Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!

Chapter 159 Even the Buddha of Susano can't beat him?

Not only them, Orochimaru and Uchiha Obito also know that compared to the three of them, their strength is also weak, and they are also retreating to avoid being affected by the power of the three of them.

"Nagato!!" Seeing that Nagato was also taken away by them, Xiaonan became very anxious.

"I need the infinite chakra of this filthy body now, but I'm not in a hurry to resurrect it."

Madara glanced at the few people who were retreating, and looked into the distance, "Oshemaru, we must get rid of this little Hokage doll as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Madara-sama!"

After hearing the words, Orochimaru formed seals with both hands, and began to control Senju Hashirama's actions.

However, Senshou Bashima remained motionless. His whole body began to be covered with blue-purple chakra. After that, a powerful airflow erupted from the air and hit the surrounding rocks.

"Hmm!! Can he still resist?"

Orochimaru was startled, he not only successfully transplanted Jue's cells, but also transplanted Hashirama's own cells. In addition, he had just buried the control spell in the brain of the first generation, but he still couldn't control this person's body smoothly. Dirty body?

As expected of a man called the God of Ninjas.

Orochimaru's golden pupils shone with cold light, increasing his control power.

After Senju Bashima's body twisted mechanically, his eyes were full of helplessness, he looked forward, "Konoha Shinhokage, your name is Yu Yu, right, Xiao Yu Yu, I can't hold it anymore, I'm sorry—— "

Youyu's voice came over: "It doesn't matter, hitting one is fighting, hitting two is fighting, even if you join forces, you still can't threaten me."

Senshou Zhuma was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, "Konoha's new Hokage, you are so confident! That's good! I won't resist, and I look forward to your next performance! surgery!!"


Qianshou Zhujian turned on the fairy mode, clapped his hands, and a huge wooden dragon of several hundred meters broke through the ground, and then he jumped on the head of the wooden dragon and rushed towards Youyu.

After Uchiha Madara turned on the full body of Susanoo, he followed closely.

"here we go!!"

The surrounding ninjas were terrified. Whether it was the huge wooden dragon in Senshouzhujian or the mountain-high Susan, they were all terrified. Is this a contest between the strongest ninjas? Can Nohara Yuu hold on?

"Xiao Youyu! Be careful! I'm going to bind you with a wooden dragon!"

Senshou Zhujian, who made the first move, arrived first, and he still maintained some ego at this time, and reminded Yu Yu, but Yu Yu said, "No need to say more!"

As the wooden dragon in Zhujian rushed towards him, he quickly circled around Yu Yu who was flying around, and Yu Yu felt a restraining force squeezed towards him from the wooden dragon.

"It's interesting!!"

Yu Yu looked at the thousand-handed pillar above the wooden dragon's head, "First generation, your wooden dragon technique is much better than Madara's."

"Little baby, you are courting death! Cut!"

Uchiha Madara, who was completely Susanaka, sneered, Susano's azure blue sword was quickly unsheathed, and the giant sword swept across, bang, a mountain in the distance was cut off by the middle, such a shocking slash towards the victim Yuuha was bound tightly.

When many people thought that he was more or less ominous, they saw the calm You Yu rolled his eyes and looked over.

With a little effort, he broke free from the wooden dragon's shackles, and then kicked it in the air.

"Boom!!" This powerful kick smashed the wooden dragon's back and kicked Madara's Susano sword.


"What! What kind of power is this!"

Madara's complete body, Susano, was kicked back more than a dozen steps, and a large number of cracks were spreading on the sword.

After he injected more chakra, Susan's great sword did not collapse.

"Look, Hashirama, this kid is too weird! It's beyond common sense!!"

When many people stared in a daze, Madara also looked at Yu Yu and was silent for a while, frowning, "So, the two of us must work together to take him down!"

"Haha, Madara, I get it, you don't have to explain it! I won't look down on you!"

The wooden dragon between the thousand-hand pillars was broken by Yu Yu's kick, but he was happy in his heart. He looked at Yu Yu and said, "Little Yu Yu, I'm going to use the wood to hide the wooden man next, be careful!!"

"Immortal method, wooden escape, wooden man's technique!"

Following the clapping of Senju Hashirama's hands, a rumbling sound resounded, and a giant wooden figure almost the same size as Madara rose from the ground in front of Hashirama.


Amidst the loud shouts from the thousand-handed pillars above the wooden figurine, the huge wooden figurine rushed towards You Yu.

Madara's Susan also killed him again.

"Those two things are completely out of proportion to Yuuha..."

