Uryu Ishida: Are you a monster?

Er Qiao: Let’s not talk about this for now. The chat group has released tasks! 】

After hearing this, Sasuke immediately opened the chat group's mission, and it was no longer blank!

[Group tasks:

The world of group member Uchiha Sasuke is facing a crisis of destruction. This is also the biggest decision in Uchiha Sasuke's life; please help Sasuke get through this difficulty!

Reward: 100,000 points, mysterious gift box*1.

Limit: two people. (Including Sasuke himself)]

In the group.

[Zoron: It seems that only one of us can go to Sasuke's place! There are actually restrictions on tasks, the chat group is really stingy!

Uchiha Sasuke: Do any of you want to come over? Just think of it as a trip, we can handle this big guy ourselves anyway!

JOJO: I won’t go. In the past few months, I have given up on ripples, let alone fighting this kind of monster!

Uryū Ishida: I would like to help you, but I am simply not strong enough to fight against that kind of monster. . .

Zoro: I'll go! Anyway, I have nothing to do at sea!

Uchiha Sasuke: Okay, let's get Zoro in! I won’t turn off the live broadcast and let you see how I kill this big guy! 】

Zoro, who was waiting for Luffy to wash the dishes at the restaurant on the sea, found an excuse to leave. After arriving at a deserted place, he disappeared.

Ninja world.

Suddenly a bright light flashed around Sasuke, and a green algae head appeared in front of everyone.

"Who!" Minato was immediately alert!

Sasuke said: "Don't panic, it's the help I found."

"Hey! Hello!" Zoro greeted everyone, and his eyes fell on the Ten-Tails: "This guy is scarier than I imagined!"

When Naruto wanted to ask again, Sasuke interrupted him directly and said: "Don't waste time! The tailed beast is coming!"

Just as he said, the Ten-Tailed Beast Jade has been condensed and is heading straight towards them!

"Damn it! Is this guy's chakra infinite?!" Naruto complained, but his whole body tensed up!

This was the Ten-Tailed Beast Jade, he couldn't resist it!

After seeing Naruto's reaction, Sasuke mocked: "Are you scared? Coward-kun!"

"What!!" What Naruto couldn't accept the most was Sasuke's ridicule. When the quarrel was about to start, Sasuke continued: "You don't know the tricks of the fourth generation, do you? Things like Tailed Beast Jade are completely useless to the fourth generation. Not really a threat.”

In front, the fourth generation made a posture ready to fight. Hearing Sasuke's words, the fourth generation felt bitter in his heart.

I'm afraid his son has never heard of the Flying Thunder God trick, right?

How sad.


The figure of the fourth generation disappeared in an instant, leaving only a handful of red flames in place~

"Disappeared!!" Zoro was shocked at the side.

I saw a golden light going straight towards the Ten-Tailed Tailed Beast Jade. The newly condensed Tailed Beast Jade disappeared without a trace the moment it touched the golden light.

Zoro was shocked again! Don't let it go!

"What kind of ability is that?"

Minato came back and scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing how to answer Zoro.

"Okay Zoro! Although it's a bit of a blow, your current strength can't be used in this battle at all. Just paddle aside!" Sasuke said.

Zoro smiled bitterly and nodded: "It seems that is indeed the case."

Chapter 5 Sasuke: Sorry, I couldn’t hold it back.

Now, the Ten-Tails without anyone controlling it is the best to fight!

He can only act on instinct!

As long as Sasuke and the others cooperate well, they can quickly control the Ten-Tails!

Sasuke looked towards the woods, where the Shodai and Madara Uchiha were already fighting.

The two sides fired Gundams at each other, and for a while no one could do anything to the other!

"It seems that we can only rely on us!" Sasuke said to the fourth generation: "Can you find a way to activate the Four Red Sun Formation? We can't let this guy keep firing tailed beast jade. It is really a waste of energy to protect those people!"

The fourth generation looked in the direction of the first generation, showing a hint of helplessness, but the next second he thought of something and asked Sasuke: "By the way, who is the Fifth Hokage? Where is he now?"

"Dead." Sasuke replied briefly.

Naruto's face also became a little lonely, and he said: "The Fifth Hokage is Grandma Tsunade. When she fought with Uchiha Madara before..."

Needless to say, Minato already knew the ending.

"Now is not the time to be sad!" The second generation's voice appeared behind Minato, and with him was the third generation.

"Yes, the top priority is to get rid of this big guy first!" Sandai said.

Seeing the face of the third generation, Sasuke did not hesitate to use the Chidori Spear to destroy the upper body of the third generation.


