Jun Jiuling

Chapter 613 Remembering the past

Cheng Guogong had an idea about returning to Beijing, and said that he would discuss it in detail when Mrs. Yu arrived, so Miss Jun said nothing more.

Looking at Zhu Zan's heavy face, Miss Jun took the initiative to leave.

Returning to Beijing is very dangerous. The father and son have a lot to talk about and discuss.

When Miss Jun returned to her residence, Zhao Hanqing was sitting at the front of the table drinking medicine obediently from a bowl, when she saw her come back, she called out to sister.

Miss Jun sat down beside her and watched her drink the medicine.

During the period when Hejian was preventing the gold thief from killing the enemy in Bazhou, the treatment of the sores on Zhao Hanqing's face had not stopped.

The medicine was very bitter. After drinking it for so long, Zhao Hanqing was still not used to it. While drinking it, he had a bitter face and squeezed a piece of candied fruit to eat.

Take a sip, take a bitter sip, take a sweet sip, and repeat.

Miss Jun looked at her in a daze.

Cheng Guogong returned to Beijing.

In fact, she had hoped for it.

When she learned that her father had died unexpectedly, she was angry that no one in the world knew the truth, and hoped that someone would doubt her father's death.

When she broke into the palace alone to kill the emperor and was dying, she had hoped that someone would come to help her.


Zhao Hanqing's voice rang in his ears, and at the same time he waved a hand in front of his eyes.

Miss Jun came back to her senses.

Finish? she asked.

Zhao Hanqing nodded.

What are you thinking? she asked curiously.

I'm thinking about some past events. Miss Jun said with a smile.

Zhao Hanqing nodded his head.

That's why you look sad. She said, nodded, and didn't ask what happened in the past, Uncle Xia and Uncle Yang are like this when they think of the past.

Miss Jun wanted to laugh and felt sad, but these words reminded her.

I'm going to see Uncle Yang and the others. She said, Will you go with me?

Although the army was stationed outside the city, the Qingshan Army had been withdrawn from it. As Miss Jun's bodyguard, Ding accompanied him into Dingzhou City, and was arranged in the guard room of the government office.

When Ms. Jun and Zhao Hanqing came over, it was already dusk, and the huge one-story house was occupied by the people of the Qingshan Army. They were eating at this time. There were tables and chairs in the yard, big bowls of wine and meat, and the men and women gathered at four tables. table, talking, laughing, eating and drinking.

Miss Jun, Niuniu, come and sit down.

Seeing them coming, a group of people greeted them enthusiastically, adding stools, bowls, chopsticks, wine and vegetables.

These things don't need to be done by the people of the Qingshan Army, just a greeting, and several soldiers are busy.

Uncle Tie, the wine you want. Two soldiers brought up a jug of wine happily, There is more if it is not enough.

Ironfoot nodded.

Enough, he said, reaching out.

The two soldiers were busy avoiding and carrying them in.

Let's come, let's come, you don't have to do it, Uncle Tie, they said.

Tiejiao was not very good at refusing, so he watched the two soldiers put down the wine jar and thanked them.

Uncle Tie, you are too polite. The two said happily while touching their heads.

Tiejiao also touched his head and watched the two soldiers leave happily.

These soldiers are very polite to us. Xia Yong said to Miss Jun, It's all thanks to Miss Jun.

It's more than polite, it's simply respectful. Every soldier is proud to speak and deal with these people in the Qingshan Army.

Miss Jun looked at the soldiers who left happily after delivering the food and drinks. These soldiers were the Dingzhou garrison. They did not fight with these villagers like the Shun'an Army, but they were still full of respect.

It's not because I'm the wife of Duke Cheng. She said, looking at everyone present.

There were forty-five people when they came out of Zhangqing Mountain, and now there are thirty-two people present.

Thirteen people died in the battle, and there were no serious injuries. The Qingshan Army only died in battle.

You earned it yourself. Miss Jun said, The Qingshan Army's bravery and prestige are well known and admired by everyone.