The crowd watched the unrivaled battle on the battlefield, two things hundreds of meters high attacked Nohara Yuu together. In front of their skills, Yuyu was as thin as a mosquito and fly, so small, if it was rubbed a little, it would be finished.

No, they saw that although the new Hokage is small in body, it is surprisingly powerful. With one blow, it can repel the majestic wooden man, and with one kick on Susan's foot, it can make Madara's complete body, Susan, stand on one knee. Kneel down.

Moreover, his movements were very flexible, after flying to Susan's head, Fei kicked out a kick.

This huge force directly kicked Susano's forehead, kicked Uchiha Madara inside, and kicked him out of Susano's cockpit.


"Nice job!"

Although the wooden man's fist was uncontrollably blasting towards Yu Yu, Senshou Zhujian couldn't help but clenched his fist in admiration.

Youyu shook his head and said: "First generation, you can be more serious, as I said, I can deal with the cooperation of the two of you!"

"Hehe, yes."

"Hmph! Brat, don't think you can beat us like this!"

After Susan disappeared, Uchiha Madara began to condense a new Susan.

At this time, the wooden man was rapidly shattered under the attack of the dense light bullets flying out from Nohara Yuu's body.

Madara controlled Susan to rush over, the blue chakra spread rapidly, and put Susan's armor and equipment on the wooden figurine.

"Is this all right!!"

The people watching the battle in the distance looked at this scene and were extremely surprised.

Is this the combined ninjutsu of the towering wooden man and the complete body Susano? In addition to the terrifying power of the wooden man, it also has the absolute defense of the Susanoo armor——

A very terrifying combo ninjutsu.

"Majestic costume Susano!!" Madara also jumped onto the top of the wooden figure, and worked with Hashirama to control the majestic Susano to rush towards Yuu. Madara snorted coldly, "Nohara Yu Yu, let me see how you break our trick!"

"Prince's tactics!"


The light bullets flying from Yu Yu's body still had an effect on the Susaki people.

However, this kind of damage is not fast, and it was repaired by the Chakra gushing out from these two people.

"What a fierce battle!"

The ninjas were not too far away from them. In a short period of time, the battle had already created an open area of ​​two or three kilometers.

They were terrified, for fear that the power of the three of them would fly in and destroy them.

However, the name of Konoha's new Hokage is not for nothing, and it is not at all inferior to one against two.

"This brat is really difficult to deal with!!"

"Hahaha, Madara, you are in a hurry!"

Madara was a little annoyed by Hashirama's words, and snorted heavily.

He was really in a hurry to fight one against two.

If this continues, the invincible prestige of him and Hashirama in the ninja world will be lost, and this idiot Hashirama is still happy.

"Sure enough, if it's just a shadow clone, you can't have fun."

At this time, You Yu also felt helpless, the reason why the fighting spirit with the two of them was not high was that the current body was not his own body, he thought that there was not much difference before, but now he found that there was still a difference.

Only by himself can he truly feel the Saiyan fighting blood flowing in his body.

He flew over, and after bombarding a few potholes in the blue wooden figure, he found that the two of them worked together to repair it.

"Then make a big move!"

Use Kaiwang Fist? No, after this trick, the whole body is like a fire, change to another one.

Youyu flew upwards, and after flying to a higher sky, under the suspicious eyes of everyone, he raised his hands upwards.

As a large amount of white light flew from the surroundings, a huge ball of white light condensed on Yu Yu's palm.

"What is he!!"

"What a terrifying power!!"

"Quick! Quick! Back up again!!"

Many powerful ninjas, especially those who are good at perception, looked at the increasingly larger ball of light in the sky. They clearly felt the increasingly amazing energy ball gathered, and began to back away in panic.

Madara controlled Gouyu in the mighty costume of Susan Yasaka and blasted up, but was dodged by Yuuha's nimble body.

Madara also felt the extremely terrifying power in the ball of light at this time, and said in surprise, "Hashirama, what is this kid holding?"

Hashirama shook his head, his eyes were bright, "I don't know... But, I feel that the light ball is filled with amazing natural energy! Wow, what pure natural energy!! The light ball extracted It’s all natural energy, without any impurities!!”

"Natural energy?"

At this time, Yu Yu's voice fell, "First generation, do you feel natural energy?"

"Yes! That's right! Xiao Yuyu, the power extracted by your ninjutsu is all natural energy!"

When Yuu was thinking about related issues, she heard Madara shouting,

"Let's stop him quickly!!"

"Madara, you don't need to say, I have no choice."

"it is ready!!"

