Jun Jiuling

Chapter 88 Bright Mountain Gate

Chapter 87: Bright Mountain Gate

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Many people have discovered that the thrower in the field is a woman.

Because of the previous grudge and the long interval, when they heard the sound of beating the pot, many people could see it subconsciously.

Girls to be exact.

Although she was tall and tall, with a veil covering her face, she was obviously a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old.

Many people looked surprised.

This surprise is not due to the feeling that women are inferior to men.

In fact, women have nothing to do in their boudoirs, so they don't need to spend a lot of time reading like men. Instead, they are more skillful in playing games such as throwing pots.

It's just that he seldom ends up in Jinyun Tower, not because he shows his face in public, but because he is bet by people in public.

It's always ugly to talk about a woman's family with money.

Of course, there are a lot of thick-skinned people in this world, either for fame or profit, men can do this, and women can naturally.

I don't know how skilled this girl is.

Since you dare to stand up and end, you must have some skills.

This year is also interesting. First, there are young people who are fighting, and then there are girls. It's really March spring, and everyone is full of vigor.

Hearing the comments of his companions, Ning Yunzhao just smiled and lowered his head to continue making tea, never looking out the window.

Yeah, it's nice to be young and energetic, but it doesn't concern him, and he doesn't care.

If it was that girl, would it be like this?

Ning Yunzhao ladles the small camellia out of the cooking bowl with smooth movements in his hands.


This, shouldn't be the person arranged by Lin Jin'er, right?

But maybe, girls can stimulate Jun Zhenzhen more.

Ning Yunyan thought about it, looked up and saw that the window was blocked by several girls, and was about to tell them to get out of the way, when a girl turned her head in horror.

You, look, this person, this person seems to be Jun Zhenzhen. She stammered.

Jun Zhenzhen?

Ning Yunyan was stunned.

No way?

And next door, Fang Jinxiu was impatiently tapping on the table looking at Jin Chuan who rushed back.

Miss San, where did Young Mistress go? Why didn't you follow? Jin Chuan asked in a trembling voice.

She won't let me follow, how dare I follow. Fang Jinxiu said casually.

What about Yinbao? Miss San, did you call Yinbao away? Jin Chuan asked with a pale face.

Fang Jinxiu hummed and didn't want to pay any more attention to the girl, and looked out when she heard the sound of beating the pot.

She doesn't really care who ends up, but the location of this room is excellent, and she can see the woman standing in the field at a glance.

The woman was dressed in moon white, with a graceful figure and a veiled cap on her head.

Although the hanging tulle covered her face, Fang Jinxiu recognized who she was at a glance.

Oh my mother! she blurted out, Isn't it?


No matter how many people were surprised, the well-informed Si She kept his expression on.

Miss, where do you want to start? He asked with a smile.

Miss Jun looked at Takeshi beside him.

I didn't read much just now. She said, How do you play? Chinese system or new system?

Si She laughed.

We have no restrictions here. He said, Miss, if you want to bet, just report it, and everyone will place their bets according to their discretion.

Miss Jun stretched out her hand and picked up a bamboo arrow

I'm asking Runya or Ronshiki, she said.

Si She was stunned.

What if the argument is one hundred and thirty-two, or forty, or twenty-four, and if the argument is only for twelve arrows? Miss Jun said seriously.

Si She was stunned.

It's a strange question to ask, is it possible that you are planning to use all one hundred and thirty-two moves when you talk about the style?

Miss Jun nodded.

I just happen to know a little more about pitching pots. She said, although the veil covered her description, she still looked modest.

Understand a little bit, Si She doesn't know what to say.

Little girl, do you know that understanding and being able to do many things are two different things?

There are quite a lot of ignorant children who came here today, and just now there is news that the higher-ups are not very happy.

There is no standard restriction. Si She said gently, Until you miss the shot.

That's so embarrassing, Miss Jun said.

Excuse me what? Excuse me, keep hitting and winning money?

Si She was speechless.

