"My current strength is not enough to release my true body. The top priority is to find the location of the sacred tree first. I feel that Hagoromo has dispersed the power of the sacred tree. You should know their location." Kaguya looked at Sasuke. , there was a questioning look in his eyes.

"What do you think I'm doing? I won't help you collect tailed beasts, nor will I let you collect tailed beasts." Sasuke said.

"Why?" Kaguya looked puzzled: "You can reach the current level. You should know how difficult it is for us to go further. If we rely on ourselves to practice, we may not make much progress in ten thousand years. We can only eat chakra. Fruit can help us quickly become gods!"

"I'm not in a hurry about becoming a god. After all, I'm still less than twenty years old. I have plenty of time to practice slowly." Sasuke's calm look reminded Kaguya of his own appearance at the time, and he thought the same way at the time. Yes, I feel that my lifespan is still very long, and I can definitely cultivate little by little.

But later, after experiencing the increase in strength brought by 'eating people', she completely gave up her naive idea!

Suddenly, Kaguya felt a little curious about how long Sasuke could last.

"Sooner or later, you will be unable to bear it any longer. Just like Aijia, she changed from the goddess of the moon to an evil ghost that everyone fears," Kaguya said.

"Don't worry, you and I are different." Sasuke said, "I have my own way to become stronger. I don't need to rely on the fruits of the sacred tree."

Kaguya scoffed at Sasuke's remarks.

Is there any faster way to become stronger than the fruits of the divine tree in this world? She doesn't believe it!

"It's up to you. Anyway, in the end you will definitely agree with my approach and recycle all the chakra to strengthen yourself." Kaguya said indifferently.

Neither of them continued to argue on this matter. They knew that they could not convince each other. Sasuke looked at the golden chain on Kaguya and frowned: "Keeping it locked like this is not an option. Let's discuss it. I'll let Xiang Phosphorus let you go, but you can't attack us again."

Kaguya nodded: "The Ai family didn't plan to attack you originally, that girl attacked the Ai family first!"

"Who made you appear behind me inexplicably?" Sasuke naturally protected Xianglan and would not let her suffer: "After I let you go, you can live here and don't think about going out to cause trouble. You are not me now. opponent."

Sasuke also discussed this with Kaguya. He admitted that he coveted Kaguya's beauty, so he didn't want to force himself on Kaguya!

To Sasuke's surprise, Kaguya nodded and agreed to live here!

"What? You look surprised?"

"No, I didn't expect you to agree so easily."

"As you said, you are the strongest person on this planet now. It would be a very unwise choice for the Aijia to go against you." Kaguya looked at Xiang Ling: "Can you unlock this seal? ?The Aijia don’t want to stand all the time.”

Xiang Liao Qiong's nose twitched slightly and said: "Don't attack the house again!"

Kaguya was in a daze for a moment. She didn't expect to receive such a warning, and she felt a little complicated for a while. She didn't know what kind of emotion she was feeling, after all, she hadn't had any emotion other than hate in a thousand years.

"Hey! Answer me!"

"I understand." Kaguya said calmly: "The Ai family will live on the third floor."

"Impossible! That's the room Sasuke-kun and I share! Just stay on the second floor!"


Chapter 40 Heading to the Shi Leng World!

In the end, Kaguya proved with her actions that she would rather not sleep if she couldn't sleep on the third floor!

For three days in a row, Huiye stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the first floor and watched the snow at night, never sleeping a wink.

"You haven't rested for several days, be careful of sudden death." Sasuke said to Kaguya who was standing in the living room after waking up in the morning.

"Huh!" Kaguya glanced at Sasuke lightly, snorted coldly, then turned around to look at Snow.

"I have quite a bad temper." Sasuke complained in his mind: "I'm going out for the next two days. Please stay at home and don't think about causing trouble. Otherwise, you will be sealed by the fragrant phosphorus again and you will have to wait for me to come back before you can start again. Free."

"Go out? What to do?" Kaguya asked in confusion.

"Don't worry about this, it's not cannibalism anyway." Sasuke smiled.


After a while, Xiang Ling also washed up and came to the first floor. When he saw Kaguya still standing in front of the window, he said with an unhappy face: "Did you turn on your eyes again last night? I feel that kind of prying eyes." !”

"The Aijia just looked into the distance."

"But Byakugan is a 360-degree eye technique with no blind spots!"

"It's just two kids, the Ai family has seen a lot more than this!"

"You guy!!" Xianglan gritted his teeth and stared at Kaguya. Doesn't this guy have any sense of distance? ! I stayed up most of the night and peeked at the young couple! Is this something carbon-based organisms can do?

Anyway, Xiang Phosphorus doesn’t understand!

However, considering that Sasuke seems to have some evil thoughts about this woman, Xiang Ling will bear with him for the time being!

Kaguya looked at Xueji with a trace of pink on her face. She didn't want to. At first, she was just curious and said she only took a look, and then she went astray. Who can say no to a handsome guy?

Sasuke on the side secretly gestured "Yeah", the beauty trick was a success!

