Jun Jiuling

Chapter 52

Ning Yunyan, who is located in Beiliu, really wants to see the lanterns in Yangcheng.

But she couldn't go, which made her very angry.

The lanterns in our town are also beautiful. It's so far away and so cold, why bother to go to Yangcheng. Madam Ning said kindly, stroking her daughter's head.

Ning Yunyan turned around.

I just can't swallow it, she said.

Everyone in Beiliuning's family has declined the invitation of relatives and friends this year and will not go to Yangcheng to see the lanterns, and the news that the Fang family will hold a big lantern festival and promise a thousand taels of silver to choose the leader of the lantern has already spread.

Mrs. Ning smiled.

Why compete with grass and insects for ages. She said, with a smile on her face, but there was a bit of chill in her eyes, Your brother is right, let's avoid it for now, let everyone see their frivolity, as for letting them learn a lesson, it is not here For a while, the days to come will be longer.

Hearing that it was her brother's intention, Ning Yunyan's expression softened a lot. The days will be long, and her brother will definitely vent his anger on her. She nodded obediently.

What about brother? Will you go to town with us to watch the lights? She asked again.

Madam Ning shook her head.

Your brother went out to visit Mr. Enlightenment with some classmates, and he couldn't make it back that day, she said.

Chinese New Year is a time when relatives and friends in the family move around more, especially when the second uncle's family also returns. There must be many relatives and friends in the family this year, but my brother avoids going out at this time.

That's right, that sentence is not only spread in Yangcheng, but now Beiliu also knows it, and those relatives and friends must know it too.

Ning Yunyan lowered her head and grabbed the handkerchief tightly.

Jun Zhenzhen, the days will be long, just wait and see.


The Lantern Festival is here in the blink of an eye.

The three young ladies of the Fang family all put on new clothes, and Fang Chengyu, who was also wearing new clothes and wrapped in a thick cloak, walked out.

Mrs. Fang was still worried, and put the stove in Fang Chengyu's arms.

Mother, there is already one. There is a foot stove under your feet, and there is a heater in the car. Fang Jinxiu said.

It's cold at night. Mrs. Fang touched Fang Chengyu's hand again and again, and felt relieved when it felt warm.

Chengyu is different from everyone else, his meridians are depleted and his blood vessels are not smooth, and he is more afraid of the cold than others.

Of course this was not said.

Fang Chengyu smiled and let his mother check.

You don't have to go too far, it's on the street in front of our door. Mrs. Fang said.

In the past, the lanterns undertaken by the Fang family occupied the most prominent place in Yangcheng, Huoshen Temple Street, but this year, for Fang Chengyu to watch the lanterns, the Fang family booked an extra street, which is the one in front of their door, and it is more expensive than the one on Huoshen Temple Street. The side is more lively.

There is only one car in front of the second gate. Girls need to take a car to watch the lanterns and go to the Huoshen Temple. This year, they only need to take a car in front of the gate.

This car is only for Fang Chengyu to use.

Several servants carried Fang Chengyu into the car, and Mrs. Fang sat on it in person to accompany her.

Okay. Mrs. Fang glanced.

The three granddaughters stood beside her, followed by the two concubines of the Yuan family and the Su family, and Jun Zhenzhen and her girl stood a little farther away.

At a glance, the red, green and green jewelry hairpins are shining brightly, but there is no man.

Open the door, let's go watch the lanterns. Mrs. Fang looked away and raised her feet.

Lin Li's servants responded immediately, and a few servants rushed over and pushed the door open.

The bright lights from outside the door flooded in, and at the same time, there was a lot of noise.

Come out, come out.

The door was already crowded with people. As the door of Fang's house opened, everyone looked around immediately, which attracted a huge crowd.

The young master of the Fang family hasn't been out of the house for almost ten years. To the people of Yangcheng, he is just a person who lives in gossip.

If you're rich, so what? The paralyzed Fang family is rich, so he's going to die at a young age.

