Jun Jiuling

Chapter 98

Screams swept across Jinyun Tower.

Several waiters were so frightened that they almost dropped the trays in their hands.

Girls can no longer be allowed in, at least young girls can't be allowed in, it's terrible.

In the narrow corridor, the girls screamed and retreated in chaos. The door was opened, and Xianglan, who was knocked on the ground and couldn't get up, saw what she guessed.

Indoors, a man and a woman lay on the ground hugging each other in disheveled clothes.

Everything was as expected, the man who had been hiding in the closet crawled out, and was urged by the medicine to hug the woman in the house.

Everything was perfect, except that the woman was replaced by his own lady.

This time it was dead.

Xiang Lan's eyes darkened and she passed out.

The people who followed the girls running and watched also saw this scene through the surging gap, because these girls covered them, they could only vaguely see someone lying on the ground.


I don't know who yelled.

This immediately caused Jinyun Building to explode again, many people rushed over, and the girls crowded aside, except for Ning Yunyan, Fang Jinxiu, Jun Zhenzhen and Jin Chuan.

They all stood still.

Ning Yunyan's complexion turned red and then turned pale. The red part was because she didn't expect to see such a situation, and the white part was because she thought of some kind of speculation.

Fang Jinxiu's face flushed red, half ashamed and half angry. The one who was ashamed was naturally seeing this situation, and thought of some possibility about the anger.

Jin Chuan covered her mouth, because what she was reminded of might become a reality, she turned to look at Miss Jun.

Miss Jun's expression remained the same as before, but she was even more indifferent.

There were more and more noises behind him, mixed with exclamations, and strange laughter. Obviously, the wide open door allowed the people around to see clearly the situation inside.

The waiters of Jinyun Building rushed over to drive away the crowd.

Fang Jinxiu suddenly jumped up and jumped in.

Miss Lin! Miss Lin! What's wrong with you? She shouted heart-piercingly, Wake up quickly.

Following the shout, she grabbed Lin Jin'er who was lying on the ground and slapped her hard twice.

Wake up quickly. She shouted again, and slapped her face again without mercy.

It seemed that she was only doing this to wake up the young lady.

Miss Lin.

The voice spread immediately.

This time Miss Lin's name could not be concealed, and the waiters sighed inwardly.

When something like this happened, Jinyun Building had to give an explanation, and they rushed forward to invite Fang Jinxiu out.

Ning Yunzhao also stepped forward and hugged Ning Yunyan.

Don't look at it. He said, stretched out his hand to cover Ning Yunyan's eyes, and then turned around to meet the girl standing beside her.

Standing so close, seeing so clearly.

He finally saw her again.

He thought of many scenarios and many possibilities, but he never thought of this one.

There was noise in my ears, there were discussions from the onlookers, the waiters closed the door and asked the onlookers to leave, and the maids and servants of the Lin family rushed over after hearing the news, and the maids and servants of other girls also came over in a panic to protect their own family. Miss.

There was chaos in the corridor.

But he only looked at her.

The girl also looked at him.

Zhenzhen, let's go.

A female voice said in the ear.

Zhenzhen, Jun Zhenzhen?

Ning Yunzhao looked at her, hoping she would just stand still like this.

Miss Jun lowered her eyes, nodded to him, turned and walked.

Ning Yunzhao also lowered his gaze.

Young Master Ning, please stay away. The waiter's voice rang in his ears.

Ning Yunzhao didn't say a word and took Ning Yunyan into his arms.

He thought about many opening remarks after meeting her, considered words and even expressions, and imagined her response.

But it turned out to be so simple, nodding acquaintance, silent.

That's exactly how it should be between them.


Quiet was restored in Jinyun Tower, as if nothing had happened, and those who saw the commotion were obviously lured away and warned.

Although they would not say anything within the scope of Jinyun Tower, the scandal of a young lady having a private meeting with someone in Jinyun Tower cannot be concealed, and sooner or later it will spread.

The most important thing now is to find out what happened to this matter.

Many were driven away, but many were also left behind.

Why don't you let us go? We are not the ones who did this kind of thing. Fang Jinxiu raised her eyebrows and said.

The waiter looked a little helpless.

After all, we came with her. If something like this happens, of course we have to stay, Miss Jun said.

Fang Jinxiu snorted.

I didn't come with her, she said. I don't know her either.

Then you just slapped him four times by calling his last name.

The waiter looked at Fang Jinxiu and was speechless.

That Miss Lin's face was swollen from the beating.

Even though she said that, Fang Jinxiu didn't leave without throwing up her sleeves. She sat down.

Jin Chuan was very happy to see her like this.

Although the third miss spoke harshly to the young mistress, since the moment she opened her mouth to reveal that she was the young mistress of the Fang family, the third miss had already protected her as a family member in her heart.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be revealed, otherwise the third lady will lose her face.

Miss, have a sip of tea. She hurriedly poured tea and said.

Miss Jun signaled to the waiter.

We're here, waiting for Miss Lin to wake up and her family, she said.

The waiter withdrew with a grateful smile.

On the other side, Ning Yunzhao also nodded to the waiter.

Okay, let's wait here, he said.

Why should we wait?

Ning Yunyan shouted tremblingly.

No matter our business, we didn't come with her.

That's right, we, we don't know her at all. Another girl said in a trembling voice.

But you were the ones who opened Miss Lin's door by calling your name.

Is it too perfunctory to say that you don't know the reason?

The waiter looked at them helplessly.

Ning Yunzhao signaled the maid to stop Ning Yunyan, nodded and waved to the waiter.

The waiter thanked him and left.

Brother, this is none of our business, Lin Jin'er was harmed by Jun Zhenzhen. Ning Yunyan said.

Although her voice is still loud, if someone pays attention, she will find that her voice is trembling.

It's just to make it clear that it's none of your business. Everyone saw you open her door. If you don't make it clear, others will say that you are involved in this matter. Ning Yunzhao said.

What Mr. Ning Shi said was very convincing, and the girls who were leaning against the servant girls nodded one after another.

That's right, Jun Zhenzhen will definitely blame us. Ning Yunyan said to everyone.

The other person he was talking about was not her.

Ning Yunzhao was silent for a moment.

Why did you go to Miss Lin? he asked.

Ning Yunyan only felt her heartbeat stop suddenly.

Because, because she and Jun Zhenzhen are on good terms, the two of them came together, purposely sat next to us, and deliberately made a bet with us to be provocative, maybe she caused all of this today, so I'm going to ask her. She said hurriedly, then looked at the other girls, Isn't it?

Yes. A few girls nodded hurriedly, not forgetting to look shyly at Young Master Ning Shi.

Young Master Ning lowered his eyes and remained silent.

At this moment, a woman's shrill scream came.

The private rooms in the Jinyun Building are well furnished, and the floor-to-ceiling windows are all closed at this time, so the sound insulation effect is excellent, but the woman's voice still comes in, and because of the special settings of the Jinyun Building, the voice is erratic and lingering, adding a bit of horror.

The girls in the room couldn't help shivering.

Miss Lin is awake. Ning Yunzhao said lightly.

It was a nightmare for a girl to wake up and see and never wake up again.

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