Back at the house, Xiang Phosphorus had already put on his clothes and was sitting on the sofa reading comics with an unhappy look on his face.

Sasuke asked Zoro to buy this comic in their world. It tells the story of the peaceful heroes fighting against the Germa family.

Seeing Sasuke come back, Xiang Lian said faintly: "The things I bought last time are almost consumed. Are we going to Konoha again?"

"Ah? It's gone again so soon?" Sasuke looked surprised.

"Someone tears two pairs a day. No matter how much I buy, I can't bear the consumption..." Xiang Phosphorus said with a reddish complexion, pushing up his glasses. The glasses she is wearing now do not have a prescription. It is purely because she has been wearing them before and she is somewhat used to them, so she got a pair without a prescription and continues to wear them.

Sasuke scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Then let's go to Konoha again in two days. Alas, running around all day is really troublesome..."

Speaking of which, Sasuke missed the convenience of express delivery!

Sitting next to Karin, stroking her red hair, Sasuke said to himself: "Maybe, I should open a courier company?"

Hearing Sasuke's voice, Xiang Lian asked with some confusion: "What is a courier company?"

"It's just a takeout, which can also be understood as an escort mission. Unfortunately, the transportation is not developed at all, otherwise we would really consider doing it." Sasuke said with some regret.

"Oh~" Xiang Ling nodded in understanding, and then stopped thinking about such things that he couldn't even understand.

On the other side, it took Jugo an hour to finally reach the foot of the Hashirama statue. Looking up, the statue was at least 100 meters away. If you want to climb up with one hand, it would be difficult for even an ordinary chuunin to do it. Not to mention that Chongwu's physical fitness at this time was already completely ordinary.

The walk from Sasuke's house to here had consumed a lot of his energy, and now he was sitting on the ground panting.

"So the physical fitness of ordinary people is so weak? I only walked a little way, and I didn't walk fast, which also made me feel tired." Jugo said in his heart: "The purpose of Sasuke-kun letting me climb this statue should be to hone my skills." My will, right? Orochimaru-sama said before that if you want to control my power, you must either have a strong mental power or an unwavering will. It seems that Sasuke-kun wants me to hone the latter."

Jugo almost understood what Sasuke meant. The reason why he went berserk after entering the sage transformation was because he could not control his violent will every time.

"But, can this method really allow me to control myself?" Zhongwu didn't really believe that he could control himself.

Shaking his head, Jugo stood up and planned to start climbing.

Regardless of whether he can control himself or not, he has to climb the statue, because this is the task Sasuke gave him!

Chapter 30 Let’s dance! Chonggo!

A week later.

When Sasuke got up in the morning, he didn't wake up Kosovo. After getting dressed, he used his divine power and went to the woods to see Jugo. When he came here, Sasuke found that the other party only suffered a slight skin injury, but nothing else was serious.

Seeing Sasuke coming, Jugo stopped climbing and stood in front of Sasuke.

"Yes, it's quite strong!" Sasuke said, "Do you still remember how you admired Kimimaro?"

Jugo was stunned by Sasuke's question. Naturally, he would never forget this kind of thing in his life!

"I envy him very much. He has found his own value." Jugo whispered: "Actually, after Kimimaro died, I should have entrusted him with my life and handed it over to you, but... "

The last words were not spoken, and Sasuke knew that Jugo was not willing to protect his child.

Four years ago, Sasuke was still very weak and could not subdue Jugo at all. Later, when he became stronger, he did not go to Jugo and went directly to Uchiha Itachi with Xianglan.

And Jugo has been imprisoned on an isolated island by Orochimaru. He has no idea about the version changes in the outside world. His understanding of Sasuke is still stuck in the ancient version a long time ago. He feels that the Sasuke is at most similar to Kimimaro, and maybe even more. Not as good as Kimimaro!

Sasuke smiled and said, "Let's have a fight."

"Huh?" Jugo looked at Sasuke in confusion.

"No need to doubt, I surpassed Kimimaro two years ago, and my current strength is beyond your comprehension." Sasuke stepped towards the water and said: "You only have one chance to attack, so you'd better go all out."

Before, Sasuke didn't know the specific situation of Jugo, so he asked him to come here to practice first. Now a week has passed, although Jugo has not climbed on top of Hashirama's head, there are no major injuries on his body, which shows that Jugo is not a stupid person.

Sasuke feels that it is time for Jugo to come out of his isolation and officially find the meaning of his existence!

As Sasuke finished speaking, Jugo finally felt the flow of chakra in his body again. At the same time, the surrounding natural energy began to riot, pouring into Jugo's body crazily!


With the influx of natural energy, Zhongwu's body also changed. His skin turned black and his body became strange!

"This is the Immortal Body. The passive is the same as Hashirama's. It's a pity that you haven't awakened the Blood Successor Limit. You can only use this power roughly, otherwise your strength should surpass the Five Kages." Sasuke said calmly.


Zhongwu, who has absorbed natural energy, is completely irrational, or in other words, his heart is extremely swollen now! The powerful power made him feel that he was invincible in the world, and every earthworm passing by on the ground would get a bite from him!

Regarding Jugo's current situation, Sasuke has the most experience!

After gaining great strength, it will expand. At this time, all it takes is a stronger person to wake him up!

"bring it on!"

boom! !

Jugo, who transformed into a sage, exploded instantly! The black fist became bigger than Sasuke's head and came straight towards Sasuke!

Sasuke moved his body slightly, turned sideways to avoid Jugo's fist, lifted his leg, and landed his knee directly on Jugo's abdomen!


