Liang Yin stayed at home for a few days, and finally healed again.

Zhong Mingzhen also sent a letter of equity transfer, but Liang Yin didn't accept it. As for the alimony, he didn't take any money.

She said she didn't want it, but she really didn't want it.

In fact, she already has enough money. Zhong Mingzhen never treated her wrongly. Her bank card will never be used up, and a dividend will always be given to her at the end of the year. She has no habit of squandering, so she uses them all for investment. Just like buying Jiayuan Apartment that year, the profits from her investment in these years have already doubled several times. Even real estate, she already owns several homes and abroad.

She is not short of money. No matter how much Zhong Mingzhen gives her, it is nothing more than changing the numbers in her account.

She never wanted these.

In addition to the things she cleaned up by herself, all the items that were originally in the foreign manor were also sent here, clothes, jewelry, and a lot of them.

The housekeeper personally delivered it, and he cried sadly when he heard that she was no longer Mrs. Zhong after the divorce.

He has taken care of the manor for the past five years, but she has been taking care of him.

The wife is a kind person, he doesn't know how she separated from her husband.

Liang Yin didn't know, she could only comfort the old housekeeper, and then said that she would see you in the future.

People from the Zhong family came one after another, dealing with all kinds of things, Liang Yin dealt with it, and then patiently waited for the end of everything.

Divorce is a cumbersome thing, except for the end of a long relationship, it is more of the minutiae.

During this time, Zhong Mingzhen did not appear again.

On this day, Zhong Jianian, the uncle of the Zhong family, had been busy for a month and finally came back.

Zhong Jianian has been in the entertainment circle for years and has made a lot of money. Some time ago, he invested in a variety show and threw a group of stars on an uninhabited island to make them self-reliant. He also lived with him for a while.

The show is truthful, saying that an uninhabited island is an uninhabited island, and there is not even a network, which is simply miserable. When the first issue was finished, I quickly patted my **** and came back.

As soon as he came back, he started looking for Liang Yin. Liang Yin was not there and only Zhong Mingzhen was found in the study.

"Mingzhen, what about Yinyin? Isn't she at home? How did I hear that she started making movies again?" Zhong Jianian said, opening the door and walking in directly.

He has always been a special existence in Zhong's family. He is regarded as the same as his half-father Zhong's father. He has nothing to do with Zhong Mingzhen. As for Liang Yin, he is the closest person to Zhong's family.

He just called Chen Huaen from outside. Before he went to the island, Chen Huaen told him that "Winter" was about to start casting. He invested a lot of money in this film, so he called him quickly when he thought of it. As a result, when I asked, the leading actress had already been selected, and it was actually Liang Yin.

He knew his brother, and Liang Yin was not allowed to film again when he got married, so he didn't understand how Liang Yin would come back. Seeing that he had arrived home, he didn't continue to ask Chen Huaen any more, thinking about it, just ask someone to ask.

Chen Huaen said that Liang Yin had already returned to China, and since she had returned, she was naturally at Zhong's house.

Unexpectedly, I turned around and didn't see Liang Yin at all. The servant only said that his wife had never come back...

Zhong Mingzhen was in the office. He didn't feel unhappy when he saw his brother walk in like this. He just heard the words behind him, and the pen in his hand stopped.

He has been busy with work these days, nothing different from the past, except that the ring on his hand has been taken off.

"Don't you know? Yinyin is going to film?" Zhong Jianian looked at Zhong Mingzhen's reaction with surprise.

Yinyin didn't seem to be someone who would secretly go filming with everyone.

"What play?" Zhong Mingzhen asked.

Zhong Jianian murmured in his heart, or replied: ""Winter", Chen Huaen's, seems to be with...Zhou Jianchen?"

For a moment, Zhong Mingzhen thought of the picture he sent her back that day, and finally had the answer in his heart.

"You really don't know?" Zhong Jianian's eyes widened.

Zhong Mingzhen put aside the documents in his hand and stopped talking.

Zhong Jianian had already walked over, pulled the chair away and sat down, "Eh no, it's fine for Yinyin to hide from your father, it's impossible to hide it from you, no, she can't hide from your father to film again... so What's going on? What about Yinyin? Where is she, how come Wu Ma and they all said they haven't seen her... Oh, what is this?"

As Zhong Jianian was talking, he glanced at Zhong Mingzhen's right hand with two small books on his right hand. The upper one was impressively written with the words "Divorce Certificate".

Zhong Jianian stretched out his hand and took a look, his face changed, "You divorced Yinyin?!"

Zhong Mingzhen was still busy and did not speak.

Zhong Jianian continued to ask: "Why, why are you divorcing?"

Zhong Mingzhen finally spoke, "There is no reason, she should have her own life."

"You fart!" Zhong Jianian was furious.

Zhong Mingzhen raised his head, his eyes deep.

