Jun Jiuling

Chapter 66 Delayed Departure

Mrs. Ning is also a woman, but when she heard her son say that she wanted to stay at home longer, she didn't have any weird intuition, only relief and joy.

I originally wanted to keep you, but I was afraid of delaying your homework. She said with a smile, You have always had opinions. Since you said there is no hurry, then you must not be in a hurry.

I won't be coming back next year, so I want to stay at home for more time this year. Ning Yunzhao said.

Next year, if you become a Jinshi, you will be able to become an official. Because Ning Yan is in the court, Ning Yunzhao will be sent out. After ten years of training abroad, he will come back. After another ten years, Ning Yan will avoid Ning Yunzhao and Ning Yunzhao will be able to take over. Ning Yan became an important minister.

Of course, the Ning family still has many nephews, and Ning Yunzhao is not the only one who is a scholar and Jinshi. As for who can get the most support from the family, it depends on his own qualifications to undergo official tests.

Madam Ning nodded.

Then when are you leaving? she asked, taking out her almanac.

It's past March 3rd. Ning Yunzhao said.

It's less than a month away.

It's good at that time, it's the time when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Mrs. Ning said with a smile, and paused here, Is that young lady from the Yang family the same age as your cousin?

The question was a bit out of date, Ning Yunzhao said oh.

Probably, I haven't seen it before. I heard from my cousin that we often see each other. In this case, we are the same age. He replied without any hesitation or any abnormality. He listened and answered frankly, as if this person before him A topic that is exactly the same as the good weather for travelling.

Never seen.

Mrs. Ning understood.

Your aunt mentioned it a few times before I realized that your aunt's grandfather is a distant relative with the Yang family. She sighed, It can be seen that the relationship between this big clan is really complicated.

So are the officials in the court. Ning Yunzhao said with a smile, I didn't know each other at first, but when we sit down and chat, there will always be people who are more than three generations old and can climb up to relatives.

The mother and son chatted and laughed for a moment, Ning Yunzhao got up and left, and when he left Mrs. Ning, he immediately turned around and gave instructions to the maid beside him.

If the second lady's mother-in-law asks you again, you will say that Yun Zhao is not suitable for early marriage. She said.

The servant girl was startled.

Ning Yunzhao is already nineteen years old, and this is not considered an early marriage at this time. This is obviously an excuse for refusal, and it is not a tactful excuse at all.

What Ning Yunyan said earlier about Ning Yunzhao and Miss Yang's family was not fabricated, because it was indeed Ning Yan's wife who disclosed the news to the family and intended to talk about marriage.

This time when I came back from the Chinese New Year and made insinuations again, the eldest lady kept ambiguous and didn't answer. She just mentioned a word to Miss Yang, and she simply refused.

Is there something wrong with Ms. Yang's family? the maid couldn't help asking.

In terms of family background, it is said that she is beautiful in terms of appearance, and in terms of talent and learning are not in vain, the kind of wife taught by others will definitely be the most perfect and suitable wife.

Mrs. Ning smiled.

There's nothing wrong with her, she's fine. She said with a soft expression, It's just that Yun Zhao doesn't like it.

Otherwise, why the son suddenly delayed returning to the capital for a while, it must be because the aunt wanted to talk about marriage and was troubled.

The troubles of the son, the mother will naturally solve it.

So she suddenly said what Miss Yang meant, and her son naturally knew.

She naturally understood what her son meant when he said he had never seen it before.

How could she force something her son didn't like.

That was her son, and his son lived a smooth and happy life, which is what any mother in the world hopes and should do.

Yunzhao didn't like this marriage, so she didn't like it either.

The servant girl understood, but she disagreed a little bit. A mother should not spoil her children too much.

The young master has outstanding talents and learning, but he is still a young man after all.

Young people sometimes think naively and casually. They think that sometimes happiness is just a moment of joy, but the life of a person is very long.

What's more, what if the young master likes an unsuitable person? How many young sons have done shocking things and made a joke in the family.

This is all because of pampering children.

Faced with the servant's euphemistic reminder, Mrs. Ning smiled.

What my son likes must be what I like, she said, determined and proud.


Sitting in the study, Ning Yunzhao sighed softly, looked at the hydrangea lamp on the desk and smiled again.

Thinking too much. He said, poking the lantern with his hand.

He knew that it was not inappropriate for him to hold a lantern in a man's house, and his companions had more lanterns, but the teenagers held this lantern just to prove that they were having fun, and gave it to the sisters at home after the fun.

It's just that he stayed on and was still on the desk.

Ning Yunyan purposely came to insinuate, naturally thinking too much, thinking that this is a gift involving the personal relationship of her children.

When his mother heard that he postponed the trip, she thought too much about it because of troubles related to marriage.

In fact, it is not, this lantern is not a gift from his son and daughter, and he is not delaying his trip because of troubles related to his marriage.

Ning Yunzhao smiled again.

In fact, he thought too much, and thought that the woman had other intentions, but now let alone someone came to find her fault, he couldn't even find out who she was, not even the owner of the chess game lantern. .

The information about the chess game lantern was clearly erased on purpose, but many people guessed that it was the Jinyun Tower who could bet so much.

Because of the background of Jinyiwei behind him, Jinyun Building is tabooed by people.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face became stronger and clearer, and he sat up straight.

A lantern is just a lantern, there is no other meaning, just meeting, acquaintance for a few words, or giving away with emotion, nothing more.

It's like he took over the lien, just like he inquired about her origin, there is no other meaning, just want to do it, so I do it.

He didn't go to see how the chess game was made that night, and he didn't allow his friends to mention it. He wanted to solve it by himself.

Presumably she is the same.

He is sassy and has a girlish temper. In short, he is a proud person.

She must be like that too.

By March 3rd, he should be able to solve the chess game, and probably find out her origin, and then he will visit her calmly.

Of course, the visit was just to exchange information about the chess game, after all, she had beaten herself once.

This is a very interesting thing.

Outside the window came the whispers of a few servants and little girls.

...I really don't lie to you...we will get married tomorrow...

... That's great... I won't pester our young master again...

Ning Yunzhao knew what they were talking about. Although the family deliberately didn't mention it, the news that Miss Jun was going to marry the young master of the Fang family had already spread.

They shunned him from his hearing, to give signs that such things had nothing to do with him.

However, this matter had nothing to do with him in the first place, he never cared about it, so what did others care about.

Ning Yunzhao got up and walked to the bookshelf to watch the chess game seriously again.

Miss Jun didn't know that she had become a key person in someone else's interesting event, and she didn't know that Mr. Ning Shi paid so much attention to a lamp she gave away. For her, sending that lamp was only for Jun Zhenzhen. After sending it out, Mr. Ning Shi has nothing to do with her.

Yes, Young Master Ning Shi plays chess well, but that's all. There are so many people in the world who are very good at chess, does she have to think about it all in her heart? The person who broke her chess game and won her money was immediately forgotten by her.

She is so busy with so many things to do, how can she have the time to think about someone.

Now she is getting married.

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