Chapter 75

Bai Minggu wondered to himself.

Subconsciously asked Lias.

“Which is she?”

Although he knows the plot and the identity of the characters, it is obvious that Lias, a local, knows more.

Hearing this, the girl showed a wry smile and whispered: “Gurefia Lukifergus is the executive who assists the current four demon kings, and she is present in large and small affairs. ”

“Executive? Isn’t it a maid? ”

Bai Ming subconsciously said that he missed his mouth.

“Maid? Although working for the Demon King is similar to that of a maid, Lord Gulfia is not a maid, and is not responsible for daily life, but the affairs of the underworld. ”

Lias said in a low voice.

“Oh… So is she your sister-in-law? ”

Bai Ming continued to ask.

This is not quite the same as he remembers.

Hearing this, Lias’s face turned pale, and she quickly looked at Gurefia, who was asking about the cause and effect of Levier’s group, and said in a lower voice: “How can Lord Gurefia be my sister-in-law, although I heard that my brother has pursued her, but failed.” ”


Hearing this, Bai Ming was a little confused.

Neither a maid, nor Lias’s sister-in-law, but also became an executive of the underworld?

What happened in the past?

“Lias Gimoni.”


Hearing this voice, Lias reflexively stood up straight.

Although she didn’t do anything wrong herself, the person who injured the Phoenix family owner was Bai Ming.

And Bai Ming was invited by himself.

This kind of thing, she has to carry down.

“What happened, let’s talk about it.”

Gurefia is concise.


Subsequently, Lias added Zhu Nai and others to repeat the cause and effect.

“So, it was indeed the guest you invited that injured the head of Phoenix.”

Gurefia fell into deep thought.

Hearing this, Lias’s expression changed slightly, but the head of the Phoenix family, who had taken the Tears of the Immortal Bird to restore his sanity, was beaming.

Although Gurefia’s style polarized her reputation in the underworld, at least she was on the side of the demon anyway.

On the other side, an outsider, who shot and injured the upper nobles of the underworld, it is no longer a trivial matter that can cover up the past in three or two sentences.

“I see.”

Gurefia nodded slightly.

“It’s not like this, it’s obviously his hand that moved first.”

Lias couldn’t help but argue.

And Lessa, who heard this, was even more angry.

His fiancée is still defending the murderer who injured his father, and the two attitudes make him almost vomit blood in anger.

“Take the Phoenix family master back to recuperate.”

The words fell, and Phoenix himself thought he had misheard.

“Ancient… Lord Gurefia, are you mistaken? It is obviously he who wants to take away! ”

Hearing this, Gurefia turned her head to look at him with a godless face.

“Lord Phoenix, since you did it, you can’t blame others anymore, or do you want to show your injuries and let me treat the real victims unfairly?”

“What’s more, if it weren’t for this guest’s move, the successor sect master of the Gimonri family and his dependents would all be injured because of you, and the ranking game would also be suspended, and spreading it would not only have bad rumors about the Phoenix family, but also damage the reputation of the Gimonri family and the demon king.”

A few words left Phoenix speechless.

“But Jimongli’s dependents spoke ill of me…”

“One yard to one yard, after which I will restrain their words and deeds, what other opinions does Lord Phoenix have?”


Watched quietly by Gurefia, Phoenix’s face turned blue and white.

And when his gaze fell on Bai Ming, a look of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

In order to hide this emotion, Phoenix left the scene in embarrassment.

Compared with their arrogance, Lei Weier bowed to everyone, and finally secretly glanced at Bai Ming, turned around and trotted away.

This little girl is quite arrogant.

But it’s a talent.

Lessa and his dependents were left at the scene.

Gurefia turned to look at the ugly-looking Lessa: “So Mr. Lessa, is the next ranking game going normally?” I…”

The fear of Bai Ming in Lessa’s heart made his limbs tremble until now.

In this case, he simply cannot play normally.

He wanted to refuse, but heard Gurefia’s next words.

“If you refuse now, there may be rumors in the underworld that it is not good for the Phoenix family, and the marriage contract between you and Lias will also be affected.”

“When… Of course. ”

Lessa blushed and swallowed back the words of the extension.

Even the father can only admit it in front of the executive, and of course he, the son, can only admit it.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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