Jun Jiuling

Chapter 615

Miss Jun picked up the tea on the table.

The crisp sound of the saucers touching each other broke the stagnation in the room.

And then? she continued.

Later we settled down in this green hill, and we had to look like whatever my elder brother said, so we started hunting and farming. Yang Jing said.

Miss Jun thought of the nets on the mountain, and seemed to see the man walking among them, arranging hidden weapons and secret passages intently and with a bit of loneliness.

Two years later, my eldest brother decided to look for witnesses and said that he would be back soon, and let us wait here. Xia Yong continued.

After saying this, the room fell into silence again.

Then, this person never returned, and they waited in Zhangqingshan for more than ten years.

No wonder the teacher's wife was angry, she didn't leave any news about the teacher leaving like this, it's really a bit...

Miss Jun sighed in her heart and put down the teacup in her hand.

We also tried to find the eldest brother, but we didn't dare to go too far. We also went to the government and general camp, but they not only didn't believe it, but they also heard that we were from Zhuozhou, so they said we were spies and sent us a brother. He was arrested. Xia Yong said, his voice a little hoarse, Let us redeem him with money, but we couldn't pay for it for a while, so my brother was tortured in prison and contracted typhoid fever...

He couldn't go on talking here and turned his head.

Those who were able to break through the siege and live up to now must be very heroic and powerful. As a result, they did not die on the battlefield at the hands of the gold thief, but died in the cell at the hands of their own people.

This is really...

Miss Jun raised her head and let out a breath.

Let's go get another drink. She stood up with her arms extended.


By the time Miss Jun wobbled back to her residence, shaking her sleeves, the night was already dark.

Sister, I'm going to sleep. Zhao Hanqing yawned behind and said.

Miss Jun turned around.

Remember to apply medicine to your face. She said with a smile.

Zhao Hanqing went into the next room with a groan.

Miss Jun stood on the porch and looked at the night sky. The moon and stars were few and far between, and the spring night was ecstatic.

The colonnade is still cold, and it is very comfortable to stick on.


A male voice came from the room, a little annoyed.

Miss Jun leaned against the porch pillar and looked back, and saw a man standing in front of the house door, the lights in the house shrouded him in bright and dark shades.

Miss Jun thought for a while and looked up.

I didn't go to the wrong place, did I? she said, and smiled again with her forehead against the pillar, Husband, why did I come here?

Look at this unorthodox look!

Zhu Zan gritted his teeth.

It turned out to be a drunkard, he said.

Miss Jun giggled.

No, I don't drink. When I get drunk, the person who wants to catch him will run away. She said, reaching out her hand as if to catch Zhu Zan who came over.

Zhu Zan gritted his teeth for a moment, reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder, and carried her into the room.

Let me ask you, do you have any other news from the capital? He asked.

What news can there be in the capital? It's nothing more than protecting the Duke or harming the Duke. Miss Jun said with a smile, What are you afraid of, just take care of yourself.

Zhu Zan sneered.

It's easy for you to say, my father may go to die. He said.

Miss Jun reached out and grabbed his arm.

My father is dead, she said, so what? Should I be scared?

her father...

Zhu Zan frowned and looked at the woman who was close to him, clearly seeing the anger and sadness in her eyes.

...A lot of people died. Miss Jun continued, grabbing Zhu Zan's arm, What are we afraid of? What are we hiding! We're going!

She pointed to the capital again.

Go to the capital.

Go make trouble!

Go let them know what justice is!

Go and scare them!

Go let them have a bad life!

Pulled by her, Zhu Zan took a step forward, and shook off Miss Jun's hand a little annoyed.

Look at this crazy look!

Why should I talk to you, a drunk. He said angrily, and walked out.

Miss Jun grabbed his arm and was led forward by him.

Zhu Zan could have shrugged it off and ignored it, but he still reached out to hold her to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Miss Jun grabbed his arm and stood up straight, looking at him.

Zhu Zan. She said seriously, You can't hide, you can't be afraid, you can't give way, you can't, God is fair.

Zhu Zan looked at her. At this time, her eyes were clear and there was no trace of drunkenness on her face.