Hearing what she said, Yang Jing and Xia Yong laughed, and the rest of the villagers were as shy as before when they were praised.

One person can't make an army. Xia Yong said, This is also due to Miss Jun.

Miss Jun smiled.

Come. She didn't repeat the politeness, and picked up the wine bowl, Let's have a drink.

After that, I turned back.

History is not allowed to drink.

Zhao Hanqing, who was secretly raising the wine bowl, had to put it down reluctantly.

Seeing Shi Qing's expression, all the men and women present laughed, and several women even put their arms around Shi Qing's shoulders.

Niuniu, don't worry, you can drink it when you recover from illness. They laughed.

Zhao Hanqing had already taken off his face cloth because he was going to eat and drink, and nodded without any dodging or fear.

All the people here drank the wine in one gulp, and after three bowls of wine, everyone let go of eating and drinking.

Yang Jing and Xia Yong invited Miss Jun into the house.

What's the matter, Miss Jun? Xia Yong asked proactively.

Miss Jun told about Duke Cheng's going to Beijing.

When he left Zhangqing Mountain, he was escorting Mrs. Yu to Hejian Bazhou to protect the people. Of course, what he did later has exceeded expectations.

Now that the people have finished escorting them, and Duke Cheng has returned safely, what should we do next? Is this to ask for their opinions? Yang Jing and Xia Yong looked at each other.

We will do whatever Miss Jun needs us to do. Yang Jing said, We will listen to you.

Yes, it's okay to escort Cheng Guogong to Beijing. If you don't need it, let's go home. Xia Yong said.

Miss Jun nodded with a smile.

There's no rush. We'll discuss another deal when Mrs. Yu comes to collect the money, she said.

Yang Jingxia laughed bravely.

I want to ask about your past. Miss Jun said suddenly.

Yang Jingxia was stunned.

I don't ask about my master's past. Miss Jun looked at them, I know that without Aunt Xiao, you dare not and don't want to admit that you know him.

She sighed softly, and stretched out her hand to press her forehead. It seemed that she hadn't drunk so much wine for a long time, and her face gradually became more drunk.

I'm asking you. She continued, What exactly is the Qingshan Army?


Green Mountain Army...

At this time, in a courtyard in the capital, Uncle Qing He, who was wearing a homely round collar robe, was also talking with his beard.

I seem to have heard of it.

The men sitting in front of him looked surprised.

Uncle knows? they said, with a bit of joy, Sure enough, Mr. Uncle is well-informed. Mr. Huang should have asked you earlier.

Qing Hebo smiled.

It's just that I have lived longer. He said, frowning slightly, It seems to be about twenty years ago. I vaguely heard someone mention this name in the Northland.

At that time, it was the most beautiful time for Qinghebo.

Qing Hebo's expression was somewhat reminiscent.

But these men in front of them have no common memory, nor are they interested in reminiscing.

Then they are really officers and soldiers? They couldn't help asking.

Uncle Qing He frowned for a moment.

What officers and soldiers. He snorted and said, Rebels.


Everyone knows this word.

After many years of melee wars between Daqi, Dajin and Dazhou, the Northland was in chaos at that time, bandits were everywhere, and many gentry and rich families also kept servants. It has also formed a lot of powerful soldiers and horses that cannot be underestimated.

The officers and soldiers of the Great Zhou needed their help in the battle against the Jin people, so many of these teams were jointly recruited and called the Rebel Army.

It turns out that the Qingshan Army is...

Uncle Qing He waved his hand again.

No, no, they are not rebels. To put it bluntly, they are bandits. He continued, raising his eyebrows, These bandits can't be completely trusted, and they can't take it seriously. There is no news.

Shake your head.

A group of mobs probably ran back to be bandits again.


The Qingshan army is not a bandit.

Yang Jing was silent for a moment, looked up at Miss Jun and said.

The Qingshan Army is officers and soldiers.


Thanks to book friends 160922090903320, Bingyi from the south, and Choi, thank you.

thank you all.

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