Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!

Chapter 180 The Divine Tree Falls

The moon in the night sky is obviously a full moon, but the light it emits is extraordinarily huge, and the whole world is filled with white light.

Whether people in the world are outdoors or indoors, whether they are staring down at the ground or looking up at the sky, when the white light of the infinite moon reads from the sky covering the earth, almost everyone's expressions suddenly become Sluggish, his eyes quickly changed into the shape of double samsara eyes.

"It's an infinite monthly reading! Too bad..."

Hatake Kakashi's eyes of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki who worked hard in the office quickly transformed into reincarnation eyes, and fell into the dream of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

In the entire Konoha Village, there are only a few people who have not been affected by the infinite moon reading light.

One of them was naturally Kaguya Otsutsuki. At this time, Kaguya was looking in the mirror in his living room, combing his beautiful long hair meticulously.

After seeing this scene outside the window, the face of the Chakra ancestor became unprecedentedly dignified.

She dragged her long hair to the ground and floated out of the window of her residence.

"The head of state!"

After Kaguya's eyes turned to the sky here, he flew up and landed beside Yu Yu.

At this time, Youyu came to an altitude of several thousand meters, and a white light ball with a size of tens of meters had already condensed in his hands. This level of power was enough to blow up the moon several times.

However, he didn't act immediately, but was staring at the periphery of the blood moon in outer space.

There are many strange substances like black waves surging around the moon.

Even though it was so far away, Yu Yu could still feel the power of space fluctuations coming from there.

"It's a space-time magical technique of the Otsutsuki clan!"

Kaguya was looking at the phantom figure in the direction of the moon, and said softly, "It can transfer all the power and objects passing there!"

"It seems that these people didn't despise me, they came prepared."

You Yu frowned and said, he noticed something, and turned his gaze to the land in the north.

On the land to the north, a giant tree was breaking through the ground, growing several kilometers in height in a few dozen seconds, and its roots were rapidly spreading through the ground to the entire world.

When these roots spread to several surrounding villages, they broke through the ground one after another, wrapping and binding the people who had fallen into the endless moon reading dream there with branches and hoisted them up.

"Unlimited monthly reading, the matching sacred tree has appeared."

Yuu looked back at the village below, and saw Madara Uchiha who had turned on Susan to block the moonlight, a large number of ninjas reincarnated from the dirt appeared on the ground.

Kaguya also looked at the situation below, she shook her head, she didn't think the ninja troops in Hamura Pure Land would be of much use.

"Big! Bigger!!"

You Yu looked at the sky again, he raised the light ball in his right hand, and poured power into the light ball.

"They showed up."

Kaguya stared at the situation in the sky, and saw a huge time-space gate being opened.

Thousands of people poured out from the gate of time and space, and the leading group of people were pale-skinned, without eyebrows, and with curved horns, and they were people from their own clan.

"It's the third elder and the seventh elder!!"

Hui Ye looked at the two leading men, her complexion changed drastically, and she said, "Two of the seven elders came."

"Yes, there are quite a lot." You Yu also looked at the situation outside the starry sky.

In the case of a large number of clansmen being sent to other planets to plant sacred trees, there are still nearly one-third of the troops going to this planet, which shows how much Otsutsuki attaches importance to him and here.

"This is the planet of the traitor Kaguya and her descendants?"

In the starry sky, Elder Datongmu stood at the forefront of the troops. He looked at the planet below with great interest and said,

"This planet is extraordinary. Only one fruit of the sacred tree planted on it can make Kaguya evolve to this level."

The other Otsutsuki people nodded their heads. According to the intelligence analysis sent back by Yishiki before he died, this kind of planet can definitely be ranked in the top ten among the planets they discovered by Otsutsuki.

This is also one of the reasons why their expedition this time is so strong.

"Is that the rumored child, Nohara Yuu?"

These people saw the child who was still holding a big ball of light in the sky below, and they were a little puzzled. Didn't this person see that the moon is protected?

"Führer, what are you doing?"

Seeing that the ball of light in Yu Yu's hand was getting bigger and bigger, Kaguya also asked.

"Break it!"

You Yu looked at the night sky, "There is no unbreakable power in this world, if it doesn't work, then the broken power must not be strong enough!"

The sphere of light in his hand rapidly expanded into a size of hundreds of meters, and then, this huge and unparalleled sphere of light was thrown towards the direction of the moon.

