Chapter 363 Evacuation

With the sound of gunfire, a little spark exploded in the wilderness.

For planet Einstein, humans from the earth are just guests. The people on earth don’t know anything about the “Einstein Star”, the customs of the planet, and the cruelty of the planet.

The landing ship No. 1 recklessly landed, and gravity taught the earth’s first lesson.

Now Planet teaches its guests the second lesson, one monster, not two. One has already jumped out of the forest, and the second is still hidden in the forest.

Their golden pupils emit terrifying golden light, which is especially terrifying in the dark night.

Roar, click!

“Ah!” A soldier’s arm was cut off, blood donated and splashed into the sky, staining two moons red.

“Fire!” Zhang Dong did not have any hesitation, showing extremely high decisive power, and the six soldiers who came forward fired at the monster at the same time.

The bullets were woven into a net to pounce on the monster.

Just listen to the obscure sound from the monster’s mouth and retreat towards the forest. The bullet hit him, it hurts, it hurts.

What kind of monster, Zhang Dong obviously saw the bullet get into the body of that terrible monster, but why, why is that monster immortal?

“Don’t stop, fire.” At the same time, Zhang Dong shouted at the patrolling soldiers: “Bring the wounded here.”

Of the two soldiers, only one was wounded, and the other soldier with his severed hand ran back quickly. He was sweaty, so terrible, that monster couldn’t kill at all.

When the soldiers came back, Zhang Dong shouted: “Get the grenade.”

Now killing monsters is the most important thing. A few grenades went up and finally scared the monsters away, and escaped along with the monsters watching in the forest.

“Stop!” Zhang Dong raised his hand and everyone stopped.


“Medical soldier.” Zhang Dong shouted, and at the same time went to retrieve the severed hand, feeling heavy. He didn’t even know what it was.

An Rong stood worriedly under the light. Such intense gunfire awakened everyone, and then saw the soldier covered in blood being carried back, “What happened?”

“I don’t know what it is. An unknown creature attacked us.” A soldier yelled in time.

There was noisiness in the village, and Zhang Dong’s face was blue after handing the severed hand to the medical soldier. This planet is not a place to stay for long, it must leave as soon as possible.

“Team Zhang, what is it and what does it look like?”

“Dr. An, it’s not safe, you’d better stay indoors.” Zhang Dong has the obligation to protect An Rong.

“Tell me, what does the unknown creature look like?”

“It looks like they are hairless wolves. They are very big, and I didn’t see them clearly, but they are not dead yet. Come in.” Zhang Dong said.

But An Rong wanted to see what the unknown creature looked like, but it was really not easy to shoot at this time, An Rong went back to the house very cooperatively. Before returning to the house, An Rong saw Kidd entering the operating room.

“My hand,” the American soldier yelled frantically in English.

“Stop the bleeding first, hold it down.” The medical soldier covered the wound with gauze, but blood still came out constantly.

“Man, hold on.” The soldiers here can actually speak English, but they don’t communicate much because of their rivalry. When Zhang Dong commanded American and Russian soldiers, he also used English.

“Morphine injection.” The young soldier couldn’t help saying that it was too painful to see the wounded.

“F**kyou, I want my hand.” The soldier roared.

However, under the current conditions, it is impossible to perform an operation. It would be good if the bleeding can be stopped, otherwise too much blood will be lost.

“Let me come.” Kidd walked in at this time. He took the severed hand from the medical soldier and placed it next to the wounded soldier: “Get out of the way.”

Liu Adou united the broken arm with the wound and activated the ripples, and the dead tree’s Ability quickly repaired the wound. The process was very painful, and there was no anesthesia yet, and the wounded were aching and itchy, painful.


“Just wait, don’t you want a hand?” Liu Adou did not start lightly, but only in this way could he keep his hand.


This process is not long, only about two minutes, but the wounded soldier seems to have gone through several months and several years, and this feeling will never be forgotten by him.

“Okay, I keep my hand, but I need to rest.” Kidd was calm.

But the others were dumbfounded. Is this also the magic of Kaito Kidd? I always feel that Kidd is different from what he knew before. Is this the reason why he joined the Justice League? Stealing is just a joke, saving the world is my job? In short, the method of reattaching the severed limb is amazing, and it is faster than the operation.

When Kidd went out, he saw Zhang Dong craned his neck and looked inside, so he said to Zhang Dong, “That American soldier is all right, you take me to see the scene.”

Zhang Dong believes in Kidd.

This is a shadowy area on the east side of the village, and the lights erected in the village cannot illuminate it. The soldiers were here, attacked by monsters that suddenly appeared. Look around, here is very close to the forest.

Zhang Dong turned on the flashlight on his weapon and shone it on the ground, his fingers ready to shoot at any time. “The monster took several shots, but it still didn’t die.”

“I saw that in addition to the red blood, there is also purple liquid on the ground, probably the blood of monsters.” Liu Adou said.

Zhang Dong took a closer look, and sure enough there was a lot of purple liquid, “What kind of alien would it be? It turned out to be purple blood. Dr. An is about to be happy again.” At this time, he was still in the mood for An Rong.

“Kid, could the owner of the few bones on the grassland also be killed by the monster?” Zhang Dong suddenly asked, “And this weird village, did it disappear because of the monster?”

Kidd nodded slightly: “Judging from the wounds of the wounded, it is indeed the same as the fracture on the bones. It is probably true. The people in the village are probably not lucky.”

“It seems that this planet is not safe, Kidd, I hope you can bring us back to the Caterpillar. You should do it with your power?” Zhang Dong was about to retreat.

“I can do it, but I can’t do it.”

“Is that the non-interference theory again?” Zhang Dong had heard of Kidd’s attitude from An Rong: “But we are obviously not ready this time, and there are dangerous creatures on the core. We need more weapons. Only then can the exploratory operation be carried out. This operation has failed and there is no need to proceed.”

Kidd saw Zhang Dong’s eyes and suddenly felt like he had become a cold-blooded monster. In fact, he and the soldier are different in height, and he has no pressure on the monster on the core. But the soldiers are different. They are exploring with their own lives. Someone broke an arm today, and someone may die tomorrow.

Kidd can take a walk in the courtyard, looking left and right curiously, but the soldiers don’t have to die for an underprepared expedition. In Zhang Dong’s eyes, this operation is completely over, and there is nothing left for the soldiers to do. Retreat is currently the best option. Zhang Dong will bring the soldiers back intact.

“Okay.” Kidd sighed. He understood Zhang Dong’s position and sympathized with the soldiers who were under great pressure.

“Thank you, I thank you on behalf of the soldiers.” Zhang Dong breathed a sigh of relief, but vowed in his heart that he would come back and he would be ready next time. ..

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