Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 195: The way he treats others should be reciprocated by others.

 Ruan Jun's face suddenly changed slightly!

He said sharply: "Yun Jin, do you really think you can defeat me? Now I will let you know why it is so difficult to fight across levels!"

Yun Jin didn't seem to hear it. With double sword intent, Tai'a rushed towards Ruan Jun at a strange angle.

Ruan Jun's pupils shrank, and the next moment, he stared at Yun Jin, and his powerful mental power suddenly exploded!


This is what Ruan Jun thought of as the place where he could firmly suppress Yun Jin.

He is already at the peak of the Yuanying stage, and his soul power is also at the peak of the Yuanying stage.

Where is Yunjin?

Although she is quite evil, she is only a golden elixir stage after all!

Even if the sword technique is mysterious and the martial arts are mysterious, what about the soul power? What about mental strength?

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for him to compete with her in a spiritual power competition, he can just crush her with his mental power!

The moment Ruan Jun changed his approach, Zhao Wuji started laughing.

very good.

As expected of his eldest disciple, he found Yun Jin's real weakness in such a short time.

In the way of cultivating immortals, increasing soul power is much more difficult than increasing spiritual power.

Yun Jin's spiritual power was able to increase to the golden elixir stage within three months. This is already a shocking result. It is probably because she has great stamina after taking Tiancai Dibao.


No matter what kind of treasure it is, it should be the limit to be able to elevate her to the Golden Core stage.

Her soul power is at the Golden Core stage at most!

And what about Ruan Jun? His soul power is undoubtedly the peak of Nascent Soul!

This is a big step beyond Yunjin.

Under such circumstances, as long as he uses mental power to suppress it, what can Yun Jin rely on to resist?

In the void.

Shen Yanye also laughed.

Others don't know, but he knows best.

To become a beast master, the most important thing is the soul potential.

As for Yun Jin's soul potential, he had seen it with his own eyes!

not to mention.

At the end of the awakening ceremony, he clearly realized that Yun Jin's soul power had broken through to the stage of divine transformation! This is even higher than Ruan Jun's Nascent Soul peak! Moreover, it is still a big step to cross!

Want to surpass Yun Jin in terms of soul power?

That's really exciting for me!

Under everyone's nervous, expectant, or gloating gaze, Ruan Jun had directly launched a mental attack on Yun Jin.

Yun Jin also noticed what Ruan Jun wanted to do.

But she didn't even try to avoid it, she just attacked with her sword.

Ruan Jun's eyes couldn't help but flash with a hint of joy!

No resistance?

That's right!

His mental power, as long as it touches Yun Jin, is enough to completely defeat her. When the time comes, what's the use of the powerful sword moves, unless she will be suppressed by him in an instant?

Ruan Jun watched expectantly as his mental power penetrated into Yun Jin's sea of ​​consciousness.

very good.

Next, he must concentrate his mental power to completely crush Yun Jin's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ruan Jun's mental power condensed into a sharp knife, and as soon as he entered Yun Jin's sea of ​​consciousness, he wanted to completely penetrate her sea of ​​consciousness! Of course, Yun Jin's mental power will definitely prevent resistance.

But is resistance useful?

It won't work!


Ruan Jun's mental power had just been condensed when he realized that where was Yun Jin Zhihai's mental power?

Not even a trace?

Not resisting at all?

Then wouldn't he be able to win easily?

Ruan Jun chuckled lightly and controlled his mental power to wreak havoc everywhere.

Right now.

He saw a spinning golden elixir.

Ruan Jun was in a daze.

Golden elixir?

How could there be a golden elixir in the sea of ​​consciousness? Before he could react, the golden elixir was already spinning rapidly.

His mental power suddenly seemed to fall into a huge whirlpool, and all of it was absorbed by the golden elixir.

This... what is this?

Ruan Jun looked horrified.

No one can see the battle that takes place in the sea of ​​consciousness, but Zhao Wuji is confident that in this battle, Ruan Jun will definitely achieve overwhelming combat power, and Yun Jin, who seems to be in full force at the moment, is very likely to fall instantly in the next moment. !

Zhao Wuji was looking forward to it.

But the next moment.

Ruan Jun suddenly covered his head and screamed in horror.

But Yun Jin's sword reached his eyes without any hindrance.

She looked at Ruan Jun, suddenly smiled, avoided the vital point, and slashed Ruan Jun's arm with her sword.

Don't you think it's fun to play with the third senior brother like a cat catching a mouse?

Then let’s have a taste of being teased!

Ruan Jun tried his best and escaped with a little bit of his remaining mental power.

At this moment, the way he looked at Yun Jin had completely changed, with a faint hint of panic.

What the **** kind of monster is this?

What is the situation with her soul power? Not to mention defeating her, he didn't even have the ability to resist in front of that weird golden elixir!

Ruan Jun had no choice but to dodge crazily.

However, as if the previous battle between him and Yu Songnian was replaying, Yun Jin's face was indifferent. She just chased Ruan Jun with sword after sword, and each sword hit Ruan Jun's body.

Ruan Jun at this moment has directly become Yu Songnian from before.

The scene in the arena couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Who would have thought before this battle officially started.

Could it be such a scene?

It's not that Ruan Jun, who has the greatest chance of defeating Yun Jin, is not evenly matched, nor is it that Yun Jin is making a comeback against the odds.

Yun Jin actually suppressed Ruan Jun from the very beginning!

She was in the golden elixir stage, and when she beat up Ruan Jun, who was at the peak of Nascent Soul, he was like a father beating his son, and it was Ruan Jun who had no ability to resist at all!

"Junior sister, you're awesome!" Si Wanning suddenly shouted.

Zhao Wuji suddenly glanced at Si Wanning with his eyes like a knife.

Si Wan Ning ignored him and still shouted loudly.

Yu Songnian couldn't shout, but a hint of softness flashed in his eyes.

Junior sister...this is helping him vent his anger.

Others obviously noticed this.

They couldn't help but discuss in low voices with lingering fear.

"Yun Jin is as vindictive as ever!"

"Isn't that right? Not only can't offend her now, it's best not to offend the people at Tianjian Peak!"

Offending those people at Tianjian Peak might be more terrifying than offending Yun Jin himself.

After all, Yun Jin's revenge in the past was always straightforward.

But this time, just because Ruan Jun bullied Yu Songnian, Yun Jin paid him back one by one!

And with her original style, she should be able to defeat Ruan Juncai quickly and swiftly!

There were more and more wounds on Ruan Jun's body, and he became a **** man.

Although frightened, Ruan Jun calmed down.

He is now in the same predicament as Yu Songnian before. Didn't Yu Songnian give him a blow with the hidden sword in the end?

Just in time, he could also take advantage of Yun Jin's pride and use the needle-shaped magic weapon given by the master to give her a hard blow!

Ruan Jun forced himself to calm down, and then looked for an opportunity to win with one blow.

Zhao Wuji looked at Ruan Jun's expression and knew what his apprentice wanted to do.

His heart couldn't help but lift!

The needle-shaped magic weapon is very sharp and concealable enough. It is completely possible to overturn the situation with one strike!

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