Section 134

For the current situation.

Nangong Nayue was completely black.

The investigation commission from the Ophiuchus indicates that the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction have disappeared at the border of the War King Realm.

Originally, she would have gone to the vicinity to investigate and make plans, instead of coming directly to Gozo as she does now.

“It’s good to find the body of the fourth true ancestor, the area of Gozo is not large, and you should be able to find that relic soon.”

“I don’t know the exact location.”

Nangong Nayue was not surprised by this.

As I said when chatting in the group before, Bai Ming did not know the specific details of some events.

Of course, she doesn’t complain about anything.

Being able to locate the location within Gozo is already quite accurate.

It’s just that there are hundreds of large and small ruins in the entire island, and there are countless undiscovered ruins.

It can be difficult to find them.

“Although the location is not clear, the excavation operation for the fourth true ancestor is not small, they should also have deployed mercenaries, as well as vampires of the old generation.”

Bai Ming said.

“With your experience, it shouldn’t be difficult.”

“These prerequisites are enough.”

Nangong Nayue nodded.

The vast majority of the 277 archaeological teams on the island are curious scholars.

In groups, they came to dig graves with some tools.

That kind of team can simply be ignored.

Coupled with Bai Ming’s said that he was equipped with mercenaries, it means that the archaeological team is likely to detect the news of the existence of the fourth true ancestor in advance, and the scale will definitely not be small.

In this way, ruins that have already been excavated can also be excavated.

The depths of the dense forest, which are difficult for ordinary people to step on, is the place she needs to search this time.

After saying his thoughts, Bai Ming praised Nangong Nayue’s carefulness.

I have to say that compared to Lias and Zhu Nai, Nangong Nayue, who is an adult, still has a lot of experience.

“It seems that we will have a good time with each other next.”

Bai Ming said with a chuckle.

Although young and reckless girls are very energetic, mature women also have a special charm.

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue subconsciously gave him a blank look.

Then with her back to Bai Ming, she pursed her lips and showed a shallow smile.

The brief meeting with Bai Ming (ceej) made Nangong Nayue dispel his doubts about this guest.

Having dealt with various people for many years, she can also see that Bai Ming is a very good object to get along with.

Vampires with high self-esteem, orcs who go crazy when they don’t agree with each other, magic criminals with mushy brains…

What’s more, Bai Ming’s appearance and temperament are also quite in line with the aesthetics of a woman.

Being a partner with someone like this is a complete enjoyment.

I hope that the next trip will be really enjoyable.

The other side.

The two brothers and sisters who met Nangong Nayue Pingshui were transported to their father’s place of work after leaving the airport.

The remains of the archaeological team are not as Xiao Kaisha imagined, full of scholars wearing gray archaeological suits, holding maps and observing the geographical environment with magnifying glasses.

Instead, large engineering machinery was everywhere at the same time, along with neatly armed mercenaries from civilian security companies.

It is not so much the excavation site of the ruins as the armed stronghold of the guerrillas in the movie.

The young man was a little worried, but Xiao Kesha’s eyes lit up.

“If the guards are so strict, there must be very precious treasures buried underneath!”

The voice just fell. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The girl suddenly seemed to notice something, stopped her cheerful expression and high emotion, and wordlessly stared at the ruins that had been half-excavated.

The foothills of the rocks are like the entrance to the stone caves of the temple.

At the same time, the girl also felt a faint sense of coercion.

“It seems that I have noticed.”

At this time, the middle-aged man who came from the side looked at his daughter and muttered to himself.

Xiao Kaisha’s father, Xiaoya City.

He has been working outside the home and on ancient ruins.

This time, he brought his daughter from thousands of kilometers away from the mainland, not to enjoy the trip, but for work reasons.

As the daughter of a witch, Xiao Kaisha was born with the purest witch bloodline.

This ability also increases as the girl gets older.

The talent of the medium allows her to feel things that ordinary people cannot detect.

Because of this ability, I have also been asked by some research institutes to help.

For example, identifying the entrance to the ruins buried in the ground, or interpreting ancient inscriptions that paleographers cannot screenshot.

However, as a father, Xiaoya City actually does not want his daughter to come to such a place.

However, the funders of the investigation mission had a tough attitude, and in order not to interrupt the work, they had to call Kaisha here.

“Kaisha, the boat has worked hard, let’s rest first, and then go to prepare for the ceremony.”

The talent of the medium can be activated at any time.

But if you want to be better, you need to go through the “cleansing” link.

Bathe the body with spring water full of spiritual energy and wash away the dirt on the body, so that the power of the witch will be maximized.

Hearing this, the girl came back to her senses and nodded slightly.


Hide yourself by magic, hide in the shadows and observe the remains of the archaeological team, revealing sharp fangs.

Although a black robe covered the body, thick hair grew on the thick arms that were exposed.

He is tall but tall, and his face peeking out from under his hood has obvious orc characteristics.

Dead royal brother – Gülen Khathlov.

As the orcs of the Black Death, they have always preached orc supremacy and hated vampires and the Night Empire they founded.

To this end, they unleash indiscriminate attacks on vampires around the world.

Of course, in addition to vampires, other races that are not orcs will be terrorized by the Black Death Emperor faction.

And the reason why he is here is also because this relic excavation has the participation of vampires from the War King Realm.

For the Dead Emperor Brother, he didn’t care what was inside the ruins, and sabotaging vampire-related actions was the main purpose.

Similarly, the rest of the archaeological team is also on the death list of the dead emperor brother.

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