Jun Jiuling

Chapter 391 Dare to ask the heart before the Buddha

Of course they still remember this sentence.

When I heard this for the first time, I felt ridiculous and annoying.

But later they didn't care about it anymore. Not only did they not care about it, but they expected her to say this.

For example, when you are invited to help treat acne, for example, when you are asked by your family members if your condition does not improve.

In the end she didn't say anything.

She is humble, polite and honest.

This made everyone accept that her arrogant words were just childish and ignorant.

Unexpectedly, just when everyone was about to forget this sentence, she said it again.

The doctors looked at the girl with complicated expressions and mixed feelings.

Old Doctor Feng smiled wryly.

Miss Jun, if you say that, you're arguing with the children. He said, You say you can, and he says you can't. After all, it doesn't prove anything.

Miss Jun smiled.

How can this be a war of words? she said, My medical skills are better than yours. Isn't it already proven that I can cure diseases that you can't cure?

here we go again…

The doctors present were a little speechless.

This arrogant nature reappeared when it was not the time to ask them for help.

But you used to be arrogant, but how can you be so arrogant now?

You are skilled in medicine. You can cure diseases that we can't cure, so why can't you cure this acne. A doctor was also angry and said bluntly.

As the saying goes, when people respect me, I respect others. At first, Miss Jun behaved impolitely in the eyes of these doctors, so they naturally treated her also.

Later, when they encountered an incurable disease, Miss Jun didn't ridicule and even pointed out skills, so they were naturally grateful and respectful.

Then she sincerely and humbly invited them to help, and they sincerely accepted.

Now that she showed such an arrogant attitude again, these doctors couldn't help being rude.

Some diseases can be cured and some diseases can't be cured. When I say it can cure diseases that you can't cure, I'm just talking about diseases that can be cured instinctively but cannot be cured by your inexperienced skills. Miss Jun said.

Whether this series of cures or not makes the doctors a little dizzy.

But there was one thing they understood.

That means you are right in whatever you say. Several doctors said angrily.

Because I'm right. Miss Jun said.

The atmosphere in the hall became stagnant, it was unknown how long it was at night, and the candlelight in the hall became more and more white.

Miss Jun, are you sure you want to do this? Old Doctor Feng's voice suddenly sounded.

After the initial questioning caused the doctors to chatter, he stopped talking and has been silent until now.

Hearing his words, the other doctors all looked over.

Miss Jun, there is something that you may not know. A doctor interrupted suddenly, The reason why we came here is because you invited us, and because old doctor Feng invited us.

Old Doctor Feng hurriedly stopped him.

It's nothing, why are you talking about it. He said.

But the other doctors also spoke up.

Yes, old doctor Feng came to look for me in the middle of the night.

Old Doctor Feng has been talking to me for a long time.

Miss Jun looked at them with a look of surprise in their eyes. These doctors didn't know that she invited them. It seemed that she was asking them for help. In fact, besides helping, what was more important was to give them a great opportunity.

So for everyone's tragic sacrifice and trust, she is very grateful and will give back, but she didn't ask them what to do.

It turns out there is this reason.

Miss Jun watched as old doctor Feng bowed his knees and saluted deeply.

No, no, no. Old Doctor Feng waved his hand, This is my own decision, and it's not for you. It's my own old bones who once had a teenage madness, thinking that if the acne can be cured, it will be worthwhile to leave a name in history in this life. gone.

He blushed again at this point.

Yeah, actually, that's my selfishness. It's a bit hypocritical to help the world and save the people.

The doctors couldn't help laughing.

What's wrong with that, I thought so too.

That's right, it's my duty to help the world and save lives, and it's only natural for me to want to leave a name, there is no contradiction.

Everyone said one after another.

Perhaps speaking of the beginning, everyone's emotions have eased, and their mood has become a little quieter.

Miss Jun. The doctor who interrupted said again, I don't mean to show merit for Old Doctor Feng by saying this. I just want to tell you that we will obey Old Doctor Feng's decision.

As soon as these words came out, the other doctors came back to their senses, thinking of what Old Doctor Feng asked after a moment of silence.

Miss Jun, are you sure you want to do this?

This clearly meant the last persuasion, if he couldn't persuade him, he would quit.

Although it is not humane to give up and leave at this time, but what can be done, this girl is determined to go her own way, they are really disappointed.

Although the doctors didn't speak, they all nodded, expressing their approval of the decision.

Miss Jun looked at old doctor Feng.

Old Doctor Feng also looked at her.

Miss Jun, are you sure you want to do this? He asked solemnly again.

Miss Jun smiled.

Of course, I'm here to do this, she said.

Are you so sure you can do it? Old Doctor Feng said, You said you never verified it.

