That night, Liang Yin couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

With the lamp on, she was sitting on the bedside looking at the script, but she couldn't enter a word. It was eleven o'clock at night.

During the day, Zhou Jianchen turned around after saying that, leaving her alone on the spot. Then it was filming again, but apart from the lines, he never said a word to her. When there was a rivalry, he also looked at her, but the expression in his eyes had made her unable to see clearly. He seems to be playing the role of Zhou Zhaozong purely, nothing else.

But she could still see his thoughts. He remained silent and his eyes turned cold, but everything was clearly written about his sadness.

Afterwards, work stopped at eight, and everyone went to eat supper together. She went, and he just said "No more, a little tired", and then turned and walked away.

He was sad, as if being stung by her. He said that sentence and waited for her to answer, but if she didn't answer, he waited.

Be silent, just waiting for your answer.

But how can she answer?

The room was terribly quiet, and Liang Yin was sitting, his heart sinking even more.

It's not that she didn't feel his liking for her, she was a little hesitant at first, but when he sent those things, she completely understood it.

But how can she accept it, those snow boots are very warm, but she can't put them on after all.

It's too private, and it spans too many relationships.

Liang Yin didn't know when Zhou Jianchen fell in love with him. He once said that he liked her, but then he just clarified it. It seemed to be a joke, not worth mentioning. When he reunited at the airport later, he was just indifferent. She expected him to be because of his temperament. At that time, she was also full of thoughts, so she didn't take it to heart. Later, he asked the assistant to send her home, and fell into a whirlpool of public opinion. Later, he personally came forward to clarify and cleared all her suspicions, and finally she noticed a hint in her heart. But without a basis, everything is fleeting, leaving no trace.

Until yesterday, when his kiss fell, she finally knew for a moment, and when he wiped off the lipstick from her lips later, when he sent those things, she was completely sure.

She has always been a keen person, once because of Zhong Mingzhen, she seemed to have isolated everything, but now, she has a complete insight.

His kiss was too sincere. The kiss scene wanted to control his own rhythm, but it was disrupted for a while. She had never kissed anyone so passionately before, and at that moment, she seemed to be able to feel his beating heart.

However, it can only be so.

She has loved Zhong Mingzhen for more than ten years. Although it is over, she never thought of starting again.

He didn't say it clearly, so she could only tell him tactfully, thank you for your kindness, but I'm sorry. She didn't wear those shoes, just to express her feelings.

She is not smooth enough, she thought, this is probably the best way to deal with it.

But who ever thought, he saw it, was silent, and when she thought it would pass like this, she clarified everything.

"Do you know that I like you", as if afraid that she would not understand, as if she was unwilling.

However, with the kind of sadness that couldn't be clearer.

Liang Yin didn't know when he liked her and why he liked her, but the sadness made her feel uneasy.

With the script closed, he picked up his phone again and opened Weibo. The first one was his news.

But it is sharing a song.

Time, ten minutes ago.

Liang Yin watched, his heart moved.

She thought he should have fallen asleep long ago, but she didn't expect him to be awake all the time.

Under the comments, it was already boiling.

-my God! Brother Chen still stays up so late!

—What does Chen Ge mean by sharing this song?

—I always feel that Brother Chen is very depressed...

-Oh my god, this song is so sad, my heart will break when I listen to this song in the middle of the night with my brother Chen!

—So Brother Chen wants to share with whom...

Besides that:

—Thank you Chen Ge for sharing Cen Ye’s new song, and I wish Chen Ge a new movie!

Liang Yin watched, and clicked on his Weibo homepage. Above it were several Weibo posts he posted recently.

When her eyes fell on the Weibo he posted yesterday, her heart froze for another moment.

—This porridge is good.

A photo, just a few words, can explain too much.

Looking at several other Weibo posts, her thoughts were finally confirmed, and her eyes finally trembled.

Zhou Jianchen's Weibo is indeed related to her.

