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"Stop right there, you bastard!……"

Wu came back to her senses from her daze, and then rushed towards Tianluo who was about to run away. It was too much, it was really too much. Tianluo actually dared to despise her for being small. Thinking of this, Wu subconsciously looked down.

Okay , it is indeed a little small. However, even if this is the truth, Wu still hates Tianluo in her heart. This guy's words are really hurtful.

"No, Wu, you have to remember that you are still in the growth stage and your potential is still huge."

Tianluo said while dodging Wu's attack.

"Fuck you, go to hell……"

After saying that, Wu kicked Tianluo in the face. The fierce momentum was not like that of a girl at all.

Tianluo was decisively hit. He fell to the ground with a nosebleed. His thoughts seemed a little erratic, and he kept mumbling something.

""810" Wu seemed to feel that he had gone too far. Seeing Tianluo bleeding, he planned to help him up.

However, just as he was about to help Tianluo up, he heard Tianluo's mumbling.

"Pink, kawaii……"

Bang! Another kick came down, and Tian Luo's face was completely pressed to the ground.

"Ahem, Wu, you were too harsh."

Tianluo struggled to stand up from the ground, wiped the blood from his nose and said to Wu

"Humph, you stinky rascal!"

Wu glared at Tian Luo and walked forward.

"Hey, don't go!"

Tianluo saw it and rushed up to Wu and shouted

"Okay, I was wrong, isn’t that enough? I shouldn’t have called you little…Okay, I’ll shut up."

Seeing Wu staring at him intently again, Tianma immediately changed his words.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. As long as you're not angry, I'll promise you anything... well, except that you can't get pregnant."

Tianluo promised immediately when he saw Wu ignoring him, but he couldn't have children or anything like that.


Wu looked at Tian Luo suspiciously.

"Of course, I guarantee it with my character,"

Tianluo said affirmatively.


Wu looked at Tianluo and gave him a weird smile

"If you can carry all the fruits here back at once without changing your form, I will forgive you this time."

Wu pointed to the fruit shop in front of him and said.

This fruit shop is a large store filled with all kinds of fruits. If you only consider the volume, it is enough to fill a small room.

Wu was obviously making things difficult for Tianluo. How could he forgive this guy so easily?

Humph, I don't believe you can succeed.

Wu didn't believe that Tianluo could carry it back.


Tian Luo looked at Wu with some doubt.

"Of course it's true."

Wu nodded affirmatively.

Then Tianluo walked into the fruit shop and bought all the fruits and put them all into a super large sack.

Then, in front of Wu and everyone else's shocked gaze, Tianluo carried the entire sack on his back.


Wu is a little speechless

"Haha, this handsome guy is born with supernatural power, how can this weight be difficult for me?"

Tianluo said proudly in front of Wu, and twisted his waist after speaking.

Wu quickly stepped back a few steps, looking at the sack shaking on Tianluo's back, and felt a chill on his back.

Although they were all fruits, if you get hit like this, you will lose a layer of skin if you don't die.

"How about it, will you forgive me now?"

Tianluo looked at Wu with a smile.

"Humph, I'll let you off this time. If you dare to do this again next time, I'll……"

Wu waved his fist at Tian Luo and said viciously

"Hahaha, Wu is indeed the kindest, the most beautiful, and the most intelligent.

Tianluo kept flattering her, but Wu and everyone else's faces turned pale.

Tianluo actually threw the sack up, and the sack stopped in the air, then fell down.

""Stupid, what are you doing?"

Wu shouted at Tianluo, and the people around him scattered and fled.

Tianluo took the sack and looked at Wu in confusion.

"What happened?"

Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Tian Luo was safe and sound. She then rushed to Tian Luo and pinched him hard on the waist.

"You idiot, do you know how dangerous this is?"

"Danger? No."

Tianluo looked at Wu with an innocent expression.

"Anyway, I can't do this anymore. If anything happens, I……"

Wu stopped after saying this.

"What will happen to you?"

Tianluo looked at Wu with some expectation. He hoped that Wu's next sentence would be... I will be very worried.

However, fantasies are always shattered. Wu's next words almost made Tianluo vomit blood.

"I, I won't have money to hold your funeral,"

Wu said with a blush.

Sure enough, fairy tales are all lies. I don't believe in love anymore.

Tianluo burst into tears.

Seeing Tianluo about to vomit blood, Wu felt refreshed in her heart. Finally, I let you suffer a setback. You deserve it.

But what I really want to say is that I am very worried about you.

Wu glanced at Tianluo, then turned around and walked away.

"Hey, wait for me."

Tianluo rushed over immediately with a sack on his back.

"You can put it down now,"

Wu said with a sigh.

"Put it down? Why? I bought it."

Tianluo looked at Wu suspiciously and said something that made Wu burst into tears.

"I have to finish the fruit I bought even if I cry. From now on, the dance team will eat fruit for three meals a day until they are all eaten."


The following days were very comfortable and peaceful. Of course, this was for Tianluo. For the dancers, it was a complete nightmare.

Tianluo forced them to eat fruit for three meals a day.

Don't eat? Okay, let's practice.

This was Tianluo's original words.

Shi and Zack were miserable. Wu had no choice about this matter. After all, it was a pity to throw away so many fruits. Moreover, they had already given a lot to the dessert shop owner Bando, but even so, there were still a lot left.

"If we want 2.9, why don’t we do charity work?"

Wu finally came up with a solution.

"What charity?"

Tian Luo looked at Wu in confusion.

"We can fry these fruits into juice and let people taste it for free, so maybe more people will agree with us,"

Wu said happily.




Almost everyone agreed.

Woohoo, finally we don't have to eat these things anymore, and we will never eat fruit again...

Then they all looked at Wu with gratitude.

As expected, she is the big sister. She came up with this idea to help us. I am so touched.

If Wu knew what they were thinking, she would definitely say

"I just don't want to waste it, I didn't even think about helping you, okay?"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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