Jugo spurted out a mouthful of acid, and his body flew out uncontrollably, hitting Hashirama's feet.

boom! !

A large cloud of dust came, and Jugo, who had become even bigger, appeared in front of Sasuke again!


Sasuke's expression remained unchanged. He grabbed Jugo's fist with one hand and turned his body. Using the force, Jugo instantly lost his balance and was thrown away!

Bang bang bang! !

Jugo's body bounced on the water several times before he finally stopped on the water. He raised his head and stared at Sasuke with a pair of golden eyes filled with murderous intent!

"Come again!" Sasuke chuckled. It's good to exercise like this once in a while, but unfortunately Juugo's strength is still too weak now, and it is far from Sasuke's expectation to support the Jonin to death.

After hearing Sasuke's provocation, Jugo, who had no sense at all, went crazy. He yelled and his body began to mutate again!

Six blowholes grew on the back, and blowholes of different sizes appeared on the joints of the limbs!

"Oh? It's all used to increase strength and speed." Sasuke's eyebrows were frivolous. He didn't expect Jugo to have such a strange change!



Jugo attacks again! Chakra continuously spurted out from the blowholes all over his body, and the propulsion generated directly increased his speed level by more than one level!

If Jugo was only as fast as a Jonin before, now he has reached Kage level!


An afterimage struck, and Sasuke used the teleportation technique to dodge the blow! "Is this the only level? It's really disappointing."

While moving, Sasuke didn't forget to taunt him to increase Jugo's anger!

Jugo did not disappoint Sasuke. Every time he was provoked, the chakra in Jugo's body would become larger and more violent!

However, even if Jugo has reached the level of a Kage, Sasuke still treats him nonchalantly and even makes provocations!

"What's wrong? Is this your limit? That's really disappointing. I didn't expect that the bodyguard Kimimaro left for me was only this level!"

"Oh? Is your aura stronger than before? But it's nothing more than that. I can kill you instantly as long as I have a whim!"

"Has the form changed again? Unfortunately, your fist is still not strong enough and your speed is not fast enough. From the beginning to now, you have not touched the corner of my clothes. Sure enough, Orochimaru has no choice but to give up on you. After all, no one wants to raise a loser in vain."

Sasuke's words made Jugo crazy! Roaring in the sky, Zhongwu began to actively absorb the surrounding natural energy!

At the same time, Jugo's body is gradually getting bigger!

Jugo, who was originally two meters tall, had already grown to almost three meters in previous transformations, and this time the transformation was even more complete, from a three-meter-tall man to a ten-meter-tall giant. The behemoth appeared directly in front of Sasuke. In front of him, he raised his arm, and countless natural energies gathered towards his right arm!

"Kill you! I must kill you!!"

boom! ! !

The right arm gradually became thicker, and several blowholes appeared on the arm, and the chakra inside spewed out like it was worthless! The airflow generated caused cracks to appear in the mountain behind him!

"It seems that this is your limit. Yes, with this strength, it is not a problem to challenge a Raikage alone." Sasuke said to himself. After Jugo's size increased, his speed did not slow down. After all, there were so many fumaroles, and his chakra directly absorbed natural energy, so there was no lack of blue and he could always explode at a high level.

Raikage is considered the strongest among the Five Shadows. Jugo's strength is almost the same as his, which means he has reached the peak of ordinary people!


A thundering roar came, and a huge fist suddenly fell!

Chapter 31 Let him become a veterinarian?

Facing the attack from Jugo's peak Kage level, Sasuke did not dodge, but calmly raised his hand to block it in front of him!

boom! !

The water exploded, and the originally calm water surface sank several meters under the pressure of Jugo's fist!

But Sasuke's figure seemed like a mountain that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, not moving at all! With one hand, he steadily received Jugo's full blow!

"It's time to finish."

With a strong effort, Sasuke pushed Jugo's fist away. A pair of six-magatama samsara eyes looked at Jugo calmly. He said, "You should be awake by now, right?"

Jugo was stunned for a moment, and his eyes turned left and right spiritually. The blow just now consumed a lot of his chakra, so his sanity also recovered a little.

"It seems so." A purple skeleton appeared on Sasuke's body, and the next second, Susanoo, a hundred meters tall, appeared in front of Jugo.

The shadow that covered the sky shrouded Zhongwu. The latter's eyes were dull and his mind was blank. For a moment, he couldn't understand what this thing was?

Under Sasuke's control, Susanoo held Jugo in one hand and placed it in front of him: "Did you see it? This is the gap between us, an insurmountable gap."

Jugo stared blankly at Sasuke, already too shocked to speak.

Throwing Jugo away casually, Sasuke dispersed Susanoo and fell to the ground, saying: "Do you understand? Although your power is very strong, there are many people in this world who are stronger than you. I can do it." Master Susanoo's power, and you will surely be able to master your own power."

Zhongwu nodded silently. After his heart calmed down, the natural energy in his body began to dissipate, and his body returned to its original size.

After being beaten by Sasuke, Jugo didn't gain anything at all. At least, he was now able to control his own power when he didn't absorb much natural energy.

Unlike before, absorbing a little bit of natural energy would cause you to go berserk.

Sasuke asked Jugo to live next to his house. Of course, he asked Jugo to build the house himself.

In the yard, Xiang Ling looked at Jugo next door and asked worriedly: "Sasuke-kun, are you sure this guy won't suddenly go crazy and come over to demolish our house?"

"Don't worry, Jugo can already control his power."

Before he finished speaking, there was an explosion next door.

I saw Jugo blowing up a big tree with one punch, and now he was controlling his emotions with a ferocious look on his face.

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