He sent a photo of the table that day after he sent her home; later he sent a photo of A Zhao, after asking her if she needed help finding an assistant; yesterday this one was given to her After the seafood porridge; as for today...

Listening to the lyrics, Liang Yin understood everything.

—He really likes you, but never mentions...

He hasn't posted Weibo for a long, long time, but recently he has frequently initiated a total of six. Except for the initial "hee", and the subsequent repost, all of them have something to do with her.

But even if it was the forwarding of the "Qing Cheng Jue", after she clarified...

Liang Yin's heart became more and more complicated, Zhou Jianchen's feelings seemed to become clear, but they also became more and more heavy.

Refreshing Weibo, Zhou Jianchen's Weibo has been updated again.

Zhou Jianchen: You're welcome. //Cen Ye: Thank you Brother Chen for your love.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, there were countless comments. No one thought that Zhou Jianchen was still scanning Weibo so late, let alone that he would reply.

Liang Yin looked at it, but knew it all at once.

He hasn't slept, maybe he has been waiting.

Waiting for her to answer him.

Do you know that I like you?

Know, or don't know, then, she should always have a reply.

Liang Yin's eyes trembled, and finally, he opened WeChat and found out his name.

Zhou Jianchen, bluntly, did not hide. The portrait is also the way he puts pigeons on the square. There seems to be the city where she has lived for five years.

Liang Yin hesitated for a while, but typed those words—

—Zhou Jianchen, you should find someone more suitable for you.

She is not suitable for him after all.

Confirmed that it was correct, and then sent out...

In the room, Zhou Jianchen was sitting on the sofa with the song circulating on his phone. He couldn't sleep, so he flipped through Weibo, and accidentally saw someone recommend such a new singer, so he clicked and listened at will. When I listened, I listened in.

He has no knowledge of music, but the phrase "He really likes you, but never mentioned it" sang into his heart.

He has been waiting for Liang Yin to answer.

He had never expressed himself so bluntly. The uncovered, naked-and-naked appearance was heartbreaking and unbearable.

That kiss finally made him choose to face his feelings, and it is not illegal to like someone. What if he has liked it and has been liking it all the time. Not only does he always like it now, but he will continue to like it in the future.

But unexpectedly, she still rejected him.

He thought she would accept it, but a pair of shoes, but a bowl of porridge a little warmer, what can be done if she accepts it, but who knows, she just put it aside in the end.

She seemed to see through his mind at once, and then refused without hesitation.

But he didn't understand why he didn't do a good job in the end, that's why she kept rejecting him like this, before and now.

It is not that he is sad. All his feelings were disappointed five years ago. Five years later, he mustered up the courage again, but this is still the end.

He really never felt so humble.

Suddenly a WeChat message popped up on the phone, and his heart sank to the bottom with just a glance.

Open it, and it turned out to be a sentence-"Zhou Jianchen, you should find someone more suitable for you."

Zhou Jianchen's eyes became hot at once, and after waiting for a day, after so many years, she finally gave him such an answer.

"Why?" He pressed his hand and sent the message.

It used to be a sentence "He is a very good actor", and now it is a sentence "You should find someone more suitable for you". All the words are rejection.

"Am I okay?" He typed a few more words.

Last time he didn't have time to ask, but this time he must ask clearly.

Liang Yin looked at the words and wanted to reply, but he didn't know what to reply.

Is he bad? Of course he is fine. Everyone likes "Brother Chen", the most popular person in the entertainment circle, countless fans, countless honors, and he is very popular wherever he goes. Any Weibo can attract hot discussion, as long as He is willing, and he does not know how many girls want to marry him.

However, she is really just not suitable.

"I was married." Finally, she replied.

After a pause, there was another sentence, "I like him very much."

He should have a better girl, and she, even if it was over, didn't think about starting again.

Zhou Jianchen originally wanted to reply "I already knew", but looking at the next sentence she sent, all the words were stranded.

He had guessed the reason for her marrying into a wealthy family, had thought about it a lot, but never thought it would be this one.

