Chapter 372 Intervention

In the east, the organization headquarters.

“So there is a strange population claiming to be Earthlings on the southern border?” Organization leader Lemoto asked leisurely.

“Yes.” It was Eliza’s agent who was speaking, the little old man curled up in a black robe: “They can kill demons with strange weapons, and there are cities where they can fly.”

“…” Lemoto closed his eyes, thinking about the truth of the news in his heart. The organization was established by an enemy country in the country where the last descendant of the dragon is located. In order to be able to create soldiers that can contend with the Last Descendants of the Dragon, the organization conducts a big sword experiment on this continent, trying to create a safe warrior that can reverse the fighting power gap with the Last Descendants of the Dragon.

The war in the War of War Continent is not optimistic. The Last Descendant of the Dragon is just as pure as the hangover, more than three meters high, and can transform into a stronger monster. The country where the organization is located is not an opponent at all. The warriors made from the flesh of the last descendants of the dragon are not stable, they are consumed almost all the time, and the task of organization is also very arduous. The Great Sword is currently a more suitable fighter, but there is also the possibility of Awakening.

Difficult, Lemoto sighed secretly: “NO.17 said that the earth people landed on the mainland by taking the city in the sky?”


The officials of the organization whispered, seemingly unable to believe such nonsense.

“Chief, do you want to send a cleaner over?” The cleaners are the demons and Awakening people who work for the organization. They will get rid of the villages that don’t pay, and they will reduce the mainland’s population on a regular basis. By the way, they will catch some little girls to the organization.

“Let me think about it.” The sudden appearance of the earthling made the leader very embarrassed. The important thing is that the weapons of the earthlings can actually harm the demons, so are they effective for the last descendants of the dragon? As a person entrusted by the state, Lemoto is loyal, and he is willing to sacrifice everything for the motherland to win.

Do you want to kill all the people on earth and then grab the weapon? Or is it to test them first, and then make plans? There were many ideas in Lemoto’s mind.

“How many of them are there?”

“Not a lot, about forty.”

“En.” Lemoto nodded: “Call the cleaner nearby first, monitor it for a period of time, and clear it if there is no value.”


The expedition team didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. It just picked up some rocks nearby for analysis, and caught a monster for research. Then I stayed in the village, watching the distance rely on drones.

Kidd asks everyone not to go out because this planet is not safe. Fortunately, everyone also cooperated and stayed in the village to learn the language with the locals.

Language is necessary, because the two bases of Wormhole may have to get food and water on this planet in the future. Because the fruit core is closer to the earth, it is not cost-effective to transport food and water according to the current technology of mankind, so it is better to get it from the core. Put transportation Ability on transportation of important things.

When the wormhole cannot be closed, it can only be done like this. Wormhole is a trail to the earth and must not fall into the hands of evil aliens. Therefore, the stationing of troops by the Defense Bureau is inevitable.

Liu Adou did not walk around, but tried his best to protect everyone. Although he wanted to see what kind of creature the last descendant of the dragon was, its flesh could make such a change.

“Kid, I have something to tell you.”

An Rong and Sony called Kidd under the landing ship, it was quiet and no one would bother.

“What’s the matter?” Kidd asked strangely.

“Kid, we found that those demons may also be humans.” This is the result of the two scientists these days.

Liu Adou had known for a long time that the demons on this continent were just the ones parasitized by the cells of the last descendants of the dragon. “so what?”

An Rong was very dissatisfied with Kidd’s indifferent reaction: “What do you mean by that? So monsters are not monsters, but people who are sick.”

“Oh, what are you going to do?”

“We need more equipment, maybe we can make an antidote to save these people.” Sony said excitedly: “Those big swords killed the wrong person. As long as we have all the equipment, we can take further action on the parasitic cells. Analyze and find a way to expel it from the body.”

“You want to save them?” Kidd smashed his mouth, saying that this thing will definitely collide with the organization head-on, and must be carefully considered.

“Definitely want to save, we can’t die without saving.” An Rong also said, it seems that they have discussed it.

“But we are outsiders and we don’t understand them enough. Let’s talk about it again.” Kidd said.

Kidd’s attitude made the scientist frowned. This mother-in-law looked like Kidd: “What do you mean, Kidd, what kind of attitude. Don’t you want to save them?”

“From my personal point of view, I am definitely willing to save them, but the core has its own rules. If it is not handled well, it will set up an enemy for us people on earth. Therefore, we must be cautious and not impose our wishful thinking on the local residents. “Liu Adouxin said that this is in the same universe, and it’s not just pat on the bottom and leave. If it is divided into two universes, Liu Adou will definitely save people without saying a word, and he won’t be able to see it even if someone is dissatisfied with barking everywhere. Therefore, Liu Adou is still a layman, and he obviously likes to force others to accept his own set, but he is afraid that he will be uncomfortable.

“Since you agree to save people, what else is there for hesitation. When we save them, we are saying, “Will the sky and the earth have a lot of life?” An Rong said, “Even if they don’t appreciate it, we will do it.”

This is similar to the fact that the United States has brought democracy and freedom to the world. The United States will push it regardless of whether small countries are willing to accept this concept.

An Rongsoni feels that they are trying to save the locals, and the locals should be grateful. However, locals are not necessarily willing to accept treatment, and forced rescue may also cause local discomfort. They want to impose their values ​​on the locals. To be honest, everyone likes to do this, and Liu Adou likes to impose what he thinks is right on others. Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Captain America all have a set of principles that they believe are right, and I hope everyone is like them.

The same is true for ordinary people, like parents who think their children are good, regardless of their children’s willingness or not, forcibly arrange their children’s lives. The same is true for young people. They always think that they are right and try their best to persuade their peers, so there are so many scolding wars on the Internet.

But values ​​and methods of dealing with things are not theorems of physics and mathematics, but there are no definite answers. Everyone has different understandings. It is hard to persuade one person, but even harder to persuade a group of people.

Therefore, Liu Adou is thinking about saving or not saving, he sees farther than the two scientists.

“Kid, you have something to say. If you are unwilling to prepare the equipment, I will make an application, and the above will definitely agree.” An Rong is also naive, and the upper level will not only see a few lives, they have to consider today Consequences nuclear people’s attitudes towards people on earth. Although it is a good thing to save people, it would not be worth the gain if the Kernel Man was malicious to the people of the earth. Because their knowledge of the fruit core is still very superficial, and they don’t know the ideology of the local people, it is impossible for the upper class to take risks.

The demons are part of the test continent, and if they are rashly removed, there will definitely be a huge chain reaction, and the outcome is unpredictable.

Kidd thought for a while, suddenly opened his brows and laughed. ..

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