Today the paralyzed man was going out to enjoy the lanterns, and many people rushed to see the true face of the paralyzed man.

The people of the Fang family had already thought of such a scene. Although the scene was somewhat ironic, the old lady Fang was still in good shape and calm.

Oh, it's really embarrassing. Liu'er pouted and said, Miss, let's move back.

Miss Jun smiled and did not speak or move, her eyes swept across the crowd.

The door was not blocked by the crowd, the servants of the Fang family blocked the crowd on both sides. Apart from the servants, there were also a group of men and women in gorgeous clothes waiting.

These are the shopkeepers of the bank, Miss Jun asked in a low voice.

Where did Liu Er care about this, but she is a conscientious girl, so she immediately turned to ask other girls and servants.

Yes. The girls and servants replied.

Miss Jun's eyes fell on an old man who had already stood in front of old lady Fang and saluted respectfully. The other shopkeepers stood behind him, obviously respecting him.

That's Master Song. The girl said, It's the old man left by the old man.

Shopkeeper Song was about the same age as Mrs. Fang. Miss Jun saw Mrs. Fang smiling kindly at the shopkeeper, and at the same time reached out to hold an older woman who was following Shopkeeper Song.

It seems that the relationship is very close.

Miss Jun looked away and looked at the street.

There are more and more people on the street.

Will you walk or not, look at the lights or talk. Liu'er said loudly.

It's a pity that there was a lot of noise, and there were firecrackers and fireworks in the distance, which drowned out her voice. Fortunately, Mrs. Fang didn't have anyone to greet these people anymore, and walked into the street facing everyone's eyes.

The three sisters followed closely behind Mrs. Fang. Of course they knew what these people were watching, but they were nervous but not timid when facing the eyes of everyone.

Second Sister, the lamp I made is in front. Fang Jinxiu said with a smile, pointing, and turned to look at the car behind.

She wanted to call little brother, but in the end she swallowed the words.

She didn't shout, but the people watching couldn't help shouting.

Master Fang.

Master Fang.

The Fang family's carriage is very luxurious, and the exquisite curtains block the people in the carriage. Everyone is not here to come and see the carriage.

How do you look at the lights?

Raise the curtain.

Master Fang, look at the lamp I made.

All kinds of sincere and false shouting words kept coming.

Sitting in the car, Mrs. Fang suddenly thought of the story of a beautiful man being watched to death. Compared with Wei Jie and Fang Chengyu, his body was weaker, and these people did not want to appreciate beauty.

Go faster. Mrs. Fang couldn't help urging.

Fang Chengyu stretched out his hand to lift the car curtain.

This movement was so sudden that Mrs. Fang lost her voice, and seeing the shaking of the car curtain outside was even more noisy.

Chengyu. Mrs. Fang stretched out her hand to hold down the curtain of the car, with an expression of indignation.

She really couldn't bear her son being watched as a plaything.

Fang Chengyu didn't let go of the car curtain.

Mother, I have done nothing wrong, he said, I am not ashamed.

Yes, he is not wrong, why can't he see people, why is he afraid of seeing people, why can't he appear in front of people openly.

Mrs. Fang looked at him for a moment, and then opened the curtain on the other side.

Okay, Chengyu, look at the lamp. She said softly.

Fang Chengyu smiled at his mother.

At this time, they had reached the lantern place on the first floor of the street. This is a lantern building, with ninety-nine crystal clear glazed lanterns hanging on both sides, which are radiant with the rotation of the axis.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the car at this moment. The curtains on the car were pulled open, revealing a young man wrapped in a black cloak. Down, it became shiny again.

The people around only felt that all the light was concentrated on the young man's face, and they were stunned for a moment.

Not only is this paralyzed man not as dispirited and ugly as everyone imagined, but he is such a beautiful woman.

But such a beautiful person will die this year.

what a shame.

Everyone said in their hearts at the same time.

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