The Otsutsugi in outer space watched this scene, and many of them couldn't help but sneer. This person is trying to use brute force to destroy the magic "Bishaten" that can transfer everything? overreaching

However, the smiles on their faces soon froze...

The big ball of light rushed up from under the planet, and quickly sank into the mighty black ocean waves in front of the moon.

The big ball of light was not swept away by the power of time and space, but the power of time and space collapsed under the terrifying power of the ball of light. The black wave quickly disappeared, and the place where the ball of light passed was unimpeded, and fell directly to the moon.

With a bang, the moon exploded and turned into a large amount of dust in the starry sky.

"Be careful! Scatter!!" When Datongmu was a little dazed, the Seventh Elder loudly warned the people here, and the others quickly scattered around.

After most of them dispersed, they saw a ball of light flying up to where they were originally standing and exploded there.

In the starry sky, there were hundreds of corpse fragments of Datongmu's servants.

"Let's go to war!" The third elder looked at the child with a look of regret on the bottom, he waved his hand, "Destroy everyone on this planet in five hours!!"

"Yes!!" The army of thousands of people responded loudly, and they quickly dispersed and rushed to various parts of the world below.

"Five hours is too fast."

The Seventh Elder Datong Mu Gaoshi flew up and said to the Third Elder, "That's all for Kaguya, that kid doesn't look simple."

"We are the ones who have eaten ten fruits of the sacred tree." Third Elder Otsutsuki Tenshi asked back, "Will we lose to this kind of indigenous humans who may not have discovered the universe?"

"...Also, let's go." Otsuki Takashiki left quickly.

"Let's start too."

The moon of Unlimited Tsukiyomi disappeared, but Yu Yu knew in his heart that the war had just begun, and he looked at Kaguya next to him, "Go and carry out your mission!"

"Yes! Führer!" Kaguya opened the space and left. As one of the world's main combat forces under Yu Yu, she was also responsible for transporting ninjas to various battlefields.

She appeared in the head of state's office. At this time, Kakashi was having a "month reading dream". In the dream, his disciple Yu Yu became the head of state at a young age. , work hard, and respect my teacher very much, every sentence must have an honorific name, "Mr. Kakashi"...

"Hatake Kakashi, wake up!!"

Kakashi's eyes of reincarnation disappeared, and he woke up from his dream. He looked at Otsutsuki Kaguya who woke him up in front of him, and then looked outside at the restored night. Seeing that the light of Tsukiyomi had disappeared, he complained,

"Sure enough, that kind of situation only happens in dreams."




When Kakashi and Kaguya began to discuss how to implement the plan, Yuu was standing on the sky there concentrating, his sense of energy expanded to the distant place, and after sensing the whereabouts of these big Tsutsuki in this world , He quickly notified Kakashi and Kaguya of these locations via sound transmission through the air, as well as the Minister of Intelligence Yamanaka Kaiichi who had recovered from Tsukiyomi.

After the moon was bombed and the light of Infinite Moon Reading disappeared, the whole world resumed its original operation.

The ninjas quickly entered the state of war.

Kaguya appeared all over the world, opening time and space gates for ninjas who were ready to transfer them to various battlefields.

"Shadow Clone Technique!!"

After Yu Yu issued a few orders to the entire Kingdom of Light, he formed seals with both hands, and separated more than twenty shadow clones in one breath.

Then these shadow clones teleported and disappeared into the night sky, and went to various battlefields.

And his body flew back to the village, landed in front of his own yard, and shouted into the house, "Little Hui, come out."

A pet like a gray raccoon cat ran out of the house, jumped to Yu Yu's feet and rubbed it passionately.

"Let's go, this time I'll let you eat enough!"

After mentioning the ten tails he named "Little Gray", Yu Yu flew to a higher place, and he looked to the north of the sacred tree, the roots of the sacred tree were still spreading rapidly to the whole world.

"Hoo!" After locking on to a qi there, Yu Yu teleported away.


At this time, a large number of people gathered under the sacred tree in the north.

One group is a group of powerful ninjas in the ninja world, most of whom are from Konoha Village, while the other group is Otsuki.

Boom! The Qianshou Zhujian who rushed to the front was attacked by a figure that suddenly appeared, and he flew upside down and fell into the distance.

"My name is Otsuki Takashiki!"

This figure lightly landed in front of Otsutsuki's party, looked at Konoha's side, and reported himself, "One of the members of Otsutsuki's elders!"

