The male and female starring roles in "Winter" were quickly decided. After so many years of honing his acting skills, Zhou Jianchen has already become proficient in his acting skills. An audition is not a problem, not to mention he has made preparations.

Everything is just a cutscene.

It's just that he wasn't happy when he came back. He was a harder person to enter the play and it was even harder to get out of the play. He was immersed in the role for one night yesterday, and he hasn't come out yet.

Zhou Zhaozong is a very challenging character. He is cruel and fearless. In fact, his heart is soft and terribly soft, and he loves someone like that, just like him.

He was a little depressed, feeling that his heart was cut open and there was nowhere to hide.

Sister Shao was very happy when she heard that he finally came out to film, especially Chen Huaen's film, but she became silent again when she learned who the lead actress was.

She looked at Zhou Jianchen deeply, Zhou Jianchen turned a blind eye, she could only swallow everything.

Zhou Zuokang is nothing, he is only responsible for making money, and he doesn't care about the others at all. He believed in Chen Huaen's vision.

With the golden sign of Chen Huaen, the other castings are very smooth. Although Chen Huaen's pay is very low, some actors don't want the pay but just ask for a chance to participate. Zhou Jianchen's pay has also dropped a lot, but he himself doesn't care.

The final shooting date is also set, January 8th, which is two months later.

Chen Huaen has been preparing for two years, and many preparations have been completed, and now there is only the final implementation left.

There is no public publicity about everything. Chen Huaen is a person who talks about his works and doesn't like to be ostentatious, so he signed a non-disclosure agreement when signing the contract with the actors-no one is allowed to reveal a word outside before the official announcement.

And because of the secrecy work done so well, many of the actors did not even know who the final male and female protagonists were. The male lead seems to be rumored to be Zhou Jianchen, but no one hears the female lead.

On this day, I made an appointment with Duyaf to come to do styling.

Du Yaf, the leading art director and styling designer in China, has won numerous awards and received rave reviews.

Chen Huaen has always had strict requirements on the Tao of Service, and this time he was naturally invited.

The appointment was at nine o'clock in the morning, Zhou Jianchen arrived first, and Liang Yin a step later.

"Sorry, I'm late." Liang Yin apologized when he entered the door. She went out very early and was in a traffic jam. She was wearing a black coat that was at the airport that day, and her face was a little pale. It was a bit cold outside, and she was obviously wearing a little less.

Zhou Jianchen was originally sitting on the sofa and reading the script. He moved and became uncomfortable when he saw her come in. He is also wearing a black coat today.

He remembered the "couple costumes" that he had said on Weibo before.

Liang Yin had already greeted everyone again, Chen Huaen just nodded; Du Yafu was very happy, he had cooperated with Liang Yin before; Zhou Jianchen wanted to stand up, but in the end he just sat on the sofa and nodded to her.

He didn't know how to face Liang Yin.

He still wears sunglasses on his face, but he didn't take it off after he came in.

Seeing his reaction, Du Yaf opened his mouth, "See Chen, didn't you say that you are a fan of Yinyin, why are you so cold now?" He is a joke, and sometimes he will be unconscious. Which pot to open.

Zhou Jianchen sounded a little dumb, and then he avoided his eyes and said dullly: "I didn't sleep well last night, I was a little bit tired."

He really should show enthusiasm and joy, just as he showed in front of others, but he really couldn't do it. Liang Yin was right in front of him, and he didn't want to make such a false performance.

Thinking about it, he stood up lazily and stretched out his hand again, "It's nice to be able to work with you."

Liang Yin had already walked over and was about to sit down on the side.

Even if he doesn't want to, he still has to do what he should do, and he doesn't want to be seen through by those around him.

Liang Yin watched him stretch out his hand and rushed to meet him, but when he held it with both hands, there was a momentary lag between both of them.

They all remembered that they met on the set of "Spring Light" that year. The first sentence he said to her seemed to be-"I'm glad we can work together."

Zhou Jianchen had already withdrawn his hand and sat down again, thinking about his original appearance, his mood was even worse.

Just remembering the touch on his hand, his heart throbbed again.

Her hands were cold, but they were deadly soft.

Liang Yin originally wanted to reply "I am very happy to work with you", but seeing Zhou Jianchen sitting back on the sofa, he had to swallow it.

She could feel that Zhou Jianchen seemed a little bit resistant to herself, but she didn't know why.

Zhou Jianchen is always a little moody, and she is not sure if it is because of herself.

Duyaf quickly got to work, and his hairstyle, makeup, and clothes all needed to be carefully designed. He didn't have much time to waste.

The role of "Zhou Zhaozong" is relatively simple to deal with. The front and back are all military-style images. Apart from the Kuomintang-Democratic Party uniforms, there are several suits and regular uniforms. All of these have historical prototypes to follow. They can be slightly closer to Zhou Jianchen's own temperament, with little change; The role of "Xu Mengbai" is much more complicated. Whether it is the identity of a socialist in the early stage, the identity of a wealthy businessman's wife in the mid-term, or the identity of the final return to nature, different costumes and hairstyles are needed to interpret the role.

