When the right minister saw the scene in front of him, he finally recovered and shouted to Zoro: "You have indeed kidnapped Princess Shirahoshi!!"

"Have you told me yet!" Zoro also roared, he will not spoil these noobs!

With Brook leading the way, Zoro successfully reunited with Nami and the others this time.

"Zoron? Why are you here?!"

Everyone in the Straw Hats was very surprised to see Zoro!

You know, they had not found any trace of Sauron before!

"Well, something happened, and I came to this place!" Zoro looked a little embarrassed. He would never tell these people how he came here!

It’s so embarrassing!

Now that I think about it, I can obviously destroy that meteor hammer directly with the weapon color!

Or you could use the Moon Step to get rid of that thing, but in the end you were brought to Ryugu Castle by that thing. If you hadn't met Luffy, you would have almost relied on the chat group function to save your life. This is too outrageous!

Therefore, Sauron will never say anything about this!

Nami came to Zoro and asked: "Zoro, have you seen Luffy?!"

Luffy suddenly disappeared just now, and they have never found any trace of Luffy.

"Ah, he just left here with a big mermaid." Zoro said matter-of-factly.

"Mermaid! Is it a female mermaid with a pink tail fin?" Neptune asked quickly.

"Ah, yes! It's that guy. He was crying all the time. I thought it was annoying, so I left for a while. When I went back, I happened to see her and Luffy leaving." Zoro nodded, confirming Nipton's words.

Little did he know that his words would immediately make the mermaid king Neptune heartbroken! She cried and begged: "Please let my daughter go! I will agree to whatever you want, don't hurt my little Bai Xing!"

Seeing this, everyone in the group couldn't help but complain!

[Sasuke: This king is too unreliable! From the first moment, they believed that Luffy had kidnapped Shirahoshi, and had no intention of explaining it to the Straw Hats! 】

[Tushan Yaya: That’s right! Moreover, if Sauron is not here this time, why do they still attack? 】

[Gabriel: Because there is Sanji. It seems that Sanji and Brooke left together this time, so they were brought back by Neptune. I hope Chopper will not be abducted by some weird guy. 】

[Qilin: Isn’t it normal for Neptune to have such a reaction? You know, the Straw Hats are pirates! The captain is still a big pirate with a bounty of 400 million beli. You haven't forgotten what a pirate is like, right? 】

[Sasuke: Yes! I have forgotten that Luffy and the others are synonymous with cruelty! 】

[Sakata Gintoki: So, Neptune’s reaction is the reaction of normal people. Those ordinary people who can talk to pirates well are the aliens! 】

[Tushan Yaya: That’s it! learned! 】

[Tianming: Speaking of which, am I also a rebel now? 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: According to the laws of the Qin Dynasty, if you are caught, there will be no good consequences! 】

[Saiki Kusuo: Those fishmen can’t come to Ryugu Castle this time, right? 】

[Sasuke: That’s not necessarily the case! 】

After Zoro returned to the team, human pirates appeared in large numbers to open the passage to Ryugu City and clear the way for Hodi!

Then, Zoro passed over with a domineering expression, and all these people lost consciousness! Let alone stand up, there is a question as to whether the brain can still be used after waking up.

"That's it?" Zoro was very disdainful. He thought there was some kind of war? I didn’t expect that these people couldn’t even deceive me!

Looking at the cracked ground, the Straw Hats didn't want to speak.

With your overlord color intensity, I'm afraid you can't even handle the elite combat power, right?

Chapter 101 Sasuke: Yes, yes, you are the most dazzling!

Outside Dragon Palace City, Hodi and his group were impatiently waiting!

"Those trash humans, can't even do a small thing like opening the door?" Hody said dissatisfied.

"Hehehe! Don't be angry, brother. If it doesn't work, we'll let Van Dyken throw us in!"

"Shut up! We are the orthodox members of Mermaid Island! How could we be thrown in!"

The subordinates were scolded and did not dare to speak anymore. A group of people waited at the entrance of the Dragon Palace City passage to open.

In the Dragon Palace City, Sauron also told King Neptune about the misunderstanding, but the other party insisted on not believing it.

Reluctantly, Zoro and the others had no choice but to loosen the chains on Neptune and let him go with him and others to find traces of White Star.

This time, no more accidents happened. The group of people put bubbles on their bodies and left Dragon Palace City with King Neptune.

Although Minister Zuo kept shouting that pirates must not be trusted, Neptune, who was worried about his daughter, no longer wanted to talk to him, opened the passage with Zoro, and headed to Mermaid Island together.

At the entrance of the passage below, Hody rushed to the street and saw that the passage was open. A smile finally appeared on his gloomy face: "Human beings are really waste, and even this trivial matter has been delayed for so long!"

Suddenly, Hody's expression stiffened!

Because there was someone in the passage, and they were from Neptune and the Straw Hats!

