Jun Jiuling

Chapter 78 Secret decision

It had been a long time since he had been thrown down with his clothes on.

Fang Chengyu laughed.

Now the stinging pain in the potion was already a tickle for Fang Chengyu, he smiled and followed the fluctuations of the water, looking at the girl standing by the bath.

I'm mad at you.

But so what? The girl also smiled, You don't want it in your heart, why don't you lie down obediently?

Fang Chengyu's smile froze immediately.

He opened his mouth to scold, when Miss Jun picked up a copper basin and poured the black water in it.

What's this?

This thought flashed through Fang Chengyu's mind, and then he felt that the whole bath was like a bucket of water being poured into a frying pan, and it exploded crackling.


Fang Chengyu passed out before he even had time to shout.

These kids are really annoying.

Miss Jun thought as she looked at the young man bobbing in the water.

Unlike when she was a child, she was very obedient and not annoying at all.


When Fang Chengyu woke up, the early spring sunlight came in through the curtain.

The sunlight was a bit harsh, so he turned his body and turned his face inward, while listening to the outside with his ears up.

There was silence outside.

Fang Chengyu turned over again, and confirmed that he was indeed still not so flexible below the waist, but he was not as rigid as before.

He stretched out his hands to support him and slowly sat up, moving his legs a little bit, numb, with sweat on his forehead, and rapid heartbeat, which made people panic. It seemed that after a long time, it seemed that only a blink of an eye. hanging over the bed.

He is just fourteen years old this year. He is neither too young nor too old. Even though he is a boy, he is also considered a teenager. Although he looks thinner than his peers because of his body, his feet can still touch the pedals when he sits on the edge of the bed.

There are no shoes on the pedals.

He can't put on the shoes by himself, they are served by girls, so the shoes will not be placed where he is convenient, but where the girls can get them.

Fang Chengyu sat by the bed without moving, his expression a little dazed.

How long has it been since I sat like this.

Of course he was sitting before, but it was the boys and girls who helped him up and put him in a sitting position. It was the first time he sat up by himself in so many years.

He can sit up and move his legs.

His feet couldn't help stepping on the pedals.

Although it was early spring, Yangcheng was still a bit chilly, so there was still a charcoal basin in the room.

The pedals are hard but there is warmth.

Such a touch.

Fang Chengyu was like a naughty child, stepping on the pedals with his feet.

Now that I can move, will I be able to leave in a few days?

Can I go? walk on my own? Walk like flying.

Fang Chengyu's heart beat wildly again, but the next moment he calmed himself down.

It is undeniable that the current change in his body is due to the woman.

The painful bath water every night, or something else after I passed out.

Fang Chengyu raised his hand, and the undershirt slid down to reveal his thin wrist, and when he rotated it against the sunlight, he could see the small pinholes on it.

The gold needles are thin, but the needles are constantly pierced into fixed places on the body, and they will leave marks.

Does she really know how to heal?

This is impossible. If he could really cure diseases, he would have used it as a threat when he entered Fang's house.

She wants to marry into the Ning family so wholeheartedly, and she is the treasure of her grandmother and mother. If she can use this as a threat, let alone marrying the Ning family, even if she wants to enter the palace for a draft and become a concubine, her grandmother can send her away. go in.

Why even use such a childish trick as hanging himself as a threat.

Grandma and mother rushed to the doctor in a hurry and forgot this. Although he benefited, he was also a bystander.

but for...

Fang Chengyu couldn't help stretching his hands down his lower body, and his face turned red when he realized it.

He glanced at the corner of the book exposed under the pillow, and his expression was in a trance again.

The coolness came from the soles of the feet.

The charcoal basin is already a little cold, and the feet that are only wearing socks can't block the chill.

Fang Chengyu's heart also gradually cooled down.

He knew what she wanted, what grandma and mother wanted.

In this case, he will give it to them, but how to give it this time is up to him.

Fang Chengyu's foot stepped heavily on the pedal, but the strength he lifted was not enough to make him stand up.

Will I be able to walk in a few days?

But he doesn't think it's permanent, that kind of medicine just burns the last flesh and blood, and it will soon be exhausted.

But I can go.

Fang Chengyu stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, looked at the bright sunlight, and through the window glass, he could see the already green branches and leaves in the yard.

Even for one day.

What would he do if he could go?

I remember going to a mountain outside the city once when I was a child, the scenery was very nice.

Nearby, there is an alley behind the house. I remember that there was a sugar seller who did a very good job.

A smile could not help appearing on Fang Chengyu's face. There were girls walking around in the yard, seeming to be saying something in a low voice, and pointing in one direction showing anger.

That direction is where the woman was during the day.

The girls at home were all resentful and disdainful of her.

Fang Chengyu was silent for a moment.

My body will be dead sooner or later, and I am just a waste, why should a waste die sooner or later.

For the sake of her painstaking efforts, and for the sake of being a human being for the last time, I stopped mocking her.

But isn't she at home?

Fang Chengyu suddenly thought that although the servants in the family were resentful and disdainful towards her, no one dared to show disrespect in front of her or the face of that covetous girl.

Just now, the two girls in the courtyard dared to whisper to each other, which shows that she is not at home.

where did she go


where are you going?

Fang Yunxiu grabbed Fang Jinxiu's hand and said anxiously.

Fang Jinxiu, wrapped in a cloak and hat, looked disapproving.

I'm going to the greenhouse. She said, My flowers are about to sprout, and I've been busy looking after them these days.

Fang Yunxiu grabbed her hand and didn't let go.

Don't coax me, you go to the greenhouse and dress like this. She said, Are you going out?

As she spoke, she lifted Fang Jinxiu's cloak.

Fang Jinxiu hurriedly dodged, and her other hand was exposed, which was a horsewhip.

Sister, don't worry about it, I just want to go out for a walk, today is March 3rd. She said, I am grounded every day, and I am almost suffocated. I want to go out to ride a horse.

You're talking nonsense, you want to go out, you didn't go yesterday, you didn't go tomorrow, but she just went out with someone and you have to go, do you think I'm stupid? Fang Yunxiu asked anxiously.

Fang Jinxiu's face was pale.

Such a big door, such a big Yangcheng, should I avoid her. She said.

Jinxiu, I know that you are afraid that she will cause trouble and be tricked by that Miss Lin, but don't worry, Yuxiu has just sent word back that Grandma has sent reliable people to accompany her, and even secretly arranged for someone. Fang Yunxiu said.

A sneer flashed across Fang Jinxiu's face.

Yeah, grandma has made all the arrangements so well, so there's nothing to worry about, she said.

After finishing speaking, he withdrew his hand abruptly, turned around and ran out.

I'll play on my own, don't worry, big sister.


go to work...

Try to adjust the rhythm and prepare to add more.

Thanks to 109515997, Papidou, Weizhen for rewarding He Shibi, and thank you for voting for monthly and recommended votes. I am very satisfied with the ranking of the new book. Thank you for letting everyone worry.

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