The most important thing for Du Yafu is to paint on Liang Yin.

Actually, Zhou Jianchen had an appointment for tomorrow, but Zhou Jianchen had no time for activities tomorrow, so he had to put it together today.

Duyaf is also busy and will fly abroad to participate in a film festival the day after tomorrow.

However, Du Yafu has made preparations for two days. He has worked with Zhou Jianchen and Liang Yin before, and he has known Chen Huaen's preferences for a long time, so everything is going well.

Two hours later, Zhou Jianchen and Liang Yin's first look was done.

Zhou Jianchen came out first, wearing a gray-black suit, white shirt, black and gray striped tie, a big back, and the sunglasses had been taken off, revealing deep and boring eyes.

His skin is very good, no powder is applied, and Duyaf only slightly modified his eyebrows.

Chen Huaen nodded when he saw it. Zhou Jianchen was indeed the "Zhou Zhaozong" in his imagination. He is holding a video camera in his hand, and he has even pressed a few shutters.

In order to better integrate into the atmosphere, the room has been decorated with the characteristics of the Republic of China. Zhou Jianchen just stood by the sofa without extra decorations, just like a Republican.

Liang Yin also changed his clothes and walked out with the help of the costume chief. This is the appearance of "Xu Mengbai" in the middle of "Xu Mengbai" pretending to be a rich wife in an attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Japanese army official. He wore a dark blue brocade cheongsam. Rich and graceful; hair curled in curls, loosely gathered behind his head. She also painted makeup on her face, slender eyebrows, dark red lips, and she was full of classicism.

Duyafu always felt that something was missing when he looked at him. He pulled the jewelry box and picked out a pair of pearl earrings for her to wear.

"I'm coming." The ear is too private, Liang Yin said when he turned his head a little itchy and took the earrings in his hand.

Du Yafu didn't care, but Zhou Jianchen was relieved.

The picture that Duyaf was about to put on her earrings just now was too ambiguous.

He has been looking at Liang Yin, knowing that there is nothing to look good, so he can't help but look at it.

Liang Yin has not filmed any drama in the Republic of China, and has never seen her wearing a cheongsam. I thought she might not look good when she was so skinny in a cheongsam, but when she came out, she looked exquisite and elegant, and her gestures were graceful.

Zhou Jianchen glanced at Liang Yin's chest and turned his head. It was obvious that the north wind was cold outside, but he just felt dry.

He remembered that after "Zhou Zhaozong" and "Xu Mengbai" had reunited, he slammed her against the wall and asked her, "Aren't you dead?"

Liang Yin had put on his earrings, Du Yaf looked at it, but he still felt that something was missing.

Chen Huaen on the side opened his mouth, "Liang Yin, pay attention to your eyes. You pretend to be Mrs. Jia Siping and want to assassinate Harada, but who knows that you see Zhou Zhaozong, you turn around and dare not let him see you."

Liang Yin didn't expect that he would have such a request, but he still complied with it.

After brewing for a while, she lowered her head, and when she raised her head again, she turned her face slightly, looking behind her, her expression tense, and tension, shock, and even slight panic flashed in her eyes.

"Okay." Liang Yin paused for a few seconds, and Chen Huaen called to stop.

As soon as Liang Yin received it, he was out of the play in an instant. She has always entered the play and the play is fast.

"Absolutely!" Du Yafu looked at Liang Yin's reply and clapped his hands violently. "Just now I always felt that the sound was a little different from the characters. Now that the eyes come out, the whole person is there. Damn, my goose bumps are all there. It's coming out." As he said, he stroked his arm again.

Zhou Jianchen was also shocked. Although Liang Yin's acting skills were amazing five years ago, he still noticed a trace of youthfulness, but now he is at the top of his hand.

Chen Huaen smiled, did not speak, the camera in his hand already had a lot of pictures.

The screenshot just now was cut out, enough to be used as a makeup photo.

He knows that Liang Yin has not been abandoned in recent years. Although he has never filmed, he is always thinking about it.

The five-year period seems to be blank, but it is actually precipitation.

Because of everyone's cooperation, everything went smoothly. By 4 o'clock in the afternoon, all the makeup work had been completed, and the clothing group had measured the size and started to prepare.

Chen Huaen looked at his watch and said: "Let's have a meal together before leaving."

Zhou Jianchen is ready to leave when he finishes his work.

Chen Huaen rarely invites people to dinner, and is very satisfied with the progress of today's work. Just today at noon, I just asked the staff to order a meal outside and bring it back.

"No, there's still something at home today." Zhou Jianchen glanced at Liang Yin, but refused.

Today, the old lady’s birthday, I called early in the morning to let him go back earlier.

He has stayed for long enough today, and his look had been set an hour ago, but he just used it up to now.

Chen Huaen asked Xiang Liangyin again, "How about you?"