What is Miss's first choice? He stopped the childish and ignorant conversation and asked directly.

Then let's start with the simplest one, Miss Jun said.

There is a beginning.

The music stopped, and Si She sent out the sound.

It's a girl after all, since it's the end, we can't let her lose face.

Ning Yunzhao heard what his companion said, and reported a reasonable and reasonable bet of twenty taels. Obviously, most people think this way, and the elegant things should be cherished even more.

The sound of betting came one after another, sweeping away the deserted atmosphere just now, elegant and cheerful, until a voice sounded.

The nineteenth nobleman bet one hundred taels.

No way, here we go again.

The voice of placing bets froze for a moment, while laughter erupted from Ning Yunyan's box.

There was still someone in Box Nineteen, so it must be Lin Jin'er.

The girls present all laughed.

Ning Yunyan stood by the window and looked at Jun Zhenzhen who was standing in the field and sneered.

It seems that I lost badly, and I have to play in person. She said, It's better this way, double compensation, losing more and faster.

Zuo Yanzhi bit her lower lip bitterly.

One... she said to the girl.

Ning Yunyan stopped her.

No. She said, Ten taels.

Twelve taels?

The girls all looked at her in surprise.

What can she lose at ten taels? Zuo Yanzhi asked anxiously.

Ning Yunyan smiled.

One ten taels is nothing to lose, ten ten taels, twenty ten taels is a lot. She said, looking at Zuo Yanzhi, Let's keep the water going, don't scare Jun Zhenzhen and others, It’s meaningless if you don’t have to play.”

She waved her hand at Yatou, and Yatou hurriedly went out to report to the waiter serving outside.

Sure enough, the number of bets was reported, and there was a pause outside for a moment, and bets came one after another.

In the end, it was the girls who were treated preferentially, and they got a lot more bets than those who reported the lowest ranks before.

Good luck, Miss. Si She said with a smile, signaling Miss Jun to start.

This time is different from that time. Miss Jun said, correcting the archer earnestly, It's not luck, it's fairness.

that time? which time?

Si She was puzzled and didn't ask, because he saw that the young lady had grabbed all twelve bamboo arrows.

Generally, everyone comes to pick up the second one after throwing one. First, holding too many bamboo arrows in the hand affects the throwing. Second, no one can guarantee that they will hit the first shot—even if they are confident, they are ashamed to reveal it. , a matter of elegance, too much show off is demeanor.

It's still a little bit younger.

Si She sighed a little, stepped back without saying a word, watched the lady pick up a bamboo arrow, raised her hand and waved it lightly.

There was a soft snap.

The bamboo arrow fell into the iron pot, swung it a few times and then remained still.

Medium! Si She smiled loudly, raising his hand to caress.

There were applause from all around, but at this moment, Miss Jun picked up a bamboo arrow again and raised her hand.

There was a soft snap.

babble? Haven't bet yet on the next game.

Si She was slightly taken aback, but before he recovered, Miss Jun's hands were raised one after another.




One after another sounded, like a silver bottle suddenly breaking, like pearls falling on a jade plate.

In fact, the sound of the bamboo arrows falling into the iron pot was not so loud, but as her bamboo arrows were thrown one by one, the music in the hall seemed to disappear.

What's going on? Why haven't you reported yet? Is it just one game? The people in the box who didn't care at first asked casually.

This matter is indeed a bit strange, people near the window can see that the girl's empty hand is in sight.

This is not surprising, the hand is naturally empty after throwing it out.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously turned to the iron kettle.

There is not only one bamboo arrow in this slender iron pot with a diameter of three inches.

There's Chu... There's Chulian High... someone blurted out.

No, there is a Chuquan pot. Someone said.

Looking at the iron pot full of twelve bamboo arrows.

It turned out to be a full pot of Chulianzhong.

Is this what she said about starting from a simple beginning?

This is easy for her, so what is difficult?

Si She looked at the girl standing in the arena, and felt that this girl might really know more about pitching pots.

At least the mountain gate is bright.

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