Of course not...

I didn't say to be afraid or hide. He said angrily.

After finishing speaking, Miss Jun laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

That's right, what are you afraid of. She pointed at the sky, God is fair, if you don't give it, I'll take it, let's ask for it, go grab it!

Zhu Zan's face turned black.

This drunk. He said angrily, pulled Miss Jun's hand off his body, and pushed her away with his long arms, Go, go.

Miss Jun fell backwards, but luckily the table behind her blocked her.

Zhu Zan walked out hurriedly with a look of disgust, stopped at the door, looked left and right, but there was no maid or servant.

What kind of sneaky things are you doing? You don't even need a waiter. Zhu Zan muttered angrily, and looked back, and saw that Miss Jun was already sitting on the table with her legs crossed, her hands resting on her chin and looking at the table. he.

Seeing him looking over, he smiled.

Look, look at this indecent appearance, those people who regard her as a miracle doctor and a god-man, do they know her real appearance? Jaw dropped when I saw it.

Zhu Zan turned his head and saw that the lights were still on in the next room, knowing that the girl who claimed to be her younger sister lived here, so he knocked on the door.

Hey, hey. He shouted, which also reminded the other party that he was a man.

There was no panic at the door, let alone any inquiries, and the door was swung open the next moment.

A man with a black face and two shining eyes appeared in front of him.

Ah. Zhu Zan blurted out in shock.

What? Zhao Hanqing asked.

Zhu Zan stared at her face, and after a momentary gaffe, he returned to normal. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with Zhao Hanqing's face. He pointed to Miss Jun's room.

That guy is drunk, you go and take care of it. He said.

Zhao Hanqing also looked at him.

I'm busy. She said, Aren't you all right? You go.

After all, he closed the door.

I go! Zhu Zan shouted again in his heart, who is this?

In the middle of the night, let him take care of a drunk woman by himself? Is this girl short-hearted?

No, it's not heartless, it's dishonest.

Why are the people who follow her so dishonest?

Zhu Zan stared at the door for a moment, and was about to walk away, but turned back bitterly.

Just pay off my father's debt. He muttered.


With bright light shining on her face, Miss Jun raised her hand to cover her eyes, and at the same time turned over, feeling dry mouth, she closed her eyes and subconsciously went to touch the bedside.

I couldn't touch the teacup, and some water dripped on my face.

It's cold, is it raining?

No, she would watch the sky in advance and be prepared for it when she was sleeping outdoors. She hadn't encountered such a thing as being caught in the rain since she was thirteen years old.

Miss Jun opened her eyes suddenly, and saw Zhu Zan in front of the bed looking down at her.

He was holding the teacup in one hand, and was dipping in it with the other hand. When he saw her look over, he flicked his fingers again.

Miss Jun raised her hand to block it, and the water dripped on the back of her hand.

What? she said, her voice hoarse with a hangover.

Then she remembered what had happened, felt a little embarrassed and reached out to press her forehead, then raised her head to look at Zhu Zan.

Just call the girls and servants. She thought for a while and said.

Zhu Zan smiled coldly.

It's better for you to hide like this. You still have the name of Mrs. Shizi, and you spit out some indecent words when you are drunk, which hurts our family. He said.

Miss Jun laughed.

Of course she understood Zhu Zan's concerns, not what he said, but seeing that she didn't let girls and servants accompany her daily, she thought it had some deep meaning.

In fact, it's just for the convenience of history. After all, these girls and servants will inevitably mutter when they see the history.

He actually cared about this small detail, and even watched it all night.

The smile in Miss Jun's eyes became gentle again.

Thank you, she said. What a nice boy.

One sentence is still normal, but the second sentence is immediately unserious, who is it called a child.

Zhu Zan snorted, and was about to say something when a soldier was poking his head outside the courtyard gate.

My lord, madam, let me tell you, Mrs. Cheng Guo has arrived. He said loudly.

***************************************************** ***************************


grateful? The last shot? Reward He Choi (*^__^*) hee hee...

It's Thursday, it's been a long week, everyone, please keep happy.

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