"I'm not going either." Liang Yin replied. Ruona knew that she had picked up "Winter Winter", so she made an appointment to eat together tonight. She sent a message just now and she will be able to finish work at 6 o'clock tonight.

"Are you okay?" Chen Huaen asked.

"Yeah." Liang Yin was a little embarrassed.

"Let's do it." Chen Huaen has always been simply, and no longer reluctant, just think of something, and said to Zhou Jianchen, "Then you can help me send Liang Yin back, you just happen to be on the way."

He knows where Liang Yin lives, and he also knows where Zhou's family is.

Zhou Jianchen was stunned, and Liang Yin was also a little surprised.

However, Chen Huaen didn't seem to think there was anything at all, but said normally: "It just so happens that you are familiar with it."

His observation is very subtle. The two people stayed for a day and never exchanged a word.

Then he asked Liang Yin again, "Do you need me to find you an assistant?"

"No, I can do it myself." Liang Yin said hurriedly. She is no longer the teenage girl back then, and she can solve it by herself in many periods.

"Okay, then contact me again."

After Chen Huaen finished speaking, he didn't say much. Zhou Jianchen saw it and said, "Let's go."

Since Chen Huaen had spoken, it was natural for him to refuse.

Liang Yin wanted to say no, but Zhou Jianchen had already left.

Going to the car, she opened the door again and waited for her to go up.

Inside the car, there was silence. Zhou Jianchen only drove the car fast.

He drove here alone today, and now he drove her home alone.

He didn't speak, and Liang Yin just sat behind and dared not speak.

Zhou Jianchen originally wanted to ask where Liang Yin lived, but in the end he didn't say a word. It is annoying to ask knowingly.

He just knows where she lives. What's wrong?

Liang Yin thought for a while, and finally broke the silence.

"Zhou Jianchen, thank you last time."

Although I thanked me last time, I never met him in person.

Zhou Jianchen glanced at her in the rearview mirror, and then withdrew his gaze. After a long time, he faintly replied, "It's nothing."

The gaze behind the sunglasses finally slowed down.

The speed of the car also slowed down.

Liang Yin thought for a while, then said, "I would like to take care of you in the future."

Although her acting skills were affirmed by Chen Huaen, she hadn't been in contact for many years after all. Zhou Jianchen was the one who played against her, and she was still somewhat unconfident.

"With each other." Realizing that his tone was a bit blunt, Zhou Jianchen added, "You acted well."

After finishing, I feel that I might as well not make up.

Liang Yin smiled, but didn't know how to respond.

The inside of the car became quiet again.

Hua'en Studio is usually only half an hour's drive from Liang Yin's apartment. Zhou Jianchen drove fast, and it was only 20 minutes away.

Liang Yin was a little surprised at why Zhou Jianchen would know. When he thought about it, he understood it again. Perhaps his assistant had mentioned it.

Seeing that he was about to arrive after turning the corner, Zhou Jianchen suddenly felt a little regretful.

He shouldn't drive the car so fast.

At this time, Liang Yin's cell phone rang suddenly.

Zhou Jianchen looked through the rearview mirror, Liang Yin picked up the phone, but his expression changed.

The call was from Zhong Mingzhen.

"Hello?" Liang Yin's heart trembled, but it was connected.

She already guessed his intention.

Zhong Mingzhen's voice soon came, "Are you there? I'm at the door of your apartment."

Liang Yin's hand tightened, Zhou Jianchen had already turned the corner, she looked up, and sure enough, Zhong Mingzhen's car stopped on the side of the road.

"Just stop in front," Liang Yin said, his eyes a little confused.

Zhou Jianchen had already noticed the abnormality, and the Rolls-Royce at the door also came into sight, but he could only do it.

The car stopped steadily, just beside Rolls Royce.

Liang Yin got out of the car and said, "Thank you." She turned her head to thank you, but in a hurry.

Zhou Jianchen did not speak.

When Rolls-Royce got off the driver's seat and opened the door, he vaguely saw a man sitting inside. As for who it was, it was self-evident.

Liang Yin had already gotten into the car, Zhou Jianchen retracted his gaze, turned the front of the car, and galloped away.

In the Rolls-Royce, Zhong Mingzhen glanced at the Rambo that was galloping away, and also retracted his gaze.

The moment he turned the front of the car just now, he also saw clearly who was sitting there.

The author has something to say: Actor Zhou: Unhappy.

Then, this article will enter V tomorrow~ I hope my friends can continue to support. There will be red envelopes falling into the V chapter~

Then, there are two copywriting pits, one is still a divorce essay, which is a little different from this, and it is realistic; the other is a campus essay, which is pure and sweet and loves style. I hope everyone can get it in advance.

Just poke into the column and click into "Floating City" and "Rough Man and Princess"~

Of course, there is also an old sweet copywriting pit, "My Lord Commander", if you can, I hope everyone can take it~ Cover your face~

Then, this chapter continues to issue red envelopes~

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