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Chapter 1028 Human Beings Are The Strongest?

Chapter 1028


The Hexiu family, the CCG chairman and Xiu Changji raised their eyes displeased.

He only saw the two leading CCG staff, thinking that there was something important to report, and there was no change in expression.

But this uninvited way still made him a little annoyed.

Besides, what happened to the guard outside?

Why didn't you stop it?

He Xiu Changji didn't see Bai Chen and Kirishima Touka until the two staff members stepped aside.

"Who are they? Why bring irrelevant people here?!"

He was originally explaining to Arima Kisho something that he needed to deal with.

The matter is confidential and cannot be known by a third party.

But no one expected that someone would bypass Hexiu's guards and come to this place.

He Xiu Changji made a secret decision in his heart.

Whoever they were, whether they heard it or not, these four people could not continue to live.

But in the eyes of He Xiu Changji, the two CCG staff members didn't have any expressions on their faces, as if they didn't pay attention to his orders at all.

This also made He Xiu Changji even more angry.

Sure enough, except for them and the Xiu family, neither ghouls nor humans can be trusted.

But that's okay.

As long as the "dragon" of the Hexiu family can complete it.

They and the Xiu family will be able to use the power of the "dragon" to completely control the country under their feet. In the next few years, all high-level government officials from top to bottom will be replaced with relevant personnel from the Hexiu family.

And now, their plan has been halfway through.

At present, nearly one-third of the high-level executives have become the eyeliner or stakeholders of the Hexiu family.

"It seems that you came at the right time. If I read correctly, you should be Hexiu Changji, the patriarch of the Hexiu family, right?"

It's rare.

Originally, Bai Chen felt that some time would be wasted.

But I didn't expect things to develop unexpectedly smoothly.

As for Arima Kisho next to him.

Although he is the white god of death of CCG, he is actually one of the thugs of the Hexiu family. He is one of the most powerful and perfect experimental products produced by the Hexiu family.

"Who the hell are you"~?"

Seeing the two CCG investigators give way to the young man, no matter how stupid He Xiu Changji was, he understood that something was wrong.

But he wasn't worried at all.

Because the strongest tool man of the Hexiu family is standing here.

With his protection, even if the Bronze Tree ghouls came over, it would be absolutely fine.

What's more, Hexiu Changji is still the strongest person in the direct lineage of Hexiu family.

Bai Chen didn't answer, just showing a faint smile.

And when Kirishima Touka noticed Kisho Arima, he naturally recognized the rumored and famous "White Grim Reaper".

Although he is no longer a ghoul, even standing here, he can still feel the heavy oppression from that man.

The girl hid behind Bai Chen silently, only half of her body was exposed.

Phew! Feeling better!

The feeling of being unable to breathe was really uncomfortable.

Heshu Changkichi gave Kisho Arima a wink.

The latter understood, and then stood in front of Bai Chen sternly.

The silver suitcase in his hand opened automatically, and with the sound of air being pumped, Quinke, who was shaped like a machete, was caught in his hand.

next second.

Kisho Arima moved.

As a tool of the Hexiu family, he knew what Hexiu Changji's eyes meant just now.

The figure disappeared rapidly, leaving an afterimage in place.

The invisible air flow exploded along Arima Kisho's body in all directions.

As currently recognized as "the strongest human being", his speed has almost reached the limit that ordinary people's naked eyes can capture.

Even if he fights against SSS level ghouls, Kisho Arima can kill them in a short time.

Ghouls of S rank and below can even cut melons and vegetables, and can do ten knives each.

Although he was defeated by Kaneki in the later stage of the original work, it is hard to conceal that he fits the status of "the strongest".

But to no avail.

In Bai Chen's eyes, the sharp slash and the crisp way of attacking are like a baby charging towards him with a toy.

It has no use other than making him admire the fearlessness of those who don't know.

Arima Kishou who reappeared stood still in place, his whole body maintaining the attack posture.

Even when they got close, Touka Kirishima could feel the faint killing intent of the other party.

But still.

Like a lifelike wax figure.

Kirishima Touka looked at Bai Chen suspiciously, guessing that it might be his handwriting.

"...Time is still, it's just a very common ability, and it's very effective for mixed fish."

Bai Chen finished speaking lightly.

But Touka Kirishima, after listening to it, looked completely skeptical about life.

Ordinary time stands still.

Miscellaneous fish Arima Kisho.

So what is she?

Is it the trash fish in the trash fish?

But no matter what, looking at the bland Bai Chen, Kirishima Touka felt a feeling of "Damn it, I was pretended by him".

"Don't be envious, there are still many abilities in the chat group prize pool that are stronger than time. You may not be able to draw them at first, but if you draw them, you will have what you should have."


Kirishima Touka was very moved by the words.

The empty feeling of losing the power of the ghoul disappeared, replaced by full expectations.


Seeing the excited look of the girl, Bai Chen couldn't bear to say the word "should".

But he was right about one thing.

Smoking and smoking, everything will be there (Denuo Zhao's.

Of course, White Yasha's extremely black-faced African Chieftain was excluded.

Even "Thank you for your patronage" can be drawn out, and there is only one person in the chat group.

the other side.

Seeing Arima Kisho who was frozen in place, Kazunoji's face changed in shock.

He called Arima Kisho by name, but did not get any response.

Until he saw Bai Chen walking towards him slowly.

He Xiu Changji stood up in panic, and took several steps back one after another.

While shocked in my heart, I secretly prepared to fight back.

As the patriarch of the Hexiu family, he is naturally a powerful ghoul.

It's just that Kisho Arima's situation is suspicious, and although he is old and mature, his move is also surprising, but it is more of a deliberate show of weakness.

"What did you do to Arima Kisho?!"

At the same time, he pressed the dark thread.

Suddenly, the entire CCG headquarters building alarmed loudly. .

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