Compared to other fleets, the Black Ocean Fleet.

In particular, the three warships that Puluo modified descended on the battlefield, just like a dimensionality reduction strike.

Charging all the way, the momentum is like a bamboo.

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that the Maoxiong Emperor’s Mansion was rarely quiet.

Not only silent.

Even some people dare not even come out of the atmosphere.

“Lord Harrison, Commander of the Third Military Region… It is called ‘body sickness’ and cannot attack. ”

“Lieutenant General Raglen, saying that ‘civilians have not retreated,’ is reluctant to attack.”

“Major General Gerry…”

This is the news from the major military districts and even the fleet.

Just like Prochai, his reign is too short, and his control over the hairy bear is not enough.

It can’t be like the previous emperor, one sentence can make the whole hairy bear run.

There are always people who will question him.

Even if you dare not question it openly, you will also be yin and yang.

And these …. That’s part of it.

They have all kinds of reasons, all kinds of excuses… And then unwilling to carry out Pro’s orders.

Perhaps, they have their own considerations.

Lieutenant General Ragren, for example, has always been benevolent and reluctant to strike at civilians.

Puluo can understand and appreciate it even more.

But alas… He disobeyed himself at a critical time.

Once there will be a second.

And this is unacceptable to the general public.

“Pass it on, remove Lieutenant General Ragren, let him return to his old age, and at the same time put his adjutant in office.”

“And let Major General Gerry return to the capital…”

Puluo’s voice was exceptionally calm.

This time, he launched an all-out general attack on Awu, and this is also considered.

And that’s integrating hairy bears.

Hold everything about the furry bear firmly in your hands.

Like now… Anyone who dares to disobey him, regardless of his status in the army, whether men, women, or children, is suppressed.

He wants to make the bear have only one voice after tonight.

And that, is the voice of his Great Emperor Pro.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Puluo’s eyes focused on a stack of materials.

That was Lord Harrison, commander of the Third Military Region.

This one is also a hairy bear elder.

Followed the previous emperor for many years.

Count it as that one’s henchman.

But now, he actually used troops to resist.

“Contact Harrison and call me.”

“Yes, Emperor.”

The head of the intelligence service, the first to contact Harrison.

For a moment,

“Toot toot… Toot toot…”

After ringing the phone one after another, an old voice came.

“Hey… You are…”

Answering the phone, Pro’s tone softened slightly:

“I’m Pro, I heard that Commander Harrison is not in good health?”

“It turned out to be the Great Emperor, and I also ask the Great Emperor not to worry, old problems, old problems, dark wounds left by youth.”

“So, that’s the reason for resisting?”

Puluo’s tone suddenly became cold, causing the other half of the old man to frown.

“The Great Emperor, it turned out to be to question me…”

Grinning, Harrison didn’t care.

“Big night, sending troops to attack Awu is not good after all, and…”

Harrison explained.

But in and out of the words, they are all with a bit of abuse.

However, before he could say more, Puluo’s cold voice was already ringing:

“Commander Harrison, you can go back to retirement.”

Hung up the phone, and Prolo was also unpolite.

Announce this direct retirement.

Call him just because he is a hairy bear elder.

If he could be obedient, Prou wouldn’t mind him continuing

But now it seems that he does not want to be the commander.

“Emperor, this… Harrison is a hairy bear elder after all, and you suddenly let him abdicate the throne, I am afraid that it will cause…”

“Cause what?”

Prolo looked at Commander Robert and said with a smile

“Could it be a mutiny?”

“This… This…”

Commander Robert was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

“As long as he dares to do something, then he is not as simple as abdicating.”

Pu Luo snorted coldly, and immediately turned to the darkness and called;

“Dark Guard, you personally go and ask Lord Harrison to abdicate and invite him to the Great Emperor’s Mansion.”

“Yes, Emperor.”

In response in unison, several figures flashed away and disappeared into the darkness.

The Secret Guard, the guard that belongs to the Emperor alone.

It can be regarded as ‘the knife in the hands of the Great Emperor’.

He has extremely terrible powers, and at the same time can monitor hundreds of officials.

The previous emperor relied on the dark guard to control the entire hairy bear.

Therefore, the dark guard is also known as the ‘Shadow Emperor’s Mansion’.

And now, the dark guard moved.

It also means that Puluo is really angry.

Still, Pro’s anger is understandable.

After all, as a great emperor, he dared someone to disobey him.

It really touched his bottom line.

“After tonight, it’ll be fine.”

“The whole hairy bear, there will only be my voice alone.”

“Even if there are still people who dare to question it, they dare not be in the open.”

The corners of Puluo’s mouth turned up slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

He killed three birds with one stone, and he was still good.

Not only a full-scale war was launched against Afghanistan, but also a war on land, sea and air.

It even began to deter Eagle Sauce.

At the same time, it also allows him to further unify the hairy bear.

It was perfect….

However, this is just the beginning.

Attacking Awu will definitely not go so smoothly.

Let’s not talk about Eagle Sauce, the Western Alliance alone will not sit idly by.

These guys, in addition to sending troops before, all kinds of supplies were provided one after another.

It’s almost in person.

So what now….

Will they play in person?

In this regard, Prolo is looking forward to it.

Really looking forward to it.

If the Western Alliance dares to play in person, then Proo will never be polite for half a point.

The first shot of the Pluto cannon will start the John Bull of the Western Alliance, and even the sun will not set….

Also, space-based cannons will also fire the Efe Tower one after another….

And at that time, a full-scale war between the Western Alliance and the Mao Bear will also begin.

“Now that we hairy bears have fought with Awu, we don’t mind dragging more people into the water.”

“But how dare you?”

Puluo’s voice has a touch of inexplicability.

Immediately, he raised his eyes and looked to the west.

There, every country is waiting….

Waiting for the convergence of the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier battle group.

But before that… Prolo was already the first to fire – a full-scale war against Au.

This is Pro’s powerful counterattack against the Western Alliance and even Eagle Sauce.

ps: ******

The Great Emperor, after all, is not an ancient emperor, some people question, it is normal.

Moreover, even in ancient times, there will be people who rebel, and even intend to rebel, hehe….

Next, though, it all comes to an end.

Unification is inevitable….

Happy New Year, great readers.

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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