Luffy and the others followed Sasuke's hand, but saw nothing.

"Forget it, you'll find out later," Sasuke said.

When Nami saw that Sasuke was done, she immediately came over and held Sasuke's arm, dragging him to a place where no one was around.

When Sanji saw this scene in the distance, he burst into tears of despair!

"No! Miss Nami!!"

The two of them walked to a place far away from the crowd. Nami suddenly felt that her arms were empty, and Sasuke had withdrawn his hand.

Nami was about to speak, but Sasuke spoke first: "Nami, you don't need to waste your time on me. Zoro probably hasn't told you yet. In fact, I already have two wives."

"What!!" Nami opened her mouth wide and looked at Sasuke in disbelief: "Two! Wife!"

Sasuke nodded: "Well, both of them are wives, I will not give up either one!"

Nami's body softened and she almost lost her balance. Sasuke summoned Susanoo to help Nami. To be honest, how could Sasuke not be attracted by such a beautiful woman? However, he still wanted to make things clear from the beginning. , if Nami can accept it, then take it back. If not, it will stop Nami from thinking about it, which is good for everyone.

Although Sasuke is philanthropic, he doesn't bother to lie.

Nami was silent for a while, thinking about the memory of that day in her mind.

At that time, Nami had actually given up on finding someone to kill Aaron and his group.

Because I had found people to kill Aaron and the others before, but without exception, all of them were easily killed by Aaron. As time went by, Nami also became desperate!

She no longer puts her hope in others and doesn't want innocent people to be killed by dragons because of her.

Therefore, she worked hard to make money and wanted to fulfill the agreement with Aaron!

However, after seeing Sasuke's strength, Nami had that idea in her heart again!

At that time, she was thinking in her mind that this was really the last time. If it still didn't work, she would buy the village back with money. She would have enough money anyway.

Although she knew in her heart that Aaron would probably not abide by the agreement, Nami had no choice. Sasuke was her last bet!

If such a strong Sasuke is no match for Aaron, Nami will accept her fate.

But the result was that Sasuke wiped out Aaron's group effortlessly, and Aaron was even cooked into a grilled fish alive in front of her and turned into ashes.

From that moment on, Nami knew Sasuke in her heart!

Even if she knew that Sasuke had a girlfriend, she still firmly believed that Sasuke was the one and they would be together at the worst possible outcome. Most of the nobles in this world married several people. Nami thought that Sasuke was so powerful that it didn't matter if he had one more wife!

But now Sasuke told her that he had two wives. . .

This is not a problem of one or two more, but I don’t know how many more problems there will be in the future!

"Yes, Sasuke is so good, it is normal for other women to fall in love with him." Nami smiled bitterly in her heart, but she was still a little reluctant to let her share the same husband with others.

Seeing Nami's expression, Sasuke knew the answer.

He was the first to speak: "Then, I wish you will meet your beloved in the future!"

Nami nodded: "Well, I also wish you happiness all the time."

After saying that, Nami went back to the Sonny with a sad face. If she didn't want to be alone with Sasuke, she wouldn't have come down to get cold!

(What do brothers say? Do you want Nami?)

Sasuke also returned to Luffy's side. Hearing Luo keep saying that his brother was scary and asking Luffy and the others to run away quickly, Sasuke was speechless for a while.

Nami returned to the boat. Robin stood beside the boat and smiled at her: "Are you giving up?"

"let me think again."

"Then you have to hurry up. It doesn't look like Sasuke can stay here forever."

"What do you mean?" Nami asked confused.

"Have you forgotten? Zoro said before that none of his friends are from this world."

Nami thought for a while and finally found this scene in her memory!

At that time, they were still on Sky Island and had just defeated Enel. A group of people were having a banquet. At that time, Zoro seemed to have been tricked by Robin into saying something.

Even when they finally took the gold and planned to run away, Sauron said not to panic. Only after meeting the other party first could they determine the other party's true purpose, allowing them to get a large amount of gold.

His eyes were blinded by gold before, but now that he thinks about it, Zoro always seems to have the feeling that the situation is under control!

"Of course, I don't think Sasuke is the kind of person who would give up a forest for a tree. Nami, you still have to consider it based on your own situation! Don't make it unpleasant in the end." Robin said with a smile. She has much richer experience than Nami, and she knows that the world is still in the hands of the strong after all. Not to mention the common situation of one man with multiple women, it is not uncommon for one woman with multiple men. The Yonko Aunt is a very good one. example.

That's why Robin persuaded Nami to think about it more.

Sasuke over there didn't know that Robin was brainwashing Nami. They waited here for a while, but before Aki arrived, Monet, the birdman with the snow fruit fruit, came first.

"It's so strange..." Sasuke simply couldn't complain about Monet. Instead of developing the fruit properly, he gave himself a pair of chicken feet!

Sasuke, who likes ice cream, despises this!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the Straw Hats, who had disappeared for two years, would appear here!" Monet said to everyone. At this time, Monet was very panicked!

When Caesar died, she told Mingdi about the matter. The other party was already rushing over. In order to prevent these people from escaping, Monet had to come out and delay them.

