Jun Jiuling

Chapter 655: Summer Night Makes You Drunk

The moment is fitting.

She has wanted to say this sentence for a long time, but she has no chance to say it, and no one can say it.

Many people met her by chance, for example, Mr. Ning Shi doesn't have much relationship with Jun Zhenzhen, let alone Princess Jiuling.

As for the close family members, Fang Chengyu is as smart as a monster and trusts her so much, she can even imagine that Fang Chengyu would jump up after hearing her say this.

I've seen Princess Jiuling! He would say excitedly, this kind of excitement is not a pretentious exaggerated joke, but a serious one.

It's just that her past has nothing to do with him. Princess Jiuling is a stranger to him, and the one he is familiar with is Miss Jun in front of him.

As for the relatives of Princess Jiuling, such as Jiuli Jiurong, if she tells them, they will be shocked, maybe they will believe it, but they are more troubled. After all, they are familiar with Princess Jiuling, and the Miss Jun in front of them at this moment is a stranger. .

But for Zhu Zan, things were a bit coincidental. He seemed to be very familiar with Princess Jiuling, and he was also familiar with Miss Jun.

Miss Jun looked at Zhu Zan who was facing inward.

Zhu Zan, she said, I am Princess Jiuling.



The person was pushed out of the door, and the door slammed shut behind him.

I haven't finished applying the medicine to you yet! Miss Jun turned around and said inwardly.

I have lived without you before. Zhu Zan's deep voice came from inside.

Miss Jun couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

Yes, after she finished saying that, Zhu Zan was neither surprised nor asked, but got up without saying a word and threw Miss Jun out the door.

Although this reaction was unexpected, I felt it was the most normal at this time.

I know, but you can get better faster with me here. After all, the situation in the capital is very tense now, and your father needs you more. Miss Jun said.

Neri didn't respond.

Then I'll tell you how to use these medicines, so I can go? Miss Jun said again.

With the sound of footsteps, the door was opened. Zhu Zan, who was wrapped in a robe in front of him to cover his bare chest, looked at him with a heavy face, and handed over a tray of medicine.

Without hesitation, Miss Jun pointed out to him one by one which was for food and which was for rubbing.

After saying this, he looked up at Zhu Zan again.

There are still some medicines that I will cook and send. She said, pausing, There are more.

Zhu Zan squinted at her.

I'm really Princess Jiuling. Miss Jun looked at him and said.

With a bang, the door was shut before his eyes.

Your surname is Jun, you should stop with enough, don't bully others too much. Zhu Zan said in a deep voice.

Miss Jun turned around with a smile and walked slowly along the corridor with lanterns.

The wind is light and the leaves are slightly fluttering, the fragrance of flowers and fruits is light, and the surrounding lights are dotted, neither dazzling nor lonely, the summer night of the Duke's Mansion is really beautiful.

Summer nights in Beijing are beautiful.

Miss Jun couldn't help walking slowly in the yard. She hadn't seen a summer night in the capital for many years.

It stands to reason that she shouldn't be in the mood now, the vengeance has not been avenged, and the relatives are not allowed to recognize each other, but it is probably because she said this sentence that has been held back for a long time, and she feels inexplicably relaxed.

Miss Jun walked slowly in the mansion, submerged in the night.



Some people like the quiet night, and some people's night is more colorful and lively than the day. Especially for young people.

Although the night in Yangcheng is not as good as that in Beijing, it still has a special flavor. The streets are crowded with people, and the night wind wafts the fragrance of powder and the faint sound of silk and bamboo.

This was heard from a resplendent and resplendent restaurant facing the street. There were quite a few people sitting in the restaurant at this time, all dressed in brocade robes, clever-looking guys, young maidservants passing through serving tea and wine, more than a dozen people The kabuki dancers danced to the music, looking like a fairy mansion.

But sitting at the top is a young fairy, dressed gorgeously, neither being overwhelmed by the splendor of the arena, nor looking vulgar, bright and pleasing to the eye.

Master Fang, so the business in the north is okay? A middle-aged man said to her while holding a glass of wine.

Fang Chengyu smiled.

Of course there is a problem. He said seriously again.

The people on both sides looked at each other with flickering expressions.

Duke Cheng left the Northland, and the Jinren went south to the hinterland. I'm afraid life will not be peaceful, and business may not be easy. Fang Chengyu continued.

It turned out that it was because of this, and several people laughed.

Some people say that the ticket office in the north of Deshengchang is going to close due to loss of money. It turns out that it is not because of loss of money, but because of fear of losing money. Someone said.

With all of you here, how can you lose money! Fang Chengyu laughed.

The people in the room looked much more relaxed.

Master, you don't understand now, the Northland will make more money from now on.

That's right. In the past, when Cheng Guogong was here, many businesses were difficult to do.

Uncle Qing He is very good at doing business.

They discussed in low voices, and looked at Fang Chengyu again.

That's why Xiaoye Beidi's ticket number can't be closed.

Fang Chengyu nodded obediently.

Since the uncles said that you can make money, of course I want to be together, and the Beidi ticket number is not closed. He said.

The atmosphere in the hall became more lively, everyone raised their glasses one after another, and Fang Chengyu also raised his glasses, but his glasses were filled with clear white water.

I'm weak, so I can only use water instead of wine. He said with a smile.

Everyone knows that Fang Chengyu was once a sick and dying person, and no one would be harsh on it.

We all know, get ready. Someone greeted with a smile.

Immediately, a pretty maid came forward with a teapot to refill Fang Chengyu.

The singing, dancing and music in the hall became more lively. After a few times, Fang Chengyu got up and went to clean the room.

The clean room was set up in the private room, and Fang Chengyu's servant followed him and stood outside the door to wait, while the other people in the room didn't care and continued to drink and laugh.

After pushing and pouring the cup several times, suddenly a person looked over with drunken eyes, and babbled when he saw the empty space here.

Where's Master Fang? He asked.

It's been too long since we've been in this latrine before everyone reacted, and hurriedly searched for the clean room, but they didn't see Fang Chengyu's servant.

Is it already gone?

Master Fang? Someone shouted, pushing the door open.

The decoration in the clean room was no less than that of a box, with incense burning and bright lights, everyone's eyes immediately saw the ground, where a person was lying on his stomach, as if he had fallen asleep.

Black hair with jade crowns and hairpins, brocade clothes and robes embroidered like clouds, it's not Fang Chengyu.

Is this drunk? One person murmured, seeing this kind of appearance a lot in restaurants, Can you get drunk just by drinking water?

Others stomp their feet.

What's drunk! Something happened!

Everyone reacted with these words, and the whole restaurant suddenly fell into chaos.


(Two updates today.

Thanks to Bingyi from the south,? The last shot? , 54554465, Nannanzhu, Gentleman Wuqi, Ling Xiaoqi, LVlover, Hetao writers, thank you all. )

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