The huge sword energy shot straight into the sky, changing the nearby terrain!

Facing a series of attacks from Zoro, Sesshomaru just waved a pair of light whips to resolve the attacks, even leaving scars on Zoro's body!

The strength gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.

In the live broadcast room.

[Gabriel: This guy Sauron is really unbelievably strong! 】

[Er Qiao: It is simply unbelievable that Sauron can practice to this extent in a short period of time without using the chat group enhancement function at all. 】

[Sakata Gintoki: This is Zoro! A beast walking on the path of Shura! 】

The battle between the two was a blast for everyone to watch!

Not to mention anything else, Sesshomaru alone is full of visual impact from the beginning of Meido Zangetsuha!

Coupled with Zoro's various slashes and exquisite three-sword sword moves later, as well as Sesshomaru's gorgeous and noble light whip, it is full of fun to watch!

Of course, their strength is not that strong among the group, and everyone is here to watch the fun.

Both of them followed the instructions and did not kill anyone. Even Sesshomaru himself was shocked that he actually withheld his move!

After the battle, Sauron lay on the ground with a look of joy on his face!

"It's been a long time since I've used all my strength like this!" Zoro laughed.

"Yes." Sesshomaru stood aside, his body spotless.

In this battle, Sesshomaru completely understood his own strength. Even if he did not rely on Tetsuya and Tensenga, he would still be invincible in this world!

After understanding his own strength, Sesshomaru couldn't help but think about whether he should go for Tetsuya? ?

That thing seems to be really useless to me now, and if I want it, there are actually many in the mall, so I don't have to worry about my father's.

Of course, the Tetsuya in the group mall is actually a copy of General Inu's Tetsuya, but there is no ban on Sesshomaru.

[Tushan Yaya: I’m going! Has Sesshomaru gotten stronger? ? 】

[Sasuke: Be confident, everyone in the group is getting stronger except you! 】

[Tushan Yaya: How is that possible! I'm about to accumulate enough points to break the curse on me! 】

[Qilin: Strictly speaking, your situation is not a curse, but a restriction. It is a restriction set by a powerful being to prevent you from growing beyond his expectations and becoming an uncontrollable factor. 】

[Tushan Yaya: Wow! Sister Qilin’s speech has become more and more formal recently! Not cute at all! 】

[Qilin: Alas~ Now that I have become a leader, I naturally have to be more careful when speaking. 】

[Sasuke: It’s really troublesome. If you don’t have time to learn how to speak, you might as well go and study technology and strive to conquer the galaxy as soon as possible and sweep across the universe! 】

[Qilin: I don’t have such lofty ideals. I just want to protect the earth. 】

[Sasuke: You are too naive, you will be beaten out sooner or later! 】

[Qilin: In order to better protect the earth, isn't it reasonable to have all the fourth-generation gods in the company of heroes? 】

[Thor of the Kobayashi family: Indeed, if you want to protect what you want to protect, you must have power beyond all the known outside world! It is recommended to study the Sixth Generation Divine Body! 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: Thor is right! Seasoned support! 】

[King Big Big Wolf: How many generations of divine body does Qilin have now? Is it the fourth generation? 】

[Qilin: How can it be that easy? I just bought a copy of Sunlight's gene, but I don't dare to use it openly. . . 】

[Zhang Wei: What’s there to be afraid of? Don’t forget, you are cheating now! If anyone dares to mess with you, just ask for help in the group! 】

[Shark Chili: That’s right, although I can’t help you now, there are big bosses in the group! @Sasuke. 】

[Sasuke: That’s right! If you have any trouble, just leave it to me! We are now the task masters in the group! 】

Although what Sasuke said was true, in the eyes of the group of friends, it was more like Sasuke's joke. The main meaning was that he was not afraid of trouble and just came to him if anything happened.

[Qilin: But after using it, will it be awkward when facing Rena? 】

In the office, Qilin looked troubled.

After she completed the group mission last time, she opened a copy of the Sun's Light Gene from the mysterious gift package. As long as she uses it, she can become a god like Reina. With a little bit of stellar energy, she can have three generations of With his divine body, he suddenly became the most powerful god in the known universe!

Because Holy Kesha was bombed, Morgana was also unable to continue using technology because of the defense line deployed by Sasuke. If the hardness of the fourth-generation divine body was not still there, Morgana would have been shot to death by now.

Karl, the phantom god of death, is even worse. Nine-tenths of his energy was drained by Sasuke. It will be impossible for him to recover for hundreds or thousands of years. Now he has completely retreated into his own lair, not daring to show his face in the universe.

Therefore, as long as Qilin uses this sun's light gene, goes out to find a star to get some energy, and upgrades her body, there is no problem in becoming a big sister of the universe!