Seeing that a large amount of Yasaka's Gouyu was condensed in the hand of the majestic wooden figure, Yu Yu glanced up, the vitality bullet was already three meters big, and he threw the huge vitality bullet in the direction of the wooden figure viciously Going down, the vitality bomb fell down extremely quickly, bang——

A giant mushroom cloud exploded from the explosion rose from the ground.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and violent air swept across the surroundings like a storm.

When the people in the distance were blown almost unbearably by the storm, they used ninjutsu one after another to keep themselves from being blown away by the wind.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, they looked at the more empty battlefield in the distance, and found that there was a crater several kilometers in size under the explosion. What was even more frightening was that the bottom of the crater was bottomless and I don't know how deep it got blasted.

"This move is far more powerful than my Super Shenluo Tianzheng."

In the distance, Nagato, who was still under the control of Akatsuki, was as horrified as the others. Even he couldn't understand this kind of power. Only then did he understand why Nohara Yuu was considered by Orochimaru to be the reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths , only the strongest "immortal" in the legend could have this kind of power.


After a large number of body fragments were reassembled, they condensed into two people and fell to the ground, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. Uchiha Madara also admired this move at this time, but on the contrary, Senju Hashirama Frightened by the terrifying explosion, he murmured, "Isn't it enough to explode dozens of Tailed Beast Jade?"

"No! The Tailed Beast Jade can't make my Susan disappear so easily!"

Uchiha Madara frowned, "Destroy my Susan without any resistance..."

He turned his head to look at Senshou Hashirama, "Hashirama, you also know that although we are dead, the victory or defeat of this battle is still very important!"

"I have no choice! But—"

Senjujuma looked over, his eyes filled with fighting intent, "I will show my strongest power! Xiao Yuyu, be careful! Next, I will use my strongest Wooden Ninjutsu Already!"

"Immortal Art·Wooden Dun·True Thousand Hands!!"

Following Qianshou Zhujian's clapping of both hands, rumbling, a huge monster that made the light in this place quite dim rose up in front of their eyes. While everyone was staring, there appeared on the battlefield with countless A huge and peerless Avalokitesvara statue with giant arms.

The majesty of this Guanyin statue is several times larger than the wooden man just now!

The appearance of Mu Dun's numerous-armed Avalokitesvara seems to be able to fill up the entire battlefield.

"Majestic Susanoo!"

After falling on the top of the Avalokitesvara statue between the Senshouzhu, Uchiha Madara also jumped up, and his Sasa Chakra surged out, quickly covering the entire Avalokitesvara statue, not only making the Avalokitesvara statue's defensive power even higher , can also greatly increase its strength.

Youyu originally flew at a high altitude, but after the Guanyin statue appeared, he flew at a relatively low altitude.


The countless giant arms behind the Guanyin statue moved.

"Immortal Law·Wooden Dun·True Thousand Hands·Turning Buddha on Top!!"

Qianshou Zhujian controls the entire Zhenqianshou, condenses all the weight on these fists, and bombards Yuyu in the air, the power is like a thousand times of fist punishment in an instant, each fist is so powerful that it can destroy mountains and meteorites ···Meteorites really came again. Under Uchiha Madara's control, the sky quickly darkened. When everyone looked up, they saw a group of meteorites that were dense enough to cover the sky on the battlefield and landed rumbled .



With this level of ninjutsu, one can destroy an army of ninjas, but it is a joint ninjutsu with multiplied power, no matter how strong it is, it is basically impossible to die.

Compared to Akatsuki's excitement, the Ninja Alliance looked very worried, and some people complained wildly, "First Hokage, did you use too much force?" I actually used this kind of ninjutsu...

"Brother, you passed it!!"

There was a large group of black lines protruding from the forehead between the thousand hands, his eyes were fixed, and he thought to himself, brother, he must have been stimulated by Nohara Yuu to fight, which is rare, yes, even we In the chaotic era when there were many strong people, there were no strong people like Xiaowa.

"To have the two of them team up is incredible in itself."

"That's the trick."

The Kurama in Naruto's body was also looking at the battlefield outside. It was also frightened. This was the second time it had seen this move. For the first time, after the first Hokage used this move, he held it with one hand. Captured it, and said to it, "Nine Tails, you are too strong and must be sealed!"

First Hokage you bastard!

That combination came out with their strongest move.

Who can win?

Orochimaru smiled sinisterly at this time, he slapped his seal on the ground, a coffin was raised, and a young man with yellow hair and a Hokage robe walked out of it,

"Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato!"

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