A month had passed since the last incident, but Tianluo hadn't come out to show off.

Because the truth had finally come out, the Princess Guards were all out to arrest Tianluo.

Princess Ruolai also remembered this guy who dared to play tricks on him.

Tianluo didn't dare to come out until a month later when the matter gradually faded.

"I'm going, these brain-dead fans are so scary"

"Yes, but why should I run away with them? They are clearly here to catch you," said Chi Yan.

"Don't forget that you are also involved. Do you have the nerve to watch me being hunted down?" Tianluo said

"If you weren't such a bad mouth, this wouldn't have happened. Now you've even offended Shotaro and the others," Chi Yan complained.

"Hey, are we still brothers? We should share happiness and hardship. You should comfort me instead of complaining about me. Tianluo shouted at Chiyan.

"I am so unlucky to have a brother like you." Chi Yan continued to attack.

"Tsk, I don't want to bother with you. I don't know what time it is now. Let's go out and take a look." After saying that, Tianluo walked outside.

This is a forest, which seems to be very large. Tianluo has been taking refuge here for some time.

"I'm finally going out. It's so aggrieved that I, a phoenix, have fallen to this state." Tianluo complained as he walked. He walked for about half an hour.

Suddenly, Tianluo saw two figures appear in front of him.

"Hey Philip, Akiko, why are you here?"

The people who came were Philip and Akiko, the director of Minghai Office.

"Tianluo? What are you doing here?"Philip also looked at Tianluo strangely.

But just as he finished speaking, he saw a figure rushing out.

It was a saber-toothed tiger hybrid, about 1.7 meters tall, with a ferocious look on his face, which looked a bit scary.

"Hey, Mick is here too." Tianluo looked at the saber-toothed tiger in front of him in surprise.

"Although I have transformed, I still feel delicious." This is what Chi Yan said.

Mick shuddered when he heard this familiar voice and these familiar words.

When he saw the two people, he ran away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Uh, what's going on?" Philip and Yashuzi asked in surprise.

"How should I know?" Tianluo stretched out his hand and said helplessly,"Oh my god, shouldn't we say hello and chat about family matters when we meet? Why did he run away without saying a word?

If Mick knew what Tianluo was thinking, he would definitely faint. Only a ghost would be willing to chat with you. He hasn't forgotten what happened that time. It's scary just thinking about it."

"Philip, you are here……"

"Let's not talk about this for now. I'm going to help Shotaro. I'll leave this to you guys." Philip said, and then he transformed and fell.

Then Akiko and Tianluo started to stare at each other. After two minutes of staring at each other

"Okay, I'll carry you." Tianluo ended with a cowardly confession.

"Humph, that's more like it." Yashuzi raised her neck like a proud little hen.

As for Chiyan... well, he ran away when he saw the situation was not good. He was such a piece of shit.

When the two of them went back, they saw Shotaro sitting on the chair with a miserable look on his face.

"Yo Shotarou, what's wrong? If you have something that makes you unhappy, please tell me so that I can cheer you up."

"Bastard Tianluo, I finally caught you. Tell me, were you the one who told Princess Ruolai about what happened last time? As soon as Shotaro saw Tianluo, he got mad and yelled at Tianluo.

"How is it possible? How could a handsome guy like me betray his friends?" Tianluo said stubbornly.

"I don't believe you, and these two things are completely different."

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. Now think about the fact that your memory has been taken away." Philip said at this time.

Tianluo knew that this was the episode of the heaven tornado in the plot.

I didn't expect that it would develop to this point after hiding for a few days.

Tianluo was not interested in this matter and planned to leave

"Hey Tianluo, where are you going?" Yashuzi asked hurriedly when he saw Tianluo was about to leave.

"You should be able to solve this problem. As for me, I heard there is a cute girl named Qianhe there, so of course I have to go and see her. It would be even better if I can pick her up." Tianluo looked at the three people and said seriously.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't mess around," Ya Shuzi shouted

"Don't worry, I will definitely get rid of being single"

"I don't care about you!" The three of them shouted at the same time.


When Tian Luo arrived, he found that Fili and Yashuzi were already there.

"Sure enough, it's time to buy a car. The speed difference is too big." Tianluo couldn't help but sighed.

When he saw the man next to the little beauty, Tianluo sighed in his heart.

"It's over, a good cabbage has been eaten by a pig again"

As expected, in this age where looks are everything, it's really not okay to be without good looks

"How can you give up? As long as the hoe digs well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down. Come on, you can do it.

Tianluo encouraged himself and walked towards the dancing little beauty.

Tianluo just walked up to the little beauty and wanted to say hello. Suddenly a manhole cover flew over and covered Tianluo's head. Bang.

Tianluo fell headfirst.

"Ahhh……"The little beauty and Asuka next to them shouted in fear at the same time

"Hey, I missed the target."

Suddenly, a surprised sound came from the well, and a human-shaped cockroach jumped out of it.

"I accidentally killed him, but it's your bad luck." The cockroach monster walked up to Tianluo and saw that he was motionless, then said

"Tianluo, what about Philip? Will Tianluo be in trouble?" Ya Shuzi asked fearfully.

"I don’t know if Tianluo will be okay, but I know this guy is finished," Philip replied.

""Hey, what do you mean?" Ya Shuzi asked curiously. Just after he finished speaking, he saw Tianluo on the ground move.

He put his hands on the ground and slowly stood up. At this moment, Tianluo's face was full of black air, which looked particularly creepy.

"It's unforgivable, it's really unforgivable, you actually made me look bad in front of a beautiful woman, you go to hell!"

Tianluo turned directly into a phoenix, and his noble and gorgeous figure appeared in front of everyone.

Ya Shuzi and the others were immediately surprised. This was the first time they saw Tianluo transform.

"Tianluo is also a mixed body, but why is he different from others? So handsome." Yashuzi said to herself

"Tianluo is different from them. Tianluo is the Phoenix." Philip replied


"The legendary immortal being," Philip continued

""Amazing!" Yashuzi's eyes were full of stars.

No matter what Yashuzi said, Tianluo was already furious at this moment.

Damn it, I finally mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation and you shot me down in an instant. My handsome image was ruined just like that. Fuck you, go to hell.

Tianluo appeared in front of the cockroach hybrid in an instant.

"Good, quick, you are faster than me."

Tianluo slowly reached out and grabbed the head of the cockroach and gently pressed it down. Bang!

A loud noise was heard, and the ground with the cockroach's head as the center slowly spread out to the surroundings and then shattered.

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