Jun Jiuling

Chapter 605

The court naturally knew about Cheng Guogong's army entering Yizhou.

Huang Cheng would never hide this disobedience of the sacred order for Duke Cheng, so he reported it to the emperor emphatically, and the Jin envoy who negotiated the peace also made a big fuss.

At first there was no news of Cheng Guogong, and then there was news that the entire army was wiped out after being killed in battle.

The whole country was in an uproar.

Although Cheng Guogong has not been to Beijing for many years, the people are not unfamiliar with him. After all, he first expelled the gold thieves and relieved the danger of the people in the Northland, and then stationed at the border to save everyone from the gold thieves.

Although I have been used to peace and stability in the past ten years, sometimes I feel that Cheng Guogong seems to have been forgotten, but when they heard that Cheng Guogong died in the battle, everyone panicked.

What about the border?

No more wars after negotiation.

No war? How can the golden man be trusted.

Twenty years ago, they also negotiated a peace. Thirty years ago, they were still the vassals of Daqi. As a result, Daqi was destroyed, the Northland was swept away, and the emperor of Zhou Kingdom was taken away.

How can the words of these barbarians be trusted.

What's more, the three counties were ceded, and the Jin people were closer to the inland. In the past, it was difficult to cross the big rivers and wide borders, but now they are almost close to each other, and they can come in with a step.

The sorrow for Cheng Guogong's death and the fear of the future made everyone who heard the news cry.

The adults cried, and the children cried too. For a moment, the whole world felt the same grief.

This scene surprised the court very much.

Unexpectedly, the news of Cheng Guogong's death in battle would cause such a big shock.

There are even some rumors that Duke Cheng was killed by the court, because he wanted to negotiate a peace, and in order to please the Jinren, Duke Cheng was sent to die on purpose.

Of course, there were different opinions soon, saying that Duke Cheng was overjoyed and disobeyed his orders, which resulted in the death of elite soldiers and horses. Some even said that Duke Cheng was not dead, but surrendered to the enemy.

This statement quickly swept across the entire capital, and the uproar overwhelmed the previous rumors.

Your Majesty asked to retreat again, only Cheng Guogong did not retreat, why?

The spring is bright and beautiful in March, a skinny man in a tea shop near the river said with foam.

The circle of people around them, either sitting or standing, had complex expressions.

Duke Cheng's heart is in the north... A man replied.

Before he finished answering, he was poohed by the skinny man.

What? It's for himself. After withdrawing the troops and negotiating a peace, how can he show his prestige in the Northland when he becomes a Duke? Cheng Guogong, he is not willing to negotiate a peace, otherwise why would he have any reason to show off his power in the Northland?

It seems to be the same reason, and low voices of discussion sounded all around.

Chen Qi looked at the river, reached out and hugged his arms.

It's so cold, he said.

Shopkeeper Liu on the opposite side also had a complicated expression.

Yeah, it's so cold. He said, It's already March in Yangchun, why does it still make people feel chilly?

Seeing that the people around him listened, the man on the side stood on the bench with a triumphant expression.

So, Cheng Guogong must have gone to Yizhou on purpose to destroy the peace agreement... he said loudly.

But as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he heard someone shouting from outside, and then something hit him.

The man only felt a bad smell hitting his face, almost retching, and then severe pain.

He yelled and stepped back. He was about to lean against a table, but suddenly he tripped over something and fell over.

People around were in an uproar.

What's the matter? What's the matter? Chen Qi jumped up to help the man.

The man got up and kicked away the dirty shoes that hit his face.

Thank you, brother. He said gratefully, then looked out angrily, Who?

The people around also looked out, and saw four or five beggars in ragged clothes, the leader of which was a skinny beggar with only one shoe left on his foot.


Beggars don't beg for food now, are they going to rob?

The beggar, who was cowering and begging for food in the capital, now looked angry, even fierce.

What are you doing? The man walked over angrily.

You, why did you call Cheng Guogong! The leading beggar shouted.

The tone is blunt and astringent, with an obvious northern accent.

The man snorted.

Duke Cheng has harmed the country and the people... he said.

This time, before the words were finished again, the beggars all shouted.

Don't be disrespectful to Duke Cheng.

Not only shouted, but this time the person rushed up and hit the man head-on.

The man was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground.

Shouts and shouts, the teahouse suddenly became chaotic.

Don't hit people, don't hit people, just speak up if you have something to say. Chen Qi yelled and jumped left and right in the arena, as if he wanted to fight, but he inadvertently pushed away those who wanted to stop him.

After all, this is the capital city, and coupled with the unstable situation in the north, the soldiers and horses of the five cities stepped up their patrols, and rushed over quickly to restrain the two sides.

The man was beaten into an extremely embarrassing situation by several beggars, and his face was scratched a few times. While wiping his nosebleeds, he complained angrily to arrest him.

