Chapter 16

Good and evil are not mutually exclusive.

The cruciform camp headed by the God of the Bible is incompatible with demons and fallen angels.

Not to mention, on top of the daytime Mass, the Holy Lady heals the wounds of the wounded in the presence of all believers.

The emerald and soft light, although it is not related to the golden holy light in common sense, can also heal wounds that usually take more than ten days to heal.

After discovering that the maiden has this ability.

The church immediately chose Esia as a godsend daughter and used her symbol to spread the word widely, in order to attract more believers and gather faith in the God of the Bible.

But tonight’s scene caused these bishops and gendarmes who were extremely loyal to the church to collapse cognitively.

The saint is the chosen child of the gods.

Demons are enemies of the gods.

Generally speaking, the brilliance of the saint should be highly toxic to the devil.

But they clearly saw the wound of the demon that had healed.

Only the blood-stained skin and clothes proved that the demon had been seriously injured before.

Aesia was also taken aback by the crowd who suddenly broke in.

She gave a look of trepidation and wanted to explain.

But the demon behind her crossed her body and used the most primitive brute force to break up the crowd.

At the same time, he also used the hard thorns on the demon wings to leave large and small wounds on the bodies of these people.

Although the world’s extraordinary forces occupy their own side, the vast majority are still ordinary people.

These bishops and gendarmes who arrived did not have any extraordinary abilities in their bodies.

Generally, only when on a mission does the Church order exorcist priests to go out.

The crowd was scattered and lay on the ground, wailing one after another.

Esia looked at the elders of the church with a painful expression, and quickly ran over, wanting to heal his injuries, but was pushed away.

“Fuck off! You witch who colludes with the devil! ”

The harsh and vulgar words drilled into her mind, making Aisia stunned in place for a moment.

The girl stood alone.

Looking at the people in front of her, who refused to approach her despite their injuries, she was at a loss for a while.

“I… I just want to treat everyone, if you don’t deal with so much blood soon


“Don’t touch me!”

“Witch, stay away from me!”

Pain can amplify the dark side of a person’s heart.

In addition, they have been taught since childhood that demons are the most evil creatures and mortal enemies of God, and their hatred of demons is only light.

Although it is difficult to believe that the Holy Lady can heal demons.

But the facts are in front of them, and they have to believe them.

“Everyone… I… It’s not like that…”

Esiadon remained motionless in place.

The hands held in front of Yue Hun were tightly squeezed together.

Under the fair skin, blue blood vessels appear.

“I’m not…”

Listening to her colleagues from the past church, seniors, and those who had great respect for her, Aisia only felt that these past acquaintances were extremely strange.

Obviously, she just saved a poor life….

Moreover, before the rescue, she also carefully thought about it.

She also knew that demons were enemies of God.

But the poor demon couldn’t turn a blind eye to her.

Before he struck, he was still praying to God.

If the light healing works, it means that God has allowed her good works.

If it causes harm, it means that God has stopped it.

It turned out to be the first.

But now he is being abused by his compatriots.

Aesia wanted to explain, but couldn’t argue.


The girl stood in place.

The uproar here soon attracted others in the church.

It didn’t take long for the secluded and dim venue to be brightly lit.


Led by a group of gendarmes, Aisia was taken away by them with her head bowed.

It was obviously to be left to the Pope to deal with.

And until the crowd dispersed, no one saw Bai Ming, who had been sitting on the roof.

“… Sure enough, the best way to wronged a good person is to plant and frame. ”

After watching a big drama, he sighed so.

Even from God’s point of view, he knew that Aisia was speechless at this time.

After all, others have seen the Holy Lady heal demons.

And this move is bound to cause speculation and crankiness from others.

It’s as absurd as two countries at war and a princess falling in love with an enemy prince.

This is not a fairy tale after all.

Once exposed, the reputation of the entire church is seriously affected.

It may even lose a large number of believers and damage God’s honor.

If you add some forces to add fuel and vinegar, saying that the church is colluding with the devil?

That’s a lot of fun.

Not to mention, Bai Ming also knew that the system created by the God of the Bible today was difficult to maintain, and if the basic beliefs used to support the heavenly realm were wrong, perhaps the entire celestial realm would be affected.

And once the celestial realm is affected, all parts of the world that are radiated by the church will cause riots.

If Bai Ming guessed correctly.

The next step is to block the news, then hide Esia and expel her from the church to prevent her presence from adversely affecting the celestial realm.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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