Although Hody is very arrogant, he also knows that he will never be able to defeat the Straw Hats in a place without sea water!

However, this guy won't shed tears until he sees the coffin, and still wants to use his current strength to compete with the Straw Hats!


The passage was connected, and Neptune and the Straw Hats rushed out of the current, just to look at Hody and the others!

"Which one of you is Hodi?" Sauron asked.

Jia Baili had just rewarded him with 3,000 points just to see Sauron kill Hodi with a domineering knife.

There is no way, the points have already been earned, and Sauron has no idea of ​​returning the points, so Hody will have to suffer!

Hody also smiled when he heard Zoro mentioning him. Being mentioned by big names like the Straw Hats also shows that he is already very famous!

Hody stretched out his right hand and pointed his thumb at himself: "I am Hody, the captain of the new fish-man pirates!"

"It's you." Zoro calmly pulled out the sword, and traces of blood-red lightning covered Wado Ichimonji's sword!

"I was asked to chop off your fish head, and a price I couldn't refuse!"


Zoro's body instantly turned into an afterimage and came to Hodi. With a murderous smile on his face, he slowly said: "One-sword style: Shura's Wrath!"


Blood-red lightning appeared in the air, and the aura exuded by Sauron made the sea beasts under these people lose consciousness and fall to the ground!

And at this moment, the blood-red sword energy slashed across Hody's neck, and a fish head flew high into the air!

Killing a scum like Hody is just convenient for Sauron.

At this time, Zoro himself was a little shocked!

"I didn't expect Overlord Color's increase in strength to be so outrageous! That blow just now was about five times more powerful than before!"

Now, Zoro really understands why Sasuke gave him all the overlord colors. This thing is really much easier to use than the weapon colors!

The most important point is that when Ba Tang attacks the opponent, it will create a barrier. Even if the knife itself does not hit the enemy, the opponent will still be hit.

This not only increases attack power, but also protects the blade!

When Sauron summarized his strength, the group was already in full swing!

[Gabriel: So cool! I’ve always been annoyed by this guy when I watched anime before! He's obviously just a piece of trash, but he still keeps jumping around. Being beaten instantly is the treatment he deserves! When I meet Mingdi in the future, it will be a matter of seconds! I still have tens of thousands of points here! A reward of 10,000 will be given at that time! 】

[Sasuke: Let's leave Aki to Luffy. By then, Luffy should have learned how to dominate. It will be easy to kill Aki in seconds! 】

[Qilin: Gabriel is so rich! 】

[Gabriel: Mainly, it’s useless for me to get points. As long as I get good grades in the human world, I can officially join the job. There is no need to use points at all. 】

[Sasuke: Insiders are so scary! 】

[Sakata Gintoki: What a shady story! This is definitely a shady story! If this kind of fallen angel becomes a leader! Heaven is over! 】

[Gabriel: What! I am originally the best angel in the heaven, right? Coming to the human world was just a formality, to let me understand the laziness of human beings! 】

[Er Qiao: Then you understand human laziness a little too well. . . 】

[Gabriel: However, I will try my best to stay in the human world when the time comes. I no longer fit the rules of the heaven! 】

[Sasuke: Just say that you already like humans, feel that this race is full of infinite possibilities, and plan to observe it for another thousand years! 】

[Gabriel: Thank you, senior, for your guidance! I understand the central idea! 】

[Sasuke: Well, a kid can be taught~]

[Qilin:. . . Sasuke! Don't teach bad things to children! 】

[Gabriel: I will be a senior in high school soon, I’m not young anymore! 】

[Tushan Yaya: No, still small! I'm the biggest here! 】

[Sasuke: Yes, yes, you are the most dazzling~]

[Tushan Yaya: Huh? What's dazzling? 】

[Qilin: That’s enough! Don't drive! 】

The topic in the group gradually went off-topic, and it was Zoro's side.

After he killed Hody with a single blow, Sanji and the others also took action one after another, killing the new fish-man pirate group in one fell swoop.

Even if these fishmen took the poison, they were still no match for Sanji and the others, and were easily killed instantly.

Ignoring the group of murloc scum that fell to the ground, Neptune led the Straw Hats straight to the Sea Forest. Here, he finally met his precious daughter Shirahoshi!

There was also Van Dyken IX who had been knocked to the ground by Luffy.

"Who is this guy?" Sauron asked, pointing to Van Dyken on the ground.

"He's the one who keeps throwing those things at Shirahoshi!" Neptune said, looking at Van Dyken in disgust.

Zoro nodded clearly and said, "Are you going to kill him?"

Neptune shook his head and said, "I will imprison him."

Although he didn't understand it, Sauron chose to respect it.

There is not only Luffy here, but also Robin and Chopper, Franky and Sonny.

The Straw Hat Crew gathers once again!

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