When beggars beat people, of course the beggars must be caught, and the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi will step forward.

Why beat people? Beggars beat people at will. Chen Qi shouted from the side, If you don't make it clear, beggars all over the city will be driven out.

That's right, explain clearly why you hit someone. A voice echoed behind him.

That's true, there are more and more beggars and refugees in the capital, and if there is trouble, everyone will be affected.

Then more voices sounded.

The shout made the soldiers stop their movements, while the beggars spoke with a bit of grievance and anger.

Because he scolded Duke Cheng. A man said, his eyes were red, and his anger was still lingering. If it weren't for Duke Cheng, we wouldn't even be able to be beggars in the capital, and we would have starved to death in the north. You But you are talking nonsense when you say that the country is a disaster for the country and the people.

It turned out to be because of this?

The people present were stunned for a moment, these beggars, because some people said bad things about the Duke, became violent and hurt others.

Is this stupid or does he respect Cheng Guogong in his bones?

You're just talking nonsense. What's wrong with me, Cheng Guo's public relations officer? The man jumped angrily.

Of course it's none of our business.

The beggars shouted together, looking sad and angry.

You're not from the Northland, so why do you say it's not good to be a Duke?

We are from the Northland, who of you know what kind of life we ​​live?

If Cheng Guogong hadn't protected us, we would have died under the sword of the golden soldiers. He stopped the gold thieves to protect the people, but you said that he was greedy for power. Look how easy it is.

Now Duke Cheng is willing to put himself in danger in order to stop the Jin Bing, Mrs. Cheng and his son are serving porridge along the way in the Northland, don't allow us to be shut out, saying that he is showing off his prestige, why don't you show off his prestige? Go and try it out and see how easy it is.

In order to allow the people of the three counties to evacuate safely, Duke Cheng sent his son and his wife to help with soldiers and horses. You say he likes to fight, can he do it if he doesn't fight? If we don't fight, we will die.

As the beggars spoke, several women burst into tears.

You guys are living a good life, and it's easy. It's too bullying to slander people like this. An old beggar said with sobs and grief.

These beggars are all fugitives from the Northland. What they said about the Northland and Cheng Guogong's affairs is indeed convincing.

These words made the surroundings fall into a moment of silence.

Yes, Cheng Guogong has done so many things, and it is a bit of a bully to be speculated like this.

Seeing the situation was wrong, the man was a little ashamed.

Don't listen to their nonsense, he said, looking at the soldiers. Catch them quickly.

Several soldiers looked at him coldly.

You are not allowed to make trouble in the street. The leader said, If you commit another crime, you will be put in prison.

Talking and looking at those beggars.

Get out of here.

The beggars froze for a moment. Although they were impulsively righteous for a moment, they were still afraid. They didn't expect that the officers and soldiers would not arrest them, so they hurriedly helped the old and the young to leave.

The man was stunned.

what does it mean? Who does this warn? How to let people go.

Hey you... He hurriedly yelled to catch up, but someone rushed towards him from behind.

The man was caught off guard and fell forward, his legs resting on the corner of the table. He screamed in pain and didn't bother to speak and question.

Excuse me, excuse me. Chen Qi shouted and hurried out, It's going to be too late.

Shopkeeper Liu held back a smile and followed.

The soldiers looked at the people in the tea shop with cold faces.

If there is nothing to do, we will all disperse. The leader said, It is not allowed to spread rumors and confuse people's hearts.

This is a serious crime. The people in the tea shop were startled, and they all scattered.

In a blink of an eye, only the man was left holding his feet in the tea shop, with a nosebleed and one eye swollen, cursing angrily and embarrassingly.

Facing the cursing of the man behind him, Chen Qi and shopkeeper Liu looked back and smiled at each other.

They looked at the few beggars who were slowly walking away on the street, and sighed softly at the same time.

After all, it's spring, and it won't always be so cold. Shopkeeper Liu said.

What Cheng Guogong did, people in the capital can't see it, but people in the north can see it. Chen Qi said, There is justice in the world.

As soon as his words fell, horseshoes slammed and there was a commotion in the street.

But everyone is familiar with it, there are many urgent messages in the capital during this period.

Chen Qi and shopkeeper Liu avoided the side of the road, looked back, and saw a soldier galloping towards them.

But unlike before, this soldier held up the silk flag that was originally placed behind him at this time.

Urgent report. He shouted loudly, his voice excited, Mr. Cheng Yizhou returned with his army.

Cheng Guogong!

The shout made the street quiet for a while, and then there was a loud crash.

Cheng Guogong! Cheng Guogong is not dead!

Chen Qi held his hands with a surprised expression.

I just said it casually, God is really fair. He said.


Thank you for an inch of agarwood,? The last shot? , Bingyi from the South, MAX Stone, Jing Sanshao donated He Choi (*^__^*)

The double is over, thank you all, thank you, bows.

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