Chapter 73

“Kolesa he…”

The owner of the Phoenix family naturally did not believe it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that something is wrong with Lessa.

And now, the most suspicious object is naturally the marriage contractor Lias.

“I don’t know, uncle.”

Lias restrained her inner emotions.

And Zhu Nai behind her, the kitten and several people were also indignant.

However, because of their status, they did not speak.

“It’s obviously your son himself who suddenly became ill, why is it blamed on the minister?”

Genovia was the first to be unable to bear it.

As a holy sword envoy, she has been fighting demons for the first half of her life, and although she has turned into a demon, her gentle attitude will only be towards her companions.

Lessa’s behavior had made her unhappy, and seeing that his father was also so aggressive, she immediately returned in dissatisfaction.

Being interrupted to speak cast a shadow over the face of the Phoenix master.

He looked at Lias and said in a low tone: “Is this how you educate your dependents?!” ”

When the words fell, everyone seemed to smell the burning smell in the air.

In the face of the resistance of the juniors, as a widow of the ancient era, the Phoenix family owner will naturally feel that he can’t get by on face.

The magic that approached the Demon King turned into a substantial sense of oppression that enveloped Lias’s group.

Feeling this heavy pressure, the girls’ backs oozed cold sweat in an instant.

Can’t win.

With their strength, they are completely incomparable to the head of Phoenix.

This is also normal.

After all, Phoenix is also a pure-blood demon who survived the civil war in the underworld.

Especially for immortal species, the longer you live, the stronger your magic power.

“Uncle, I’ve already told you, Lessa’s matter has nothing to do with us, I and him…”

Lias stood in front of everyone, alone under pressure.

“Are you going to obstruct me? Lias Gimonry? ”

Perhaps because there was too much dissatisfaction accumulated in the past, the Phoenix patriarch couldn’t hide his annoyance when he looked at Lias.

“Don’t forget, you’re already my son’s fiancée.”

Lias could no longer speak.

This was the first time she had faced the existence of the highest demons.

The Phoenix family owner in front of him is stronger and more oppressive than Kokabil at that time.

This made the usually-for-tat girl instantly lose the momentum of confrontation.

But just when the head of the Phoenix family was about to give a small punishment, he suddenly felt a great sense of oppression descend on him.

In just a moment, the pupils of the Phoenix family master opened to the maximum, and the intuition from the upper demon pulled the sense of crisis to the maximum, and in order to protect himself, he subconsciously opened the immortal bird enchantment.

And if the magic power of the highest level demon bursts out without sparing any effort, in addition to the demons with the blood of the immortal bird, including Lias, they will definitely not be seriously injured by the flames.

However, nothing moved.

Even if in his mind, he had opened the Immortal Bird Enchantment, but…

He glanced down at his trembling hands.

That’s a fear that stems from the body’s instincts.

He looked at the source of fear in disbelief, just a boy in a navy blue trench coat that he had ignored before.

“Although this is your underworld’s business, isn’t it a bit too much to rely on the old and sell the old like this?”

Bai Ming chuckled and looked at the Phoenix patriarch.

“Give me face, and I will honestly stay in the underworld in the future.”

Hearing this, the owner of the Phoenix family was furious.

Although the body is afraid of the existence of the other party, as the highest demon in the underworld, his knowledge and experience are much higher than that of Lessa.

After a short struggle, he finally had the ability to move.

A flame that can easily melt steel appears in the air, transforms into the shape of an immortal bird, and flies towards Bai Ming.

It stands to reason that the magic of being the highest level demon is definitely more than that.

But in the case of extreme physical resistance, the Phoenix family master can only urge this level of blow.

But this is a flame that even God can burn, and once it is dyed, it cannot be easily extinguished!


He saw the flame of the immortal bird flying out being squeezed by Bai Ming in his hand, like playing with an ornamental bird, and then easily crushed.

Sporadic flames floated in midair, but Bai Ming’s fingers did not even have a trace of black.

The Phoenix patriarch’s face changed in shock.

What kind of monster is this?!

Even if his magic power is weakened, he will not be pinched and played!

“Looks like that’s your answer.”

Bai Ming showed a faint smile.

After seeing the smile on the boy’s face, the Phoenix master’s breathing became disordered at this moment, and his heart was extremely shocked, and his brain was trembling.

When he wanted to fight back, he found that Bai Ming didn’t know when to cross Xu Yu, and came to him in the blink of an eye.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass.

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