How much affection does she have to add a "very" in front of liking, so that after they are separated, she still has to use this as a reason to reject him?

Thinking of the man he saw last time, jealousy grew in his heart, but in the end, it only turned into piercing pain.

He wanted to get back something, but after losing and losing, there was nothing to say.

The call came again, and it was Sister Shao.

"Hello?" Zhou Jianchen glanced at it, still connected.

Sister Shao's words are still straightforward, "Even if you like Liang Yin again, you should also pay attention to the influence. You reposted such a song, aren't you afraid of being rejected again?" The lesson from the past is still in sight.

As shrewd as Sister Shao, he naturally saw the meaning of his Weibo again. I asked for it five years ago but didn't get it. Five years later, I still didn't give up.

Zhou Jianchen listened, but only replied: "She has already refused."

"..." His voice was sorrowful, and all the words of Sister Shao were dumb.

Zhou Jianchen quickly hung up the phone again, checked Weibo, but finally did not reply.

Exit WeChat, and the interface returns to Weibo.

The two comments just went up again, he looked at them, and finally deleted them.

After deleting, I got through Zhou Zuokang's phone again.

"I found a newcomer, Cen Ye, who sings well, you can sign it."

The favors owed must be repaid in the end.

Zhou Zuokang on the other end of the phone didn't ask too much, he just wrote down his name and said again, "Okay."

In the next few days, nothing happened. All the shooting process went smoothly, but everyone felt Zhou Jianchen's mood is not good.

He didn't lose his temper, but just sitting there without saying a word, no one dared to approach him.

No one knows what's wrong with him. Cheng Qingqing's play has already been completed, and the subsequent scenes all went well. No one knows why.

Du Yafu asked a few words, but Zhou Jianchen didn't answer, so he had no choice but to give up.

He also knows Zhou Jianchen's temper. He often keeps his face cold, but he is really in a bad mood only when he doesn't want to care about people at all.

The calmest person on the set is still Chen Huaen. Regardless of the actor's mood, he just needs to make a good shot. Zhou Jianchen's performance is still remarkable, he just doesn't know everything.

Liang Yin knows all this best, but she can only remain silent.

Seeing that Zhou Jianchen hadn't communicated with her anymore in the past few days, and the WeChat message was never answered, she thought, he might have figured it out.

He needs time now.

She just became more and more serious in acting, she didn't dare to delay him any more.

On this day, after filming a scene, Liang Yin felt the strange look in the eyes of everyone around him.

She was a little surprised. When she returned to her seat, Oda handed her the phone again and said, "Sister Yin, Sister Ruona called you just now."

Listening to Ruona's name, Liang Yin felt ominous in his heart. Ruona knew that she was filming, and recently she only sent her a WeChat message at night. At this point, she would never find her.

Thinking of the eyes of everyone just now, she didn't immediately call Ruona's phone, but directly opened Weibo.

On the hot search, her name really went up again.

When I opened it, it was—"According to the insider, Liang Yin, the actress, retired only because he married into a wealthy family. Now he is divorced and turned into a wealthy abandoned woman."

A week ago, Huaen Studio announced the start of shooting "Winter", and for a while, the whole network was boiling. Zhou Jianchen's remake of the film after two years, and Liang Yinghou's return after five years, all became hot topics.

All fans are delighted at her return, and everyone is speculating that her return may be due to Chen Huaen's invitation. There are countless selections of heroines in "Winter Winter", and it has long been a well-known thing.

Some people are also curious about where Liang Yinghou has gone in the past five years, but under the hot discussion of the whole network, these unfashionable topics are instantly overwhelmed. After all, Liang Yinghou has the premise of a car accident that year.

But just now, someone broke the news about this.

Liang Yin Xiying only married into a wealthy five years ago, but now she is divorced and completely reduced to a wealthy abandoned wife. It is inconvenient to elaborate on the specific reasons, but she was able to marry a wealthy family back then, only by means.

As soon as this revelation came out, everyone was in an uproar, and then the Internet instantly detonated.

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