"Enemy?" After Luffy felt the hostility on Monet's body, he was immediately ready to take action!

He had just gained some insights into Ba Tang and needed to practice it!

Monet suddenly felt a sense of death approaching! Luffy's fists were covered with military colors, and with a step of his foot, his figure instantly appeared in front of Monet.

"Rubber pistol!"

boom! !

With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered!

Different from the previous pure overlord color entanglement, this time, Luffy imagined his overlord color as an indestructible momentum, destroying everything he encountered along the way!

Although he is still a little unskilled, the intensity of Luffy's Overlord Color has indeed increased by a level!

Monet's body flew upside down like a kite with its string broken, and landed on a snowy mountain without making a sound.

"So strong!" Luffy himself was shocked. He didn't expect that he would become so strong. You know, he hasn't started yet!

"If I add this to the fourth gear, I will definitely become the Pirate King!" Luffy was full of fantasies about his future!

Behind Luffy, Zoro was also thoughtful.

"If you compare Overlord Color to internal power, I am just squandering my internal power in a rough way now. If I want to maximize my internal power, I still have to rely on martial arts, and controlling the form of Overlord Color is undoubtedly the most suitable martial art for me!"

After figuring this out, Sauron's strength will increase several times, and he might even be able to challenge dragon slaying!

Chapter 105 Clown Clown!

After a while, Tenyasha Mingdi fell from the sky and looked at Luffy and his group on the ground. Veins popped up on Mingdi's forehead and he said with a ferocious smile: "Straw hat boy! How dare you take action on my territory? You want to Start a war with me?!"

Luffy said indifferently: "It was your people who attacked me first!"

The group of them had just packed Smoker up here when a group of people ran out of the research institute, saying that they were intruders and wanted to arrest them all. Luffy then took action against those people.

As for Caesar's matter, Luffy and the others did not know that Caesar was dead, and Monet, who knew about it, was also knocked out by Luffy with one punch, and his body was buried in the snow.

That coward Luo had just taken the opportunity to run away. Obviously he didn't want to face Mingdi directly. The only ones present were the Straw Hats and Smoker's navy.

Mingdi looked around and found no sign of Monet. He frowned and said, "Where is Monet?"

"Who is that?" Luffy looked confused. Monet had not reported his family name before, so Luffy didn't know that the person he had just beaten away was Monet.

Sasuke answered for Luffy: "It's the green-haired birdman you just knocked away."

Luffy suddenly realized: "Ah, you said her, she just wanted to attack us, but I knocked her away!"

At this time, Mingdi could no longer control his anger!

Navy undercover Virgo was also killed by the traitor Luo not long ago. Mingdi is now very angry!

"Luffy! He's about to take action!" Sasuke reminded.

"Ah! I've seen it!"

Luffy clenched his fists and walked slowly towards Mingdi.

"Hehehe, Straw Hat boy, are you going to fight me?"

"No, I will beat you away." Luffy said.


Luffy has just entered the new world, but he actually wants to defeat him, an underground clown who has been in the new world for so long?

Then wouldn't he be a clown?

The two stopped talking nonsense, and Luffy instantly entered second gear! Rush towards Mingdi!

"court death!"

Mingdi sneered, and the white thread flowed in his hand, and he swung it at Luffy!

Luffy did not dodge or dodge, allowing Aki's attack to hit him, but those white lines seemed to have touched an invisible layer of armor, being blocked less than a centimeter away from Luffy's body!

At this time, Luffy's fist will also fall on Mingdi's face!

Feeling a slightly familiar feeling on his fist, Mingdi finally panicked and said with a horrified expression: "How is that possible! Why do you, a newcomer, have such skills!"

However, he was destined to never hear Luffy's explanation.

The fist hit Mingdi's face. There was no contact between the two, as if there was an invisible armor in between, blocking the two!

Mingdi's eyes turned white, his cheeks were sunken, and traces of blood spurted out from his seven orifices!

In front of the emperor-level Ping A, Mingdi was beaten unconscious on the spot and flew backwards!

After bouncing a few times on the sea, he was forever silent in the sea.

A generation of underground clowns just died on Ice and Fire Island!

After finishing off Ming's brother, Luffy looked very excited.

"Sure enough, my idea is feasible!" Luffy said excitedly: "And now I understand everything about Rayleigh's use of Haki!"

Rayleigh showed Luffy the advanced application of three-color Haki before, but Luffy couldn't understand it at all. Now that he understands it, he can use it naturally.

It can only be said that although Rayleigh is not as direct and concise as Teacher Kai in teaching people, he really has no secrets towards Luffy. This is a gap in teaching ability. Rayleigh himself may not have thought that the best way to teach Luffy is to let Luffy experience this power personally and then let his body learn how to use it.

Karp did a good job in this regard.

After solving Ming's brother, there was only one Green Chicken watching from a distance. Seeing that Smoker's life was not in danger, Green Chicken had no intention of showing up. After watching Luffy and the others leave, he stepped forward to kill Smoke. Mog and the other navy rescued him.

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