Everyone looked in surprise at the first-generation Datongmu, a middle-aged man with a stubble, with long flowing gray hair, Jiugouyu golden reincarnation eyes, and a blue reincarnation eye on his forehead. Wearing an all-black button-down coat and a silver battle armor, he holds a long knife longer than his height in his hand.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto!!"

At this time, Tsunade and Naruto stood at the front of the ninja group. Naruto was very angry and shouted at these people,

"Those of you who treat our world like a nursery and reap it at will will definitely pay the price! Immortal Law · Wind Escape · Great Jade Spiral Shuriken!"

After Naruto successfully integrated the celestial chakra into the wind escape spiral shuriken, a huge rotating wind escape spiral pill was lifted above his head.

Everyone in Konoha was very surprised. They didn't expect Naruto to grow up so fast. If he was here, they would have the strength to fight.

However, when Naruto wanted to throw the big jade spiral shuriken over, he saw the eyes of the elder of the Otsutsuki clan stare, the spiral shuriken on top of Naruto's head disappeared quickly, and his whole body also stared down. It was as if being squeezed from all directions by a huge force, completely unable to move.

"What!! What's going on?"

"Is it the ability of that person's reincarnation eye? Can it freeze a person?"

When everyone in Konoha turned pale with fright, Elder Otsutsuki came quickly, and stabbed Naruto's throat with a long knife in his hand.

Seeing that the sharp long knife was about to penetrate Naruto's throat to kill him, the long knife was clamped by two fingers that appeared out of thin air, and with a bang, the long knife broke directly from the middle.

Otsutsuki Takashiki stepped back quickly and stared vigilantly at the person who appeared, "Nohara Yuu, the main body?"

Yu Yu put Xiao Hui on the ground, he patted Naruto on the shoulder, and slapped away Naruto's pupil power.

"Qi Yuan Slash!!"

Youyu didn't have any nonsense, he raised his right hand high, and a spinning white disc floated on his palm.


Otsutsuki Takashiki used his reincarnation eye ability again, and fixed the body of the child in front of him with pupil power. When he wanted to rush over to end this person's life, he saw Yuuha's body tremble like glass shattering The sound of the blockbuster sounded.

After breaking free from this immobilizing force, You Yu threw out the Qi Yuan Zhan in her hand.

"Puff! Puff!!" Qi Yuan Zhan quickly left, cut off the chest of that big tube, and after cutting off his body, he chopped off the three big tubes behind him, and dozens of big tube servants. Finally, Submerged into the tree pole of the sacred tree, the sacred tree was severely damaged and a huge earthquake occurred.


Konoha knew Yuu's strength very well, so he didn't think it was strange, but Otsutsuki was completely dumbfounded.

The horror of the elder's pupil art is obvious to all. No one in the clan can crack it except the great elder and the patriarch. However, this terrifying magic art has no effect on this person?


Gao Shi cracked his upper and lower body, his complexion became even paler, he glanced at the situation behind him, and issued another magic spell.

This magical power fell on his body, causing the muscles and bones in his body to grow rapidly.

This super-powerful magical technique called "Law of Destiny" can greatly enhance the physical strength of the user, and multiply his speed, strength, and reaction.

This is a more invincible and terrifying power!

"Die to me!" Under the blessing of this power, Gao Shi only felt that he was invincible at this moment. After looking over with indifferent eyes, the next moment, he appeared in front of Yu Yu who had arrived.

"Boom!!" It was almost at this moment that the elder of Datongmu flew upside down and hit the sacred tree heavily.

"..." In the silence, Yuu walked over to Otsutsuki who was even more frightened.

"Bang!!" He dodges away and punches a Datongmu who is about to launch an attack.

Under the force of this blow, this relatively crispy Datongmu was directly smashed into pieces and exploded.

Seeing this, Xiao Hui opened his mouth and inhaled, sucking this big tube of wood minced meat into his mouth.


"This person is a monster!!"

Otsuki's side was stunned by Yu Yu's level of power, and several people collapsed and sat on the ground.

"Let's go together, kill him!!"

Following Gao Shi's roar, more than a dozen Datongmu rushed over and rushed towards Yu Yu, including him, the elder.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Youyu easily dealt with the strange powers of the reincarnation eyes of these people, almost hitting one by one, and then he sent out a wave of Kamepoe Qigong, sweeping across, and also swept across the distance The sacred tree, the sacred tree fell in response to the sound, and with a bang, in the eyes of many horrified eyes, the giant tree several kilometers high fell heavily on the ground.

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