianluo, what are you doing? Aren't you going to leave?"

Seeing Tianluo's actions, Ge Yejing said in surprise

"I have something else to do, so you guys can leave first."

Tian Luo smiled and looked at Ge Yejing.

"Sister Jing, believe me, I will send Hong Tai back intact."

Hearing Tian Luo's words, Ge Yejing was stunned, and then a smile appeared on her face. She looked as beautiful as usual.

"Well, I believe you, remember, you have to come back safely too……"

Ge Yejing said to Tianluo.

The two looked at each other, and then under Ge Yejing's gaze, Tianluo left here.

"Tianluo, you must keep up the good work."

Watching Tianluo leave, Ge Yejing prayed silently, then turned and went into the house to wait for the rescue of the Self-Defense Forces.……


Kota outside also noticed the arrival of the helicopter, but he did not go over because he finally figured out some things, things he had to do.

After taking a look at the shelter, Kota walked firmly in one direction. That would be the final battlefield, and that would decide their fate. With a wave of his hand, countless cracks appeared above Kota, and countless 1nves jumped out of them. On the other side, the Qiwen Jiedou also came over from a distance, also with a group of 1nves.

The two sides were getting closer and closer, and a war was about to break out.……


In another world,

Wu looked at the situation in front of him in surprise.

There were countless people below, and there were three groups of people in total.

"Where is this place?"

Wu asked, looking at the situation below.

"This is a world full of infinite possibilities."

Sagara suddenly appeared beside Mai and said

"You seem to be lost in time travel... If you want to go back, you have to choose a new timeline, and they are the ones who decide everything.……"

"The world is full of battles……"

Wu looked down solemnly

"Look carefully, some people have already been disqualified from the competition. They will no longer have any connection with you and are just phantoms here.……"

Xiangliang looked at Longxuan and Melon Knight on the other side and said

"But the two of them are……"

Wu looked at the battle between Kota and Kimon Kaito.

"Well, these two are the ones who decide your fate. No, there should be one more.……"

Xiangliang, who was nodding, suddenly thought of something.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed in the distance, and a figure quickly rushed towards this side. Although it was only one person, the powerful deterrent force made everyone stop their actions.

"Are they coming?"

Xiangliang smiled as he looked at the 3.5 figures.

He saw that the people were not far from here and suddenly flew into the sky. When they reached a certain height, they suddenly dived down.

"This guy……"

Xiangliang was stunned for a moment, then laughed


A huge explosion sounded from below, which was caused by the collision between the figure and the ground.

An invisible impact force erupted from the middle, and all the people around, whether it was Hongtai or 1nves, were blown away. Wu also covered his eyes, and when the smoke and dust dissipated, he looked down.

A huge deep pit appeared on the originally flat battlefield, and in the deep pit, a golden bird-shaped monster stood there majestically. The invisible aura around him oppressed the surroundings, making it difficult for people to breathe.

Wu saw the person in the deep pit, and a smile appeared on his face.

"This guy always loves to show off.……"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-

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