"Sorry, I couldn't help it." Sasuke looked at the second generation coldly and asked, "Where is Orochimaru?"

"Who knows, just die." The second generation didn't have any good impression of these inherently evil Uchiha brats, and said directly to Sasuke with a cold face: "Did you ask that brat to summon us?"

"That's right." Sasuke said indifferently: "Whether it is the Four Red Yang Formation or Uchiha Madara, you need to contain it. It's a pity..."

Sasuke looked at the two people who were already fighting in the distance, feeling helpless.

Hashirama was actually entangled with Madara from the very beginning, and it seemed impossible to escape in a short time.

Then, the Four Red Yang Formation cannot be used.

"Hehehe! Don't be disappointed, Sasuke-kun. With Minato here, the tailed beast is not a problem at all." Orochimaru emerged from nowhere and smiled at Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded. With the Flying Thunder God around, the Ten-Tailed Beast Jade was indeed not a problem.

"The second generation, you are mainly responsible for transferring the Tailed Beast Jade of the Ten Tails. The fourth generation will work with Naruto to provide him with large-scale transfer and chakra supplement. Naruto, you separate several shadow clones to condense the natural energy and strive to make yourself Enter... No! You just let the Nine Tails in your body help you condense the natural energy, he will definitely be able to do it!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke a little confused, and laughed loudly: "It's impossible, the Nine Lamas' chakra is not in harmony with the natural energy!"

Just as Naruto was speaking, Kyuubi's voice appeared in Naruto's mind: "Naruto, next I will help you gather natural energy. You must kill this big guy!"

"...Eh?!" Naruto looked cute.

Sasuke ignored Naruto and allowed himself to communicate with Kyuubi. Then he looked at the Fourth Hokage and said: "Fourth Hokage, you and Naruto connect chakra, so that the two Kyuubi can condense the natural energy together."

The fourth generation didn't say anything. He came directly to Naruto and extended his fist to Naruto.


The two fists collided, and huge chakra exploded on both of them!

In the mental space, the two Nine-Tails also met.

"It's so embarrassing! Half body!"

"Haha! You're not the same! Half body!"

After the two Kyuubi greeted each other, they fist bumped and connected their memories.

Because the Yang Kyuubi has already connected with Naruto's mind and learned the Sage Mode, so they fist bumped and after connecting their memories, the Yin Kyuubi also learned the Sage Mode!

Naruto and Minato looked at each other and smiled, and Myobokuyama's sage eyeshadow instantly appeared on their faces!

"It's about to happen!"


The two of them turned into two rays of golden light and disappeared in front of everyone. Sasuke also used Susanoo, wrapped the fragrant phosphorus inside, and rushed out instantly!

Orochimaru glanced at the second generation and third generation, turned around and left here.

He wanted to see if Tsunade was still alive. If she was still alive, Orochimaru felt that he could still save her.

"It's a pity that I can't see the direction of Sasuke-kun's wind."

After they left, Sakura also reacted. Looking at Naruto and Sasuke's back, Sakura clenched her fists!

"I really can't keep up with them at all..."

When Zoro saw Sakura's appearance, he said with a smile: "If you are not willing to give in, try your best to catch up!"

"Eh?" Sakura looked at the other person in confusion.

"If you don't give it a try, how will you know that you can't do it? Don't let yourself have any regrets!" After Zoro said this, he exploded and ran towards the Ten-Tails.

"Standing behind is not my style! Only by swinging my sword to attack the stronger can I become stronger!"

Here, Sasuke opened the winged Susanoo, dropped the two swords in his hands, and directly cut off part of the body tissue of the Ten-Tails.


Feeling the physical discomfort, the Ten-Tails roared, the chakra on his body was released wantonly, and three big hands grabbed Sasuke directly.

"Haha! Chakra from the front door!" Sasuke's eyes flashed, and the weapon in Susanoo's hand changed. A huge shield appeared in his hand, blocking the three hands of the Ten-Tails.

Then, the purple sword swung and instantly cut off three of the Ten-Tails' hands!


The pupil technique was activated, and the three big hands disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Sasuke felt a violent aura entering his chakra, trying to swallow his will!

"The will of the Ten-Tails?! No, it's Kaguya's will!" Sasuke sneered disdainfully: "Gluttony!"

Another pupil technique was activated, quickly digesting the Ten-Tails' chakra.

At the same time, Sasuke's body exploded! The battlefield was handed over to Minato and his sons.

"Immortal magic! Super! Dayama Rasengan!!"

Naruto's energetic voice fell from the sky, and he was rubbing a sixty-seventy-meter giant Rasengan in his hand!

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