Miss Jun glanced at the brass pipes on the table.

Yep, never verified.

How can you be sure that it can be done and that nothing will happen?

Me, who am I? I am such a powerful person, so what I say will naturally be what I say.

The man raised his eyebrows and said.

Miss Jun smiled.

Of course I'm sure. She said, looking at Old Doctor Feng.

Why? Old Doctor Feng asked.

When old doctor Feng asked this sentence, the other doctors almost subconsciously came up with an answer.

Because of my superb medical skills, because Jiulingtang specializes in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and the rejuvenating medicine can cure the disease.

Their thoughts flashed, and the girl's soft and crisp voice sounded in their ears.

Because of my superb medical skills, because Jiulingtang specializes in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and the rejuvenating medicine can cure the disease.

Just look and you will know.

The doctors smiled helplessly.

But someone actually laughed out loud, and there was a round of high-fives.



Really good or fake good?

The doctors looked over in a daze, and the person who saw the person who laughed and clapped his hands turned out to be Old Doctor Feng.

Is this irony?

Old Doctor Feng's expression swept away the previous solemnity, replaced by excitement.

Miss Jun, it's finally time for you to say this. He said, I knew you would say this, and I knew that this time the matter would not be let alone.

What's the meaning?

The doctors were stunned, but Miss Jun understood what old doctor Feng meant, and the smile on her face grew wider.

Yes, this time the matter is not only not finished, but just started. She said.

The doctors finally understood and stopped looking at Miss Jun. They were numb after hearing her go crazy all night, but why did Old Doctor Feng go crazy too?

Old Feng, do you believe this kind of thing? A doctor said with a sigh.

Of course I believe it. Old Doctor Feng said excitedly, Why don't I believe it? Miss Jun's words were not believable that time?

The doctors were taken aback and looked at Old Doctor Feng.

She said that she has superb medical skills and can cure diseases that we can't. Hasn't it been verified? Is it true or false? Old Doctor Feng asked.

It has indeed been verified in the past six months.


But acne, right? But Miss Jun didn't say she could cure it before I came here, so it's been verified now. She didn't tell lies. Old Doctor Feng said with a spread of hands.

It really is.

The other doctors were amused.

Let's treat her as humble. Now it seems that she has already prepared to fill in all the holes. Anyway, she is right anyway.

It won't work.

This is unbelievable.

This has never happened before...

There was a lot of discussion in the Buddhist temple.

Old doctor Feng wanted to speak, but Miss Jun held his arm. Old doctor Feng turned around and looked at Miss Jun shaking his head at him.

I come.

said her look.

Old doctor Feng smiled and said nothing more. He took a step back and watched Miss Jun's hand knock on the table again.

It's unbelievable, it's never happened before, but so what. Miss Jun said, Everything starts from scratch. I don't know what the first person who used arsenic as medicine thought, but the people around What do you think of him?

The doctors gradually stopped talking.

Miss Jun, this acne is different from arsenic. Arsenic is for people who are sick, but your acne should be on people who are not sick. A doctor sighed, How dare you be so sure?

Miss Jun stroked the corner of the table and walked slowly a few steps before standing in front of the Buddha statue.

Because I have a clear conscience. She said, raising her hand slowly, Although everything I have done has not been verified, I dare to swear to the gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth. Whether Ling is saving people or killing people, even if people don't know, God knows, God knows.

The Buddha Hall is brightly lit, and the girl is standing right in front of the Buddha statue, with the compassionate Buddha behind him looking down and smiling, and the water and land paintings on both sides are lingering and lifelike.

The doctors felt numb all over after watching the scene.

Chen Qi, who was standing outside, almost lost his soul.

No wonder Miss Jun insisted on discussing her illness in this Buddhist temple, it was because of this moment.


grateful? The last shot? , Bingyi from the south rewards spirit beast eggs.

Thanks to fleeting years like water..., md12 for rewarding He Shibi.

Say a few words of nonsense, and talk too much.

That is to say, this plot, this plot is embarrassing for readers, this is a problem of plot design.

This plot can be written very tragically. The promotion of a new thing, like a revolution, must be questioned, verified, dead, bloodshed and trapped, and then break out of the cocoon to be beautiful.

But this time I am determined not to be tragic, but to be happy, and to have everything under control for the heroine.

This explanation is also dry and forced. The reason why I have to make this explanation is that I am shameless and straightforward. I just want to ask you not to dislike me, I want you to still love me, and I want a monthly pass.

So, there are so many words, but this is the meaning, I want your love, I want your votes, I want recognition and encouragement, and pressure.

If the writing is not good, I will change it, and I will work hard.

Have a great weekend and thank you all.

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