Don't forget, Qilin's genes will not be controlled by the Sun Star, she can fully exert all the power of the sun's light! The power of detonating stars in minutes! Who in the known universe can withstand an explosion of this magnitude?

Therefore, Qilin is very confused now!

"Rena! I'm sorry!"

Finally, after struggling for a week, Qilin was persuaded to use the gene!

In an instant, the world in Qilin's eyes changed!

"The dark plane system has been opened for you! Please give the system a name!"

Qilin heard the sound of the dark plane system in her ears.

"As for the sun, just call Xihe!"

"Named successfully! Xihe started successfully! Information is being synchronized! Information update completed! Nearby stars are being detected! Three suitable stars have been detected. Are you connected?"

The series of information made Qilin a little confused. Her Xihe seemed to be different from Reina's?

Qilin asked her doubts in the group. Under the advice of her friends, Qilin clicked on the details of the sun's light on her data panel.

[Sunlight Project: Genes that can control stars. With it, you are the master of stars! Wherever the light goes, you are the incarnation of the Lord, omnipotent! 】

The introduction is very simple, but it also tells Qilin directly that her light of the sun is indeed different from Reina's. Reina only uses the energy of stars independently, and occasionally releases fireballs to explode stars.

And Qilin. . .

"The incarnation of the Lord? Do you want to be so exaggerated?" Qilin rolled her eyes and walked out of the office, planning to test her new power.

"Xihe, connect to the found stars and use their energy to upgrade me to a third-generation divine body."

"Connecting! Connection successful! Upgrade~Upgrade successful!"

It only took less than a second for Qilin's divine body to be successfully upgraded!

That day! The entire earth is shrouded in a curtain of light!

"Xihe reminds you that before you can upgrade your divine body to the fifth generation, you still need to absorb the energy of five young suns!"

Chapter 88 Newcomers join the group!

Qilin was startled by the big noise she made. She was just upgrading her divine body, so she wouldn't make such a big noise, right? Directly illuminating the world?

He quickly collected his divine power and hurriedly left the earth and headed into the universe.

The people on earth were confused, and even the Xiongbing Company was confused. Because Xihe was protected by the dark plane, they didn't detect anything here and were confused by the light.

in the universe.

Absorb the energy of five suns? Or the young sun?

When she first heard this request, Qilin was a little frightened. But when she thought about how many suns there were in the Milky Way alone, Qilin felt relieved again, and even felt that this request was a bit simple.

"Xihe, do you have a plan for the Sixth Generation Divine Body?" Qilin asked. Since Xihe can give the accurate energy required for the fifth-generation divine body, it means that Xihe should have the upgrade method for the sixth-generation divine body in his inventory.

"Yes, but Xihe recommends that you first find a star with a mass five million times greater than that of the solar system star to use it to build the energy required for the celestial computer."

"???Are you kidding me?" Qilin's head was full of questions. More than five million times the mass of the sun?

"According to calculations, as long as you find two stars with a mass of three million times the sun and collide them, you have a chance of producing a star that meets the conditions."

"Please, does that kind of thing really exist?" Qilin rolled her eyes and complained.

"Yes, the black hole in the center of Virgo is a black hole formed after the collision of two qualified stars due to energy instability!"

Qilin was really speechless now. . .

"By the way, you said you don't have a celestial computer yet?" Qilin suddenly woke up! Asked: "Then how did you upgrade me to the third generation divine body?"

"A basic project like the third-generation divine body only requires a genetic computer."

Qilin clicked her tongue, having a vague understanding of Xihe's power.

In short, it is extremely strong!

After wandering around the universe for a while, Qilin returned to Earth. The big noise she made before must have disturbed many people, and she wanted to go back and explain.

【Ding! Sasuke initiates a vote! Only when the chat group is opened will the time of online people be synchronized. 】

【agree! 】(One ticket)

【disagree! 】(0 votes)

Soon, the proposal was approved.

[Sasuke: Sure enough, a chat group with this rule is considered a mature chat group! 】

[Gabriel: Do you want to do something else? 】

[Tushan Yaya: Shall we increase the channels for obtaining points? 】

[Shark Pepper: Making money is so difficult. 】

[Uryū Ishida: Don’t you want to be a capitalist? Are you afraid that you won’t be able to make money? 】

[Qilin: How about making an activity contribution list? Are there points bonuses for the top three? 】

[Sasuke: Encourage everyone Suigun? I think we can do it! 】

He is free every day anyway, so he can definitely compete for the top three!

[Maori Detective: Isn’t it too harsh to only have rewards for the top three? Why not change it so that everyone has rewards, but the rewards vary depending on the ranking! 】

[Misaka Mikoto: I agree with Detective Mori’s suggestion! 】

[Sasuke: Indeed, Detective Mori’s proposal this time is very good! 】

[River God: Then start voting! 】

Not long after, a list called the Active List was born!

They are daily list, weekly list and monthly list.

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