He feels that if he continues like this, he will have another wife soon!

After breakfast, Sasuke warned Kaguya: "Kaguya will most likely not be at peace. You should keep an eye on her and don't let her go out and cause trouble in the ninja world."

"The Ai family can hear..." Kaguya complained softly.

Sasuke ignored her and continued to warn her: "Don't be tough with her, this guy has a typical stubborn temper. As long as it's not a problem that affects the world, just go with her first and wait until I come back to discuss countermeasures together. "

Xianglan nodded, indicating that he was not as knowledgeable as Kaguya.

Kaguya rolled her eyes and pretended not to hear.

Now she was even more curious about what Sasuke was going out for? Absorb chakra? Or do some other kind of cultivation?

After waiting for a while, Sasuke received a message from the River God, saying that they had successfully landed at their destination and he could pass.

After saying hello to the two of them, Sasuke's figure disappeared from this world.

Kaguya showed curiosity on her face and asked Karin, "Where did he go?"

"Go to another world!"


Kaguya felt that Xiang Lian was so stupid for even believing such a thing.

A cold world.

The river god arrived at the destination in Athena's car, landed on the ground and planned to split up.

"Wait a minute, I'll find a helper!" the river god said to the three of them.

In front of him were the human King Kong, Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war in the West, and Thor, the dog son of Hong Qi Gong in the north.

"Ah? Where are you looking for help at this time?" Athena said unhappily: "You are not deliberately delaying time and trying to attract my attention, are you? Let me tell you, although we are all gods, we are still gods after all. There are so many things to consider when putting different systems together!”

When Athena was talking to herself, a light lit up beside the river god, and Sasuke's figure appeared next to the river god.

"Hey! We finally meet!" Sasuke greeted with a smile, and at the same time looked at the people in front of him.

The purple-haired girl is Athena. Judging from her appearance alone, she is definitely a beauty, but she is a little nervous.

The man is the future guardian of the multiverse, but now he is still a little King Kong full of hatred for the gods.

The Shiba Inu holding a hammer on the ground is Thor, the God of Thunder.

The three of them also looked at Sasuke. The way he appeared was so bizarre that they were all shocked!

"Who are you?" Little King Kong asked warily.

"So handsome~" This is Athena.

"I am Thor!"

The River God pointed at Sasuke and said, "This is the helper I found. With him here, our treasure hunting trip will be much smoother!"

"Hello! My name is Sasuke, and I am a friend of the River God." Sasuke smiled at the three of them.

The three of them nodded and didn't say much about the teammates that He Shen had found.

As long as it increases their chances of getting the scepter, it doesn't matter who comes.

The addition of one more person did not affect their decisions. The group still decided to split up. Sasuke and the River God walked together. In the dark destination planet, Sasuke wandered around, looking for the secret door on the ground.

River God followed Sasuke and occasionally asked some boring questions. Sasuke was a very patient person and ignored most of River God's questions and selectively told him that the future world would be very interesting.

"Oh, we can look forward to that." The river god said calmly.

"Give me some facial expressions!" Sasuke couldn't help but complain.

After a while, there was movement from Little King Kong. Athena ran all the way and quickly arrived at where Little King Kong was, and then took a photo at the speed of light.

"...Why is it a photo?" Athena tore up the photo and was about to denounce Little King Kong when a voice called "I am the God of Thunder, Thor" came from the space.

"Oops! That guy Thor must have discovered the switch!"

Sasuke also heard the sound and walked towards the source of the sound with the river god in a hurry.

They met Athena halfway, neither of them spoke, and they came to the source of the sound together!

On the ground, a secret door opened, and a trace of fire came from inside, as well as Thor's repeated reading.

"Damn it! A dog's nose is the sharpest! We didn't follow Thor all the time!" Athena complained in a long voice: "I'm so stupid! We even let them split up!"

The four people hurriedly came to the source of the sound and saw Thor, the Shiba Inu, sitting on the ground, making no sound at all.

"Thor, are you waiting for us?..." Athena, a sensitive woman, instantly imagined a series of painful dramas.

But Little King Kong was more rational. He came to the side and saw the instructions on the wall.

Voice Controllers, please say "Open sesame" when opening the door.

"I am Thor."

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

"Woo~~" Thor made a series of sad syllables. It was obvious that if he could speak, he could easily open the door and be a big step ahead of everyone!

It's a pity that he is just a dog. Even if he is given the power of the God of Thunder by Hong Qigong, he is still a dog who can discharge electricity and is still single!

Regarding this result, several people behind Thor laughed unkindly!

Chapter 41 Particles? chestnut!

"Open sesame!" Little King Kong stood in front of the door and shouted the voice control password. With a tremor, the door in front of them slowly opened.

What appeared in front of them was a closed space similar to the one used by the big bald head in the X-Men to enhance his mental power. In a spherical room, there was a passage. At the end of the passage was a button. Next to the button was a note that said Big two words!

"Don't press it?"

"Generally if it says don't press it, it means we should press it, right?"

"How do you know this note is not a lie to us?"

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