Zhong Jianian came back to his senses again, "Are you saying that divorce was mentioned?"

Zhong Mingzhen did not answer.

"Why did she file for a divorce? You agreed when she filed for a divorce?" Zhong Jianian was still shocked. .

Zhong Mingzhen was silent for a while, and then explained: "Back then, she was in a hurry to get married, and she was still young, and she might be a little tired after all these years."

"What can she be bored with?! Don't you know how much she likes you!" Zhong Jianian was speechless.

Zhong Mingzhen listened to him, but he paused again.

"Don't tell me you don't know?" Zhong Jianian couldn't believe it.

Zhong Mingzhen just looked at him.

Zhong Jianian was so angry, he thought this was something that anyone could see, but he couldn't see it in the end!

"Mingzhen, are you blind or stupid? The first time Chen Huaen came to our house, I can see that Yinyin likes you. How come you can't understand it for so many years! Do you know why Chen Huaen started filming with Yinyin? That's because he saw the love for you in Yinyin's eyes!" He is going to die of anger, how obvious this is.

Zhong Mingzhen was stunned when he listened.

Chen Huaen came to the house that year and saw Liang Yin. She hesitated and turned her head to look at him. He saw what she meant and said, "If you like it, you can act." At that time, he saw that she liked acting, but there was nothing else.

When she was young, she just habitually asked for his help...

"Also, why do you think Yinyin is going to make a movie? She wasn't for you! At that time, you liked watching movies, and stayed in the home theater when nothing happened. She knew you liked it, so she wanted to make movies by herself. Let me show you! But I wonder if you haven't seen it at all!"

Zhong Jianian seemed to be anxious and frustrated, "As long as you have seen it, you should always understand her thoughts! Chen Huaen can say, he has photographed a girl's unrequited love in it!"

"Ah! I'm really mad at you! I'm so stupid people can see it, you such a smart person can't see it... I think you have understood her thoughts all these years! "

After Zhong Jianian finished speaking, he obviously didn't want to say any more. He picked up the hat he had just taken off and walked out angrily.

Zhong Mingzhen had nothing to say, and all his uncle's words made him unable to respond.

He never thought that Liang Yin would like him. He regarded her as a younger sister, so she only regarded him as an older brother. For so many years, she really didn't talk about it.

But is she an easy-spoken person?

Zhong Jianian quickly walked in again, put the tablet in his hand in front of his stage and said again: "Watch it for yourself!"

A movie was stopped on the screen. It was Liang Yin's first play "Where is Spring". Zhong Jianian had already pulled the playback bar to the end.

Zhong Mingzhen opened, and Liang Yin's face was revealed.

She was only seventeen years old at that time, and her face was green. She was sitting on the bow with two braids, leaning on her side, with a shy smile on her face.

The voice-over asked: Do you like him very much.

She nodded, blushing.

The voiceover asked again: Then what are you willing to do for him?

She lowered her head, as if thinking, and quickly raised her head again with a smile and replied: I am willing to do anything for him.

The voiceover asked again: Does he know you like him?

She shook her head, her smile lost.

The voiceover said: Then why don't you tell him?

She lowered her head and was somewhat silent: He has someone he likes.

The voiceover asked again: How long will you like him?

She hesitated, raised her head and smiled again, with a firm smile—like it until I can't like it anymore.

The movie ends here, as if it stopped abruptly, but with a long aftertaste. Zhong Mingzhen held the tablet and did not move for a long time.

Zhong Jianian looked at him and said, "This is not a line. At that time, the filming was over. Chen Huaen saw her sitting on the side of the boat and walked over, and then there was this conversation. Later, he felt good, so he put it in again. At the end of the movie."

He paused and said, "You should be able to see who she is talking about."

Zhong Mingzhen didn't speak, he didn't know what else to say.

At that time he really liked watching movies, but he really had never seen a movie she played.

"It was because of you that she gave up making movies later! You don't know how much she liked to make movies later, but to marry you, she said she didn't make movies, and she stopped making movies when she said she stopped making movies. You know she was already a movie at that time. Later! She has really lived and died for you in this young half of her life, but why don't you understand!" Zhong Jianian hates that iron cannot be made of steel.

Zhong Mingzhen did not respond.

Zhong Jianian left soon again. Zhong Mingzhen dragged the scroll bar to read it again, but he happened to stop at the last two sentences.

—Then how long will you like him?

—Like until I can’t like it anymore.

Zhong Mingzhen suddenly felt the pain, bit by bit, but it spread all over his body.

The marriage certificate on the table was thrown aside, just opened, revealing their picture together,

Up there, his expression was faint, but she smiled sweetly.

I don't know how long it took, Zhong Mingzhen finally picked up the phone and dialed Zhong Jianian's number.

"If Yinyin likes making movies, you can invest in her in the future."

His voice was hoarse inexplicably.

After